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== Gallery ==
== 图集 ==
Jool_Descent.png | A probe deep within Jool's atmosphere which is eventually crushed by the extreme pressure.
Jool_Descent.png | 进入 Jool 大气层的探测器,最终由于高压损毁。
Jool.png | Jool in 0.17.
Jool.png | 0.17 里的 Jool。
jool_and_moons.jpg | Jool and its moons in 0.17.
jool_and_moons.jpg | 0.17 里的 Jool 和其卫星。
Screenshot540.png | Low orbit over Jool.
Screenshot540.png | Jool 的低轨运行。
screenshot73.png | A Probe with winglets to steer. Note that as you descend deeper into the atmosphere, it gets harder to move at all, rendering RCS and winglets useless.
screenshot73.png | 带有控制小翼的探测器。Note that as you descend deeper into the atmosphere, it gets harder to move at all, rendering RCS and winglets useless.
Screenshote4141412.png | A view of Laythe, Vall, and Tylo during an aerobraking on Jool.
Screenshote4141412.png | A view of Laythe, Vall, and Tylo during an aerobraking on Jool.
19Aerobrake.jpg | A Probe aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere as of 0.19, With Laythe, Tylo, and Vall in the background. The aerobraking elapsed 15 minutes before the probe was destroyed.
19Aerobrake.jpg | A Probe aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere as of 0.19, With Laythe, Tylo, and Vall in the background. The aerobraking elapsed 15 minutes before the probe was destroyed.

Revision as of 08:25, 19 June 2013


Jool是一颗气态巨行星,是 Kerbol 星系中的第六颗行星。它实际上就是 Kerbal 太空计划中的木星。除 Kerbol 之外,在星系中所有天体中,Jool 的直径和质量都排名第一。虽然它距离 Kerbin 很远,难以到达,它还是由于其自身复杂的五卫星体系成为极具吸引力的航天探索目标,它的五颗卫星包括:LaytheVallTyloBopPol


Aerobraking in Jool's atmosphere.

Although Jool has a radius ten times greater than Kerbin, its atmosphere begins just twice as high (138.2 km). It is extremely dense, well suited for aerobraking from a high-speed interplanetary intercept. Orbiting just outside the atmosphere will give you a period of 94.7437 minutes, and a speed of 6,785 m/s. You typically do not need to go lower than 100 km to aerobrake.

In general, the atmospheric pressure on Jool at an altitude expressed in meters is:

The effects of landing on Jool's "surface" as a Kerbonaut

Closer to the surface, the physics of the game start to break down. Due to its extremely thick atmosphere, terminal velocity is so low that lighter spacecraft will not even need parachutes or retrorockets. It is not impossible to land on its solid surface, though spacecraft are inevitably and invariably devoured by the Kraken. If the craft is very small, it may survive the Kraken, but the parts will explode once they are 100m below the surface. The message "... collided with Cloud" will display in the mission summary.

If a Kerbonaut is put on EVA he will not be destroyed, making one-way sacrificial landings possible. However, as seen near the end of this video, the Kerbonaut will start to glitch out and shake uncontrollably. This only happens if you're on time warp 4. The game will later glitch and cut to a black screen with the altimeter going through numbers rapidly. Unless you restart the game, Kerbin's atmosphere will be missing.

This glitch, while most common on Jool, is not unique to Jool, and can even be experienced on Kerbin in extreme situations; for example, going on EVA from a high speed SpacePlane as it takes off can occasionally cause this. If you do experience this outside of Jool, it is very difficult to replicate, which is why recordings of this are so rare.


时间加速 最低海拔
5× 200 000 米 (高于大气上限)
10× 200 000 米 (高于大气上限)
50× 200 000 米 (高于大气上限)
100× 200 000 米 (高于大气上限)
1 000× 300 000
10 000× 600 000
100 000× 1 200 000


大片海洋覆盖的月亮,Laythe,我们即将观察到它的凌 Jool 现象。

Jool 有五颗天然卫星,每个卫星的轨道平面都和 Jool 自身的轨道平面相重合:

  • Laythe,一个被大片海洋覆盖的月球,它是唯一一颗拥有大气层的卫星。它距离 Jool 最近,在所有卫星中大小排名第二。由于它的高轨道速度,登陆 Laythe 非常具有挑战性。在 Kerbal 星系中,就天体的体积和组成成分而言,Laythe 与 Kerbin 的相似程度仅次于 Eve
  • Vall,一个冰封的月球,体积排名第三,与 Jool 的远近程度居于次席。它的轨道和速度正好处于 Laythe 与 Tylo 的正中间。
  • Tylo,一个岩石覆盖的月球,重力与 Kerbin 类似,而地形接近于 Kerbin 的卫星 Mun。在所有 Jool 的卫星中,其 SOI 最大,所以被它的引力捕获,但同样是因为它巨大的引力范围,同时它又缺乏大气层,Tylo 的入轨和登陆任务都是非常困难的。
  • Bop,一颗被 Jool 捕获的小行星,是第四大的 Jool 卫星。因为其轨道距离远,不规则,而且其重力偏低,登陆 Bop 也是一个极富挑战性的任务。
  • Pol,它的命名是因为其外形近似花粉,Jool 卫星中最小的一颗,也是最遥远的一颗。它的外观是黄绿色交杂,遍布岩石,地形崎岖不平,耸立着陡峭的高山。

Laythe、Vall 和 Tylo 三者的轨道符合拉普拉斯共振,轨道周期比为 1:2:4 。尽管理论上说在这种状态下,各卫星与 Jool 彼此易出现“蚀”现象,现实是没有,它们在轨道上运行的秋毫无犯。

Jool 卫星的同步轨道是不存在的,因为理论的轨道已经处于各个卫星的引力作用球体范围之外,这是同步自传天体常见的现象。



  • Jool has roughly the same equatorial radius as the planets Earth and Venus.
  • The sunsets and sunrises on Jool are a shade of yellowish brown.
  • Like Jool, Jupiter's nearest three moons (Io, Europa, and Ganymede) have a Laplace resonance of 1:2:4.


  • Added a new, more distant moon named Pol.
  • Initial Release