Key bindings/pt

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Esta é uma lista do padrão atalhos de teclado do jogo standard.

Tecla modificadora

KSP pode ser executado em diferentes sistemas operacionais e tecla modificadora é diferente entre eles. Na tabela abaixo, o genérico chave é mapeado para as seguintes chaves:

  • Windows: Alt (e. g. Alt+L)
  • Mac OS: Option (e. g. Opt+L)
  • Linux: Right Shift or Win (e. g. Win+L). Em 0.23, Win chave parece ser a chave mod padrão. No modo janelas, mas não em modo fullscreen Win pode ter significado especial para o Gerenciador de Janelas (e.g. Win+ pode redimensionar e/mover a janela ativa).

Como um exemplo, Mod+L bloqueia o estágio atual. As combinações de teclas entre parênteses mostram um exemplo de combinação de teclas do respectivo sistema operacional: basta trocar Mod designado com modificador do sistema operacional.

Alguns teclados também exigem a pressionar uma Fn key para algumas teclas especiais como F5. Por exemplo, Macs requerem Fn+F5.


  •     - RCS
  •     - SAS
  •     - VAB/SPH
  •     - EVA
  •     - Docking

Teclas de atalho para layout de teclado Inglês

Key Effect Since Action group
System/UI Commands
←/→/↑/↓ Turn view L/R/U/D  ?
Numpad + Zoom view in 0.08.5
Numpad - Zoom view out 0.08.5
Mod + F12 Open debug console 0.08.5
M Orbital map toggle 0.11.0
Tab Cycle focus in orbital map 0.11.0
Left-Shift + Tab Reverse cycle focus in orbital map 0.11.0?
Backspace Reset focus in orbital map 0.17.0
Insert Staging (default) controls 0.18
Delete Docking controls 0.18
. Time warp (physical time warp in atmosphere) increase 0.11.0
, Time warp (physical time warp in atmosphere) decrease 0.11.0
Mod + . Physical time warp increase (compulsory) 0.17.0
Mod + , Physical time warp decrease (compulsory) 0.17.0
. (numpad del) Toggle navball 0.12.0?
] Cycle through active ships (forwards) 0.14.0
[ Cycle through active ships (backwards) 0.14.0
F1 Screenshot 0.07.3
F2 Toggle UI visibility 0.13.0
F3 Toggle results screen 0.14.0
F4 Toggle ship labels 0.14.0
F5 Quicksave 0.14.0
hold F9 Load quicksave 0.14.0
Mod + F5 Make a specific, user-inputted quicksave 0.23.5
Mod + F9 Load a specific quicksave 0.23.5
Ctrl + F10 Load saved game state dialogue box (hidden feature, looks in KSP/saves/scenarios/) 0.14.1?
Mod + F12 Debug/cheat menu 0.19.0
Flight Controls
W Pitch adjustment (up/back) 0.07.3
S Pitch adjustment (down/forward) 0.07.3
A Yaw adjustment (port/left) 0.07.3
D Yaw adjustment (starboard/right) 0.07.3
Q Roll adjustment (counter clockwise) 0.07.3
E Roll adjustment (clockwise) 0.07.3
C Toggle IVA view 0.17.0
V Toggle camera view (auto/free/orbital/chase) 0.17.0
Left-Shift Increase throttle 0.07.3
Left-Control Decrease throttle 0.07.3
Space Detach stage or launch 0.07.3 Stage
T Toggle SAS 0.07.3 SAS
F Hold to temporarily invert SAS state 0.07.3
Mod + L Lock current stage (very useful before you accidentally hit the spacebar) 0.08.4
Caps Lock Toggle precision ("softer") controls 0.08.5
R Toggle RCS 0.11.0 RCS
H RCS thrust translate forward 0.11.0
N RCS thrust translate backward 0.11.0
I RCS thrust translate down 0.11.0
J RCS thrust translate left 0.11.0
K RCS thrust translate up 0.11.0
L RCS thrust translate right 0.11.0
X Cut throttle 0.12.0
Z Full throttle 0.25.0
G Toggle landing gear 0.14.0 Gear
Mod + W/S/A/D/Q/E Trim pitch/yaw/roll 0.15.0
Mod + X Reset trim 0.15.0
B Wheel brakes 0.15.0 Brakes
U Toggle vehicle lights 0.15.0 Lights
1-9, 0 Activate custom action group 1-10 0.18.0 Custom 01-10
Backspace Activate abort action group 0.18.0 Abort
Right-click Open part info window 0.15.0
Mod + Right-click Open multiple info windows for fuel transfer (right-click on two fuel tanks) 0.18.0
Home Scroll stage icons up 0.09.0
End Scroll stage icons down 0.09.0
Docking mode
W Pitch adjustment (up/back) / Translate forward 0.18.0
S Pitch adjustment (down/forward) / Translate backward 0.18.0
A Yaw adjustment (port/left) / Translate left 0.18.0
D Yaw adjustment (starboard/right) / Translate right 0.18.0
Q Roll adjustment 0.18.0
E Roll adjustment 0.18.0
Left-Shift Translate up 0.18.0
Left-Control Translate down 0.18.0
Space Toggle translation/rotation 0.18.0 SAS
EVA Commands
W Walk/jet forward 0.16.0
S Walk/jet back 0.16.0
A Walk/jet left 0.16.0
D Walk/jet right 0.16.0
Q Jet rotate left  ?
E Jet rotate right  ?
Left-click and drag left Jet counter clockwise  ?
Left-click and drag right Jet clockwise  ?
Left-click and drag up Pitch up by jet  ?
Left-click and drag down Pitch down by jet  ?
Shift Jet up 0.16.0
Control Jet down 0.16.0
Space Jump/Let go of part 0.16.0
Space Reorient attitude to camera by jet 0.16.0
F Use/board part 0.16.0
Shift + (W/S/A/D) + Space Jump to different directions when on ladders  ?
Shift + (W/S/A/D) Sprint  ?
L Toggle headlamps 0.16.0
R Toggle jetpack 0.16.0
Mod Toggle movement 0.16.0
] Cycle through active ships/EVAs (forwards) 0.14.0
[ Cycle through active ships/EVAs (backwards) 0.14.0
VAB/SPH Commands
Ctrl + Z Undo last action 0.08.0
Ctrl + Y Redo last action 0.08.0
Mod + Left-click Duplicate part or assembly in VAB 0.08.5
C Toggle Angle Snap 0.15.0
X Cycle symmetry settings (forward) 0.08.5
Shift + X Cycle symmetry settings (backward) 0.18.0
Page Up Scroll view up 0.08.5
Page Down Scroll view down 0.08.5
Shift + Left-click Move the entire ship 0.09.0
Shift + Scroll Up Zoom view in 0.08.5
Shift + Scroll Down Zoom view out 0.08.5
W Rotate part backwards 0.15.0
S Rotate part forwards 0.15.0
A Rotate part counterclockwise (flat) 0.15.0
D Rotate part clockwise (flat) 0.15.0
Q Rotate part counterclockwise 0.15.0
E Rotate part clockwise in VAB 0.15.0
Shift Hold to rotate parts in 5° instead of 90° steps 0.15.0
Space Reset part rotation 0.15.0
1 Place Mode 0.90.0
2 Offset Mode 0.90.0
3 Rotate Mode 0.90.0
4 Root Mode 0.90.0
F Toggle Symmetry between being around vessel or parent part 0.90.0
R Toggle Symmetry Method between mirror (SPH) or radial (VAB) 0.90.0

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