Launch Pad/ko

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Launch Pad
KSC building
Launch Pad
단계 3
단계 1
단계 2
단계 1 단계 2
위치 TinyKerbin.png 커빈 (Kerbin)
TinyKSC.png Kerbal Space Center
0° 6′ 9″ 남
74° 34′ 31″ 서
고도 68 미터
버전 이후 0.7.3

발사대(Launch Pad)는 커발 우주 단지에 있는 구조물로 조립동에서 건조된 로켓을 발사하는 것이 그 주사용처입니다.

조립동 가까이에 위치하며, 발사대의 서쪽 사면은 짧은 비탈길이 있어 바퀴가 달린 차량류가 내려갈 수 있습니다. 나머지 방향은 모두 급경사면으로 이루어져 있으며, 분사폭풍 편향기(blast deflector)​ 등의 장비로 둘러싸여 있습니다. 주변에 몇가지 시설물을 볼 수 있으며, 조립동의 주 출입문까지 선로가 깔려 있습니다.(현실의 발사장에서는 이 선로를 이용해 로켓을 조립동에서 발사동까지 이동시킵니다.)

이전 0.19.0판에서는 발사대는 발사탑으로 되어 있었으나, 대형 로켓의 경우 방해가 되어 현재는 제거되었습니다. 지지대가 발사탑을 대신하게 되었습니다.

접근 방법

발사대에 접근하는 방법은 두가지 있는데, 하나는 우주단지화면에서 접근하는 법이고 다른 하나는 조립동화면에서 접근하는 법입니다.

우주단지 화면에서 접근하기

If a vehicle remains on the pad blocking it, like an un-launched rocket from an earlier session, a warning pop-up window opens: LaunchPad not clear vehiclename is already on the launchpad, where vehiclename is whatever rocket was previously loaded but not launched. The menu has the following choices:

  • Go to vehiclename on pad - Goes to the Launch pad with the previously loaded vehicle standing by.
  • Clear the LaunchPad and proceed (recover vehiclename) - Clears the pad, and opens the Launch new mission menu.
  • Abort the launch - Closes the window and stays on the Space Center view.

When the pad is clear, the Launch New Mission menu opens. This menu is broken into four panes.

새로운 임무 시작 Launch new mission

This window lists the currently available ships.

우주선 이름과 설명 Ship name and description

This window is actually dynamically titled the currently highlighted ship and displays any saved vehicle description. It also provides an option to change the current mission flag.

탑승 가능 부품 Parts with crew capacity

The Parts with crew capacity pane will display each part with crew seating individually, such as command modules and lander cans, automatically adding crew to fill the first compartment on the list. Additional seats are initially empty. The available menu options are:

  • Fill - Fills all remaining seats from the available crew pane. If there are more seats than crew, those seats remain empty.
  • Clear - Removes all crew and places them in the Available crew pane.
  • Reset - undoes any changes, and repopulates the initial crew compartment.

탑승가능 승무원 Available Crew

The Available Crew pane simply shows the list of possible crew members available for a mission, by name and showing their Courage and Stupidity stats. The only available menu option is:

  • Go to Astronaut Complex - takes the user to the Astronaut Complex interface. Exiting the Astronaut Complex returns to the Load new mission menu.

Users can add crew to the vehicle from the Available crew pane by hovering the mouse over the crew member and clicking the green check mark that appears. The crew member moves to the next available seat. To move the crew member to another seat, click and drag the crew member to any of the other empty seats. To remove a crew member from the vehicle, hover over the crew member and click the red X that appears, returning the crew member to the Available crew pane. Clicking an empty seat has no action.

조립동에서 접근하는 방법

When accessed from the Launch icon in the VAB, the pad is automatically cleared of any remaining debris from a previous launch. Then the vehicle currently in the VAB is moved to the launch pad, and after a short pause to establish the game physics, is ready to launch the vehicle.

If a vehicle remains on the pad because it wasn't launched from a previous session, then a popup warning window opens: LaunchPad not clear vehiclename is already on the LaunchPad where vehiclename is whatever rocket was previously loaded but not launched. The menu has the following choices:

  • Clear the LaunchPad and proceed (recover vehiclename) - Clears the pad, and moves the vehicle in the VAB to the Launch pad.
  • Abort the launch - Closes the window and stays in the VAB.

This differs from the menu displayed when accessing the occupied Launch pad from the Space center in that going to the already positioned rocket is not possible.

Refer to the tutorials for information on how to launch, and control the vehicle in flight.


  • When taking a surface sample from the launch pad, it says that traces of green substance were found, indicating that a kerbal could have been burnt when a rocket took off.



  • Launchpad was given rails for crawlers to match new VAB rails from 0.21.0
  • Launchpad was redesigned. The launch tower was removed.
  • Initial Release