Module code examples

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Here is a collection of example code for various tasks you might want to perform in your module.

Creating a GUI Window and Button

This module will create a new GUI window and button, on button press the part will explode, close the GUI, and be removed.

using UnityEngine;
This module will create a new GUI window and button, on button press the part will explode, close the GUI, and be removed.
	public class SelfDestruct : Part
		protected Rect windowPos;
		private void WindowGUI(int windowID)
        	GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20)); //create a dragable window
       	 	GUIStyle mySty = new GUIStyle(; 
       		mySty.normal.textColor = mySty.focused.textColor = Color.white;
      		mySty.hover.textColor = = Color.yellow;
      		mySty.onNormal.textColor = mySty.onFocused.textColor = mySty.onHover.textColor = mySty.onActive.textColor =;
      		sty.padding = new RectOffset(8, 8, 8, 8);
		 //It seems you need to put all buttons between vertical or horizontal GUILayout functions
		 //Without doing this GUILayout.Button() will only be true if you right and left click at the same time
			if (GUILayout.Button("DESTROY",mySty,GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)))//GUILayout.Button is "true" when clicked
			this.onPartDestroy ();
			this.Die ();
		private void drawGUI()
   = HighLogic.Skin;
            windowPos = GUILayout.Window(1, windowPos, WindowGUI, "Self Destruct", GUILayout.MinWidth(100));	 
		protected override void onFlightStart()  //Called when vessel is placed on the launchpad
		    RenderingManager.AddToPostDrawQueue(3, new Callback(drawGUI));//start the GUI
		protected override void onPartStart()
       		if ((windowPos.x == 0) && (windowPos.y == 0))//windowPos is used to position the GUI window, lets set it in the center of the screen
          	  windowPos = new Rect(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, 10, 10);
	 	protected override void onPartDestroy() 
			RenderingManager.RemoveFromPostDrawQueue(3, new Callback(drawGUI)); //close the GUI