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Eve 是环绕 Kerbol 的第二颗行星(planet),也是 Kerbol 星系中的第二大行星。这是一颗紫色的行星。它有一颗较小的卫星,命名 Gilly,是被其引力捕获的小行星。

Eve 距离 Kerbin 最近,相比其它行星,登陆 Eve 所需要的 delta-v 是最低的,因此 Eve 无疑是最容易到达的行星。Eve 的体积与 Kerbin 近似,所以它也也拥有一个大型的引力井。相对其它固态表面星体而言,从其上起飞所需要的 delta-v 是最大的。Eve 浓厚的大气层(比 Kerbin 的大气层要厚得多)提高了气动减阻的效率,降低了着陆的难度,不过同时也大大提高了从地表平面起飞的难度,大量的燃料会被用在克服空气阻力的影响。

重力以及大气层的厚度,这两者是登陆 Eve 任务中返回段的两大障碍。从地表平面开始完成入轨需要大约 11,500 m/s 的 delta-v 量。


Eve 上分布着几片大洋,以及几块广袤、平坦的大陆,上面零星点缀着一些山峰。其海洋和湖泊中的液体物质成分未知,但可以排除是水的可能性,因为即使考虑到高气压的影响,其表面温度也要高于水的沸点。According to the devs during a livestream, it was joked that the lakes were made of rocket fuel. 大陆看起来似乎是一片紫色沙漠覆盖的荒原。最高海拔点 6450 m ,位于赤道南侧,1.90° W,11.86° S。


A comparison of the atmospheres of Eve and Kerbin

Eve's atmosphere begins at 96,708.6 m and is extremely dense: at 11,250 m, it's as thick as Kerbin's atmosphere at sea level (1 atm), and at Eve sea level the atmospheric pressure is 5 atm. Its atmospheric pressure fades exponentially, with a scale height of 7000 m. The atmosphere should be superheated due to the thick atmosphere trapping in heat, much like Venus.

In general, the atmospheric pressure on Eve at an altitude expressed in meters is:[1]

From within Eve's atmosphere, the sky appears indigo during nighttime. During dawn and dusk, the sky is green. The atmosphere is possibly composed of iodine, given its purple coloration.

Jet engines do not function in Eve's atmosphere, since it contains no oxygen — they make noise and consume fuel, but they produce no thrust. Planes with other propulsion methods do however work very well in Eves atmosphere and are a great way to explore the planet. Try to stay on a height between 35 km and 25 km where the atmosphere generates enough lift to glide and steer, but not so much drag that it slows you down too much.

As with version 0.17.1, an aerobraking maneuver arriving from Kerbin and resulting in to orbit around Eve - without using fuel for braking - can be done aiming for at periapsis at approximately 72,500 m.

The following table gives terminal velocities at different Eve altitudes. These are also the velocities at which a ship should travel for a fuel-optimal ascent from Eve, given the game's model of atmospheric drag.[2]

Altitude (m) Velocity (m/s)
0 58.4
1000 62.5
5000 82.0
10000 115
15000 162
20000 228
30000 450
40000 888
50000 1.76×103
60000 3.47×103

Natural Satellites

Eve's only natural satellite is the tiny captured asteroid Gilly in a highly eccentric and inclined orbit. Gilly is currently the smallest celestial body in the Kerbol system.

Orbital Statistics

A synchronous orbit of Eve requires an altitude of 10373.195 km and a velocity of 858.95 m/s. For a semisynchronous orbit of ½ Eve day (11.25 hours or 40500 seconds) an orbit of 6275.676 km above Eve is needed with a velocity of 1082.2 m/s.

Reference Frames




  • Eve has higher gravity than Kerbin, restricting Kerbals jump to only half a meter and making EVA Jets useless. This being said, if a Kerbal falls from more than 4 m, they will hit the ground much harder than on Kerbin, which may cause the Kerbal to clip the ground and accelerate away from Eve at phenomenal speed, usually sending the unlucky Kerbal on escape trajectory from Kerbol if they are not killed by the fall. They may bring something into interstellar space with them if they hit the object instead of the ground
  • Solar Panels tend to break on the surface of Eve even when retracted. This may be due to Eve's high gravity.
  • Landing legs on Eve usually will break because of Eve's high gravity.
  • When landing fast your ship/pod will sometimes sink into the surface of Eve.This can be easily fixed by using landing legs to lift the ship up.


  • Art pass.
  • Terrain tweaks — the tallest points are now about 6 km in altitude, compared to 11 km before.
  • Initial Release


  1. A nuclear engine has a specific impulse of 220 in 1 atm or higher, 800 in vacuum, and the following at various Eve altitudes:
    altitude (m) 11263 11268 11322 11598 11896 12200 12799 13868 14586 15292 16725 18711 22800 23556 32000 38000 43000 51963
    specific impulse 220 220.2 224.6 246.9 269.9 292.4 334.0 400.0 438.8 473.4 533.7 600.2 688.2 699.8 769.8 787.3 793.8 798.3
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/6664-Mini-challenge-max-altitude-with-this-supplied-spacecraft?p=100912&viewfull=1#post100912