KAL-1000 Controller

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KAL-1000 Controller
Part image
Robotic controller by
Moving Parts Experts Group

Radial size Radial mounted
Cost (total) 1 000.00 Funds
Mass (total) 0.010 t [1]
Drag 0.2 [1]
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 8 m/s
Research Advanced electrics.png Advanced Electrics
Unlock cost 8 000 Funds
Since version 1.7.1
Part configuration KAL1000.cfg
Electricity required 0.1 ⚡/s
Packed volume 20 l
Stacking capacity 2 units

  1. 1.0 1.1 The mass and drag are from the part config, but the game handles it as physicsless.


The KAL-1000 Controller is the first micro-controller part added to the game. It allows physical actions by parts to be automated.

When added to an assembly, new action groups appear, one per controller. When the action group is selected, part actions can be added to the group actions field, like usual, but a new option "Open Track Editor" is available. When an appropriate action is added (indicated by the heading in the Selection field, "Axis Fields"), the Track Editor will display a graph control panel defined by a time x-axis and a min/max y-axis with a spline indicating the status of the part. By using the interface to add discrete adjustable points, the spline can be manipulated to create a motion/magnitude frequency for the part.

An example: the SC-9001 Science Jr. has one “Axis Field,” one that controls its doors. Once added to the KAL-1000 Controller action group, the Track Editor will create a graph controlling the state of the SC-9001 Science Jr. doors. By setting an amount of time (maximum 100 seconds) and dropping 3 points onto the spline in the Track Editor interface, the SC-9001 Science Jr. can be set to open its doors halfway, then close them, then open the doors all the way, then close them at chosen time intervals. When launched and the KAL-1000 Controller activated, the SC-9001 Science Jr.’s doors will follow this pattern over and over, until the controller is deactivated.

Controller Priority

Controller priority does nothing if you only have one controller. Otherwise, they obey these undocumented rules:

  • Paused controllers are ignored. An active low-priority controller will "win" over a paused high-priority controller.
  • If two or more active controllers are controlling the same part, the highest-priority controller wins outright. Other controllers are ignored.
  • If two active controllers have the same priority controlling the same part, their output is averaged.

It is important to not let your controllers become paused if you wish priority or averaging to occur.

Product description

A first of its kind, this intelligent programmable controller can manage a number of parts across a vessel.

Its not an entirely autonomous entity... yet...

Moving Parts Experts Group


  • Initial Release