From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
< 0.90.0
Revision as of 18:50, 17 March 2017 by Sal vager (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by Rocketing Rudolph (talk) to last revision by Kerbal.pseudo.logos)
0.90.0 베타시험판 | ||
출시일 | 2014-12-15 | |
공지 | Kerbal Space Program: Beta Than Ever is Now Available | |
스팀 | 스팀 커뮤니티 | |
← 0.25 1.0 → |
버전 0.90.0는 2014년 12월 15일(월요일)에 배포되었습니다. 이 업데이트는 "Beta Than Ever"라는 부제(副題)로 알려져 있으며, 그 의미는 "가장 베타버전 같은" 내지 "일찍이 없었던 최고의 베타 버전" 정도가 되겠군요. 말마따나 0.90.0은 현재까지 최초의 베타 배포판인 것은 틀림없습니다.
기체 조립화면 개편 (편집기)
- 접합기준점(offset)과 회전 도구 추가 (키보드의 2와 3 단축키 사용).
- 사령선 변경(re-root) 도구 추가 (4 단축키 사용).
- 편집 좌표계(Gizmo coordinate system)를 절대좌표(absolute)와 구역좌표(local)로 변경 가능 (F 단축키 사용).
- 회전과 접합기준점 도구 역시 걸쇠 격자 방식(snap grid)이나 3차원 격자 방식(3D grid)으로 변경 가능.
- 편집기의 걸쇠(Gizmo snap)는 좌표계(coordinate frame)를 어떤 것으로 선택하느냐에 따라 절대 격자 방식(absolute grid)과 구역 격자 방식(local grid)으로 선택하여 지정할 수 있습니다.
- 마우스 커서를 해당 부품에 위치시키거나 편집도구를 선택하고 시프트 키를 누르면, 각도 걸쇠(앵글 스냅 혹은 angle snap)를 5°(15°부터)씩 줄일 수 있으며, 접합기준점 편집도구(offset gizmo)의 격자 걸쇠(grid snap) 간격도 마찬가지 입니다.
- 90°나 5° 씩(⇧ Shift) 회전시키는 WASDQE 단축키는 여전히 작동하며, 피치, 요와 롤 회전에 좀 더 긴밀하게 작동되도록 개선 되었습니다.
기체 조립화면 개편 (부품 목록)
- 부품 목록 화면 전면 수정.
- 목록 분류기능 추가 : 부품 검색시 기존의 분류 목차 외에 새로운 방법을 추가하여 검색 할 수 있음.
- 기존의 분류는 '기능별'By Function 분류기능으로 개편됨.
- 추진체 종류(Propulsion category)는 엔진(Engine)과 연료통(Fuel Tank)으로 세분화.
- Added part filters which list them based on the resources they contain/use, their manufacturers, the modules (functionalities) they implement or their corresponding tier on the technology tree.
- Custom filters and subcategories can be created and edited for user-made collections of parts.
- Parts list can be sorted by size, cost, mass and name (default)
- Subassemblies can be sorted and arranged into custom categories.
기체 조립화면 개편 (기타)
- 조립동(VAB)과 격납고(SPH)는 동일한 배경화면을 사용.
- Editor Logic fully overhauled and rewritten using the very reliable KerbalFSM framework used for character animation and many other systems in the game.
- Most editor Keyboard inputs are now remappable.
- All Craft files can now be cross-loaded in the VAB and SPH.
- Crew assignment is now fully persistent during construction, including detached parts.
- Vastly improved placement logic for angle-snapped parts.
- Symmetry methods can be toggled between Radial (VAB) or Mirror (SPH) using the R Key
- Radial Symmetry coordinate frame can also be toggled with F key.
우주단지의 건물 개량기능 추가
- All KSC Facilities can now be upgraded through levels (currently 3 levels implemented for all facilities).
- Added new models for KSC facilities at each level.
- KSC Facilities now start at level 1 (in Career Mode), and can be upgraded to top level separately.
- Upgrading Facilities costs Funds, lots of Funds.
- Repair Cost of destroyed structures varies depending on facility level. (Higher-Level Facilities are more expensive to repair)
우주단지의 건물 개량 효과
- 조립동(VAB)/격납고(SPH)
- 사용 가능한 부품 수 증가
- 기초 및 사용자 지정 액션그룹 사용 가능
- 발사대(Launchpad) / 활주로(Runway):
- Increase Mass Limit for launched vessels
- Increase Size Limit for launched vessels
- Tracking Station
- Unlock Patched Conics in Map View
- Unlock Unowned Object Tracking
- Astronaut Complex:
- Unlock EVAs off of Kerbin's surface.
- Increase Active Crew Limit
- Unlock Flag-Planting during EVA
- Administration Facility:
- Increase Active Strategy Limit
- Increase Strategy Commitment Limit
- Research and Development:
- Increase Max Science Cost Limit
- Unlock part-to-part Fuel Transfer
- Unlock EVA Surface Sample experiment (requires EVA on Astronaut Complex)
- Mission Control:
- Increase Max Active Contract Limit
- Unlock Flight Planning (Requires Patched Conics in Tracking Station)
우주단지 (기타)
- All KSC Facilities in all levels are destructible (except level 1 runway and level 1 launchpad, which are indestructible).
- Hold ^ Ctrl while Right-Clicking over KSC Facilities to display 'extra' options concerning upgrade levels.
- Expanded Context Menu for KSC Facilities, to allow upgrading and viewing the current (and next) level stats.
- Hovering over the Upgrade button on the Facility Context Menu will display stats for the next level.
- Space Center ground sections and Crawlerway change levels based on level of neighboring facilities.
- The Flag Pole in front of the Astronaut Complex will change levels based on the average level of all KSC Structures.
건물 내장
- Editor scenery now loads independently of the editor scene.
- Exterior Scenery (out-the-door view) loads based on current editor Facility (VAB or SPH)
- The KSC as seen from the editor facilities will change to reflect current level and destruction state of visible facilities outside.
- Interior Scenery loads based on current editor Facility and Facility Level.
- Added new 3D interior scenery for Level 1 and 2 Vehicle Assembly Building and Space Plane Hangar
- Added new 2D interior backdrops for Level 1 and 2 UT of the Astronaut Complex, archives tab in the Research and Development, Mission Control and Administration Facility
VAB interior (Level 1)
VAB interior (Level 2)
SPH interior (Level 1)
SPH interior (Level 2)
Astronaut Complex UI (Level 1)
Astronaut Complex UI (Level 2)
Mission Control UI (Level 1)
Mission Control UI (Level 2)
Administration Building UI (Level 1)
Administration Building UI (Level 2)
부품 (Mk3 Spaceplane Set)
- Added 15 new 'Mk3' parts:
- Mk3 Cockpit (IVA is blank)
- 3 Mk3 Rocket Fuel Tanks (2.5m, 5m, 10m versions)
- 3 Mk3 Liquid Fuel Tanks (2.5m, 5m, 10m versions)
- Mk3 Monopropellant Tank
- Mk3 Passenger Module holding 16 Kerbals (There's no IVA at all)
- Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter
- Mk3 - 1.25m Adapter[citation needed]
- Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter and Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted
- Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter
- C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m and C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m
- Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter
- Mk3 cargo bays: Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-100, Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-50, Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-25
- Old Mk3 cockpit, fuselage and adapter removed.
부품 (기타)
- Struts and Fuel Lines now use a common base system called CompoundPart.
- New CompoundPartModule base class added to provide functionality for parts based on CompoundPart.
- Added CModuleLinkedMesh CompoundPartModule, handles the mesh objects connecting between both ends of a CompoundPart.
- Added CModuleStrut, creates a physical Joint between both ends of a CompoundPart
- Added CModuleFuelLine, creates a fuel re-routing between both ends of a CompoundPart.
- LandingGear and Rover Wheels 'Invert Steering' option now changes to 'Uninvert Steering' when inverted.
- Part-to-Part Resource Transfer now possible between more than 2 parts. (In/Out options will push/pull from all other selected parts evenly)
- Kerbals now have Skills they can develop.
- Kerbals now gain experience after returning from missions.
- Kerbal Experience is needed to level up crew skills.
- Added Scientist Skill. Scientists increase recovery value of collected data, transmission value of uploaded data and the lab boost factor (when manning a lab).
- Added Engineer Skill. Engineers are able to repair broken parts like Rover Wheels and repack parachutes.
- Added Pilot Skill. Pilots provide SAS features at various levels. Basic SAS is available as long as at least one pilot is aboard.
- Crews in the Astronaut Complex can now be sacked (if available) or given up for dead (if missing).
자동평형장치(SAS) 개편
- SAS is no longer available in any vessel for free. A pilot or an operational SAS-cabable probe core are needed for SAS to be available.
- Level 0 pilots and basic probes provide basic SAS functionality (kill rotation)
- Higher level pilots and more advanced probes provide new Autopilot Functions.
- Added new Autopilot System featuring 8 modes:
- Stability Assist (Basic SAS)
- Prograde/Retrograde Hold (Level 1 Required: Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards prograde or retrograde vectors.
- Radial In/Out, Normal/Antinormal Hold (Level 2 Required): Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards R+, R-, N and AN vectors.
- Target/Anti-Target Hold (Level 3 Required): Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards the selected target.
- Maneuver Hold (Level 3 Required): Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards the first upcoming maneuver's burn vector.
- AP modes respect the current reference frame on the navball (surface, orbit or target).
- Overhauled the existing ModuleSAS part module so it acts as a SAS provider in any level.
- Removed ModuleSAS from all parts except probe cores.
- Tweaked the R&D tech tree progression for all probe cores.
- Tweaked costs and descriptions for all probe cores.
- Probe cores set up with progressing levels of SAS service.
새로운 계약 (Arsonide의 Fine Print 모드)
- Added asteroid redirection contracts.
- Added surface outpost construction contracts.
- Added orbital station construction contracts.
- Added satellite deployment contracts.
- Added survey contracts at specified locations on the map.
- Fine Print contracts revised and overhauled with new graphics and to follow Career progression.
- Fine Print contracts unlock based on KSC Facility level when applicable.
- Existing contracts also revised to better follow progression of KSC facilities.
- Existing and new contracts revised to be configurable.
새로운 지형(Biome)
- Added new Biome Maps to all celestial bodies.
- Over a hundred new biomes available in total.
- Added cheat menu option to visualize biomes in map view.
- Added a one-page 'Welcome Intro' tutorial module to all newly-started games.
- Added new Edge Highlight visual effect when hovering over part icons on the staging UI, or when selecting a new root part or choosing a part to transfer crew to.
- Added new Tooltips for several UI controls in the Editor, R&D, Flight and many other areas.
- Added new ESA flags.
- Improved some of the Loading Screen images.
- Added new Craft Stats app to Editor toolbar, to display ship information like part count, total mass and size.
- Craft Stats app icon will turn orange if any limit is exceeded for the current editor facility level.
- Added new sound fx for gizmos and re-root in editors.
- Added new destruction FX for all new facility models.
- Added EditorBounds system to define part spawn point, construction boundaries, camera starting position and bounds for each editor interior.
오류 수정 및 조정
- KSPScenario 'Remove' creation options now work.
- Added new PreSAS and PostSAS callbacks to vessel API.
- Revised VAB and SPH camera behaviour so they stay within scenery bounds as best they can.
- Overhauled time-of-day system for KSC emissive textures. All facilities light up at night. (except ones without lights, like lvl1 runway)
- Fixed several issues with destructible building persistence.
- KSC grounds grass shader now uses worldspace UV coords for consistent tiling.
- KSC grounds grass shader now enforces vertex normals to smooth out the transition between PQS and KSC terrain.
- Linux version now forces thread locale to 'en'. Solves most issues with installs in foreign locales.
- Fixed several issues with Undo/Redo (ctrl+Z, ctrl+Y) in the editors.
- Tweaked sideslip factor in landing gear (was much too strong).
- Increased Mk55 Engine's ISP and gimbal range.
- Fixed an issue with part rotation and placement using Mirror symmetry.
- Fixed issues with symmetrical 'subgroups' after attaching a parent part using symmetry.
- Re-saved all stock craft so they are fully compatible with this version.
- Existing craft files from previous versions will require re-saving in the editor before they are allowed to launch in Career Mode, to calculate size data.
- Crew auto-hire will respect Astronaut Complex crew limit.