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Ike 是一颗 卫星,也是 Duna 唯一的一颗 天然卫星 。Ike 的表面布满了陡峭的岩石斜坡,它没有大气层。因为 Ike 和 Duna 距离较近,同时又由于 Ike 自身的体积,这两个天体保持着潮汐锁定状态。也就是说,Ike 绕 Duna 进行同步自转,大约只有一半稍多的 Duna 地区能看到 Ike,反之亦然。(如果不是因为 Ike 轨道的偏心率,应该是正好一半的区域,而由于轨道偏心率的存在,有一些地区能观测到 Ike 的升起和落下。参见下文的“天平动”。)

接近 Duna 的飞行过程中很容易可以进入 Ike 的轨道,只要飞行器轨道保持在 Ike 轨道平面就可以。这是因为 Ike 的引力作用球体对比其轨道半长轴要相对偏大。实际上,这个比值,即引力作用范围与轨道半长轴的比值,在 Kerbal 星系中的所有卫星排名第一。

Ike 同步轨道不可能存在,理论轨道高度为 0.00 米,已处于 Ike 的引力作用范围之外。然而,因为 Ike 和 Duna 的潮汐锁定状态,位于 Duna 同步轨道上的飞行器也会基本保持与 Ika 的相对静止状态,和处于 Ike 同步轨道差不多。不过由于 Ike 轨道还是有少量的离心率和倾角,两者无法精确的同步。

Geostationary Properties and Libration

Ike's orbit keeps it directly above a short range of Duna longitudes. The average Duna longitude where Ike tends to stay directly above in the sky (at the Zenith) is 3 degrees east, but the exact longitude oscillates between about 0 degrees and 6 degrees east due to the eccentricity of Ike's orbit. This eccentricity also makes Ike appear to grow slightly larger and smaller to an observer on the surface of Duna. The latitude for which Ike is in the Zenith also oscillates between 0.2 degrees south and 0.2 degrees north due to Ike's orbital inclination, making Ike appear to rotate upwards and downwards as viewed from the surface, but due to the extremely small orbital inclination, this effect is nearly imperceptible. These phenomena together are known as libration. Due to the oscillation in Ike's position above the horizon, areas from 90°W to 84°W and 90°E to 96°E on Duna can observe Ike rise and set at least partially across the horizon, as can any areas north of 89.8°N or south of 89.8°S

Traveling from a 50 km Duna orbit to a 10 km Ike orbit requires approximately 435 m/s of delta-V.


Ike is extremely rocky. Its tallest points are 12.75 km above its lowest, giving it an elevation range over 3 times that of the Mun despite the fact that the Mun has a 54% wider radius and 137% more surface area. The increased elevation and smaller size result in many steep slopes and make landing quite difficult. The bottoms of valeys are among the flatter, safer landing locations.

Ike lacks any visible impact craters. This is strange considering that it has no atmosphere and isn't much smaller than Duna which has plenty of craters.

The ground is dark grey, notably darker than that of other rock moons like Mun, and sprinkled with large rocks when terrain scatters are on.

Tracking Station Info

Ike is a relatively large, grey object occasionally seen orbiting Duna. Scientists have postulated that Ike is seemingly perfectly positioned to sneakily interfere with any object that presumes to come orbiting near its parent.

Easter eggs

There is a boulder locked in a polar orbit, roughly 100 cubic meters, with green bands and a monolith. It has no gravitational pull (and is not affected by gravity). It has a flawed collision box, so an attempted landing always results in an explosion of some kind. It's called 'The Magic Boulder' which is it's official name (if you collide with it, you will see a message "Ship crashed into magic boulder"). An example video has been made by youtuber Scott Manley, who maintaned a distance of 8 meters long enough to give viewers an excellent picture of the object. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJBSea-3DHs)

Reference Frames

时间加速 最低海拔
5× 5 000
10× 5 000
50× 10 000
100× 25 000
1 000× 50 000
10 000× 100 000
100 000× 200 000



  • Initial Release