Mk1 Cockpit

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Mk1 Cockpit
Part image
Cockpit by
C7 Aerospace Division

Radial size Small
Cost (total) 1 285.00 Funds
(dry) 1 241.00 Funds
Mass (total) 1.280 t
(dry) 1.156 t
Drag 0.1
Max. Temp. 2000 K
Impact Tolerance 40 m/s
Research Aviation.png Aviation
Unlock cost 2 600 Funds
Since version 0.15
Part configuration mk1Cockpit.cfg
Crew capacity (maximum) Crew
(required) Crew
SAS level × None
Torque 10 kN·m
Electricity required
Experiment Crew Report
Collectable No
Rerunnable Yes
Resettable Yes
Electricity required None
Antenna type Internal
Antenna rating 5 km
Packed volume None
Inventory Slots 1 slots
Volume limit 75 l
Monopropellant 8 Units of fuel
Electric capacity 50 ⚡

The Mk1 Cockpit is a cockpit-style command module that is designed to be placed on the nose an airplane or spaceplane that uses parts of a small radial size.


Interior View of the Cockpit Mk1 on the runway

The Mk1 Cockpit is generally found at the front of the spacecraft and can house one Kerbal crew member. It's especially useful for IVA flights because its large glass canopy offers a wide field of view; however, it cannot mount an inline parachute because it lacks a frontal node and is less useful for rockets because it's heavier than the Command Pod Mk1.

The Cockpit Mk1 is one of the three cockpits that come with an IVA, along with the Mk2 cockpit and its inline counterpart. The other two require the usage of mods in order to have functioning IVAs.

Product description

C7 Aerospace is proud to present our second generation cockpit. This unit is equipped to ensure survival in some of the worst conditions possible. The extra re-enforcement has slightly increased the weight.


  • New model, texture and IVA
  • Cost increased from 1800 to 2200 (9 of which is monoprop cost)
  • Added 7.5 units of monopropellant storage
  • Added Electrical power
  • Added IVA
  • Crew capacity reduced from 3 to 1.
  • Initial Release