CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub/ja

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CH-J3 フライバイワイヤ アビオニクス中央集線装置
Stability Augmentation System によって
C7 Aerospace Division
コスト (合計) 5 200.00 Funds
質量 (合計) 0.080 t
空気抵抗 0.2
耐熱温度 2400 K
耐衝撃性 9 m/秒
開発技術 Tech tree large control.png スペシャル フライトコントロール
開発導入費 10 500 Funds
バージョンから 0.15
Part configuration avionicsNoseCone.cfg
SASレベル 3

The Sensor Array Computing Nose Cone is an atmospheric sensor which can provide a lot of scientific data. In career mode, it is available with Advanced Science Tech, at level 8 of the technology tree.


By clicking a button in the context-menu this sensor collects lots of data. For science.




Prior to バージョン 0.22 it used to be a toggleable module that provided SAS functionality. This kept planes from spinning out of control. Due to changes in the functionality of SAS, which is now built into command modules, its function as an SAS module became superfluous resulting in a redefinition as a sensor.


  • Re-functioning to an atmospheric sensor
  • (リリースノートに記載なし)質量を0.8から0.08へ変更
  • 実装。