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KSPではアドオンまたはMODプラグインを導入して公式バージョンを改造することができる。新パーツ、機構、システムを追加したり既存のものを置き換えたりすることができる。アドオンは公式開発チームではなくコミュニティの手で作成されており、ゲーム体験の枠を大幅に広げることができる。Squadはかつて公式アドオン配布サイトを運営していたが現在は閉鎖されCurse Networkを公認配布サイトとしている。他にはKSP専門アドオン配布サイトのKerbal Stuffがある。KSPは開発中ゲームでありながら多数のアドオン制作者が配布を行っている。かつての公式配布サイト"Kerbal SpacePort"は現在"Curse Network"に自動転送するようになっている。









  • アドオン名のフォルダ(省略あり)
    • GameDataフォルダ(省略あり)
      • アドオン名のフォルダ(前述のフォルダと2重になっているかは要確認)
        • readmeやchangelogなどのテキストファイル
        • Partsフォルダ(追加されるパーツの構成データ)
        • Pluginsフォルダ(追加される新システム用のプラグイン名.dll)
        • Sourceフォルダ(作者が許可している場合にのみ同梱されているソースコード)

Addon dependencies

Sometimes mods require other mods to work which should be mentioned in the readme, Curse or forum page. These are distributed too in most cases with the original mod, which should be checked before copying the contents. Sometimes a mod distribute an older version which might break other plugins which require the newer version. Even worse are mods with a different name, because then the same mod is installed twice which usually break the game. The best way to handle is only installing the mod itself and manually checking if any requirements are already installed and if they might need to be updated.

A common addon which falls into this category is ModuleManager, because many mods rely on it. Because the version number is in the filename so newer versions of ModuleManager don't overwrite older versions so that multiple versions are installed. But on the other hand it is easy to see which versions are installed and in the case of ModuleManager newer versions of it usually support mods which come with older versions.

The Toolbar mod is similar to the ModuleManager but all version share the same directory (000_toolbar) which can cause that a newer version may only partially overwrite an old version.

Removing addons

In most cases, addons can be easily removed by deleting the addon directory in the GameData directory. Sometimes it other mods require the removed addon which then need to be removed too. If the addon introduced additional parts, craft which use those parts can't be loaded or approached. To disable the functionality without losing the craft, it is possible to change the file extension of all DLL files or remove them completely in the mod directory. Upon loading the game, the mod's code won't be loaded but the parts are still available.

As for installing, removing addons which use the directory system prior to 0.20 is more complex. Each file which was added in that mod needs to be removed manually usually and if files were merged, those needs to be undone.

Addons described on this wiki

Deprecated Mods

See also

  • List of mods: an incomplete list of the most important mods.