Map view/zh-cn

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  • 目前高度、位置和飞行器的速度;
  • 飞行器运行轨道的远点、近点高度、位置和到达时间;
  • 天体引力作用的球形范围,以及飞行器在其中的飞行轨迹;

在轨道地图的默认模式下,飞船的任何控制命令都是无效的(只有少数几个可以起作用,比如 “X” 键关闭发动机推力)。如果希望在轨道地图下对飞船进行操控,点击下方的灰色箭头弹出导航球。这样你就可以和正常模式一样调节推力和飞行方向了。



在地图模式可以观看目前的轨道投影图,不过它更大的用途是用在“机动操作”系统。你可以在这里进行轨道和飞行器推进的预先规划,并确保最终准确的到达本次飞行任务需要的目的地。This allows you to plan orbits and burns in advance, and make sure you end up exactly where you want to be. The maneuver system is extremely valuable for docking events.

How To Plan a Maneuver

If you mouse over your current orbital trajectory a small transparent blue icon will appear. Left click to bring up a menu and click on "Add Maneuver". Now you can drag six icons to see what will happen if you were to burn in that direction. If the manuever is in the wrong place you can delete it by, right clicking in the center and then clicking on the little red "x" that pops up.

The maneuver will show up next to the Navball along with remaining time until the burn, and total remaining delta v. You can plan multiple maneuvers that chain off eachother. There are many different orbital maneuvers one can try.


"Map view with a rocket about to encounter the Mun"
Map view with a rocket about to encounter the Mun (Relative Mode)

在 KSP 的设置文件 settings.cfg 中调整 PATCHED_CONIC_DRAW_MODE 可以改变轨道视图中飞行轨道的显示方式。

  • 0 - Local to Body: Patches are drawn in relation to the current position of each orbiting body.
  • 1 - Local at SOI Entry UT: Patches are drawn in relation to the body, but at the time of SOI entry.
  • 2 - Local at SOI Exit UT: Same as 1 but at the time of leaving the SOI.
  • 3 - Relative(continuous line mode) (default): Patches are drawn in relation to the current body being orbited.
  • 4 - Dynamic: An experimental mode blending trajectory lines relative to the local and parent body

Further explanation of the Draw Modes can be found in this video