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Vessel Class

Inherits Implements
  • IShipconstruct
  • ITargetable
  • IDiscoverable

Class attributes: [DefaultMember("Item")]


The following are public properties available in Glyph/sandbox.

Signature Description
ActionGroupList ActionGroups { get; }
VesselAutopilot Autopilot { get; }
Vector3 CurrentCoM { get; }
DiscoveryInfo DiscoveryInfo { get; }
float distanceLandedPackThreshold { get; set; } Has attribute [Obsolete("Use Vessel.vesselRanges instead")]
float distanceLandedUnpackThreshold { get; set; } Has attribute [Obsolete("Use Vessel.vesselRanges instead")]
float distancePackThreshold { get; set; } Has attribute [Obsolete("Use Vessel.vesselRanges instead")]
float distanceUnpackThreshold { get; set; } Has attribute [Obsolete("Use Vessel.vesselRanges instead")]
bool HoldPhysics { get; }
bool isActiveVessel { get; }
bool isCommandable { get; }
bool IsControllable { get; }
bool isEVA { get; }
bool isPersistent { get; set; }
bool IsRecoverable { get; }
bool LandedOrSplashed { get; }
CelestialBody mainBody { get; }
Orbit orbit { get; }
List〈Part〉 Parts { get; }
bool PatchedConicsAttached { get; }
Transform ReferenceTransform { get; }
VesselValues VesselValues { get; }
static float loadDistance { get; set; } Has attribute [Obsolete("Use Vessel.vesselRanges instead")]
static float unloadDistance { get; set; } Has attribute [Obsolete("Use Vessel.vesselRanges instead")]


The following is a list of publically-accessible fields in Glyph/sandbox. This includes protected items, which can be accessed by subclasses.

Signature Description
Vector3d acceleration
double altitude
Vector3 angularMomentum
Vector3 angularVelocity
double atmDensity
double atmosphericTemperature
Vector3d CentrifugalAcc
Vector3 CoM
double convectiveCoefficient
double convectiveMachFlux
Vector3d CoriolisAcc
FlightCtrlState ctrlState
int currentStage
bool directSunlight
double distanceToSun
double dynamicPressurekPa
KerbalEVA evaController
double externalTemperature
ConfigNode flightPlanNode
double geeForce
double geeForce_immediate
Vector3d gForce
bool handlePhysicsStats
float heightFromSurface
float heightFromTerrain
double horizontalSrfSpeed
Guid id
double indicatedAirSpeed
bool Landed
string landedAt
double latitude
double launchTime
bool loaded
Vector3 localCoM
double longitude
double mach
double missionTime
Vector3 MOI
double obt_speed
Vector3d obt_velocity
FlightInputCallback OnAutopilotUpdate
FlightInputCallback OnFlyByWire
Callback OnJustAboutToBeDestroyed
FlightInputCallback OnPostAutopilotUpdate
FlightInputCallback OnPreAutopilotUpdate
OrbitDriver orbitDriver
OrbitRenderer orbitRenderer
OrbitTargeter orbitTargeter
bool packed
List〈Part〉 parts
PatchedConicRenderer patchedConicRenderer
PatchedConicSolver patchedConicSolver
Vector3d perturbation
double pqsAltitude
ProtoVessel protoVessel
Vector3 rb_velocity
uint referenceTransformId
Part rootPart
Situations situation
double solarFlux
double specificAcceleration
double speed
double speedOfSound
bool Splashed
Vector3d srf_velocity
Quaternion srfRelRotation
double srfSpeed
State state
double staticPressurekPa
ITargetable targetObject
double terrainAltitude
Vector3 terrainNormal
Vector3d upAxis
double verticalSpeed
string vesselName
VesselRanges vesselRanges
Transform vesselTransform
VesselType vesselType


The following are methods included in Glyph/sandbox.

Signature Description
void AttachPatchedConicsSolver()
ProtoVessel BackupVessel()
void CalculatePhysicsStats()
void ChangeWorldVelocity(Vector3d velOffset)
bool checkLanded()
bool checkSplashed()
bool checkVisibility()
void ClearStaging()
bool ContainsCollider(Collider c)
void DespawnCrew()
void DestroyVesselComponents()
void DetachPatchedConicsSolver()
void Die()
void FallBackReferenceTransform()
void FeedInputFeed()
VesselType FindDefaultVesselType()
Vector3 findLocalCenterOfMass()
Vector3 findLocalCenterOfPressure()
Vector3 findLocalMOI()
Vector3 findLocalMOI(Vector3 worldCoM)
List〈T〉 FindPartModulesImplementing〈T〉()
Vector3 findWorldCenterOfMass()
List〈Part〉 GetActiveParts()
ActiveResource GetActiveResource(PartResourceDefinition def)
List〈ActiveResource〉 GetActiveResources()
int GetCrewCapacity()
int GetCrewCount()
Vector3 GetFwdVector()
float GetHeightFromSurface()
float GetHeightFromTerrain()
string GetName()
Vector3 GetObtVelocity()
Orbit GetOrbit()
OrbitDriver GetOrbitDriver()
Part GetReferenceTransformPart()
Vector3 GetSrfVelocity()
VesselTargetModes GetTargetingMode()
float GetTotalMass()
Transform GetTransform()
Vessel GetVessel()
List〈ProtoCrewMember〉 GetVesselCrew()
Vector3d GetWorldPos3D()
void GoOffRails()
void GoOnRails()
bool HasControlSources()
bool Initialize(bool fromShipAssembly)
ClearToSaveStatus IsClearToSave()
void Load() Has attribute [ContextMenu("Load")]
void MakeActive()
void MakeInactive()
void MurderCrew()
void OnDestroy()
void OnLoadFlightState(Dictionary〈string, KSPParseable〉 dataPool)
void OnSaveFlightState(Dictionary〈string, KSPParseable〉 dataPool)
double PQSAltitude()
void printCollisions() Has attribute [ContextMenu("Print All Collisions")]
void printGroundContacts() Has attribute [ContextMenu("Print Ground Contacts")]
void RenameVessel() Has attribute [ContextMenu("Rename Vessel")]
void ResetCollisionIgnores() Has attribute [ContextMenu("Reset Collision Ignores")]
void ResumeStaging()
void ResumeTarget()
double RevealAltitude()
float RevealMass()
string RevealName()
string RevealSituationString()
double RevealSpeed()
string RevealType()
void SetActiveInternalPart()
void SetActiveInternalPart(List〈Part〉 visibleParts)
void SetActiveInternalPart(Part visiblePart)
void SetPosition(Vector3 position)
void SetPosition(Vector3 position,bool usePristineCoords)
void SetReferenceTransform(Part p)
void SetRotation(Quaternion rotation)
void SetWorldVelocity(Vector3d vel)
void SpawnCrew()
void StartFromBackup(ProtoVessel pv)
void Translate(Vector3 offset)
void Unload() Has attribute [ContextMenu("Unload")]
static string AutoRename(Vessel v,string baseName)
static string GetLandedAtString(string landedAt)
static string GetMETString(Vessel v)
static string GetSituationString(Vessel v)
static bool IsValidVesselName(string name)