Tutorial:Intermediate Rocket Design/zh-cn

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如果你能在手持的一段施加足够大的压力,你肯定能用笤帚把天花板捅破而不让它倒向一边(相信我吧)。这其实就是火箭工作的原理。现在,找点东西拴在笤帚的一侧,再来看看。如果你还想用刚才一样的方法来保持平衡,它肯定会倒向你栓东西的方向。除非你换个角度握住的话……如果它是火箭的话看起来就有点蠢了,不是吗?如果你给笤帚加一个向上的推力,它不会倒向那一边,实际上它会绕 X 轴旋转,然后做个“回环”……或者直接“坠毁”,这一点估计可能性更大,因为重力也会在这里起很大的影响。




只要你身处 Kerbin,这两者就是可以互换的。你的质量直接决定重量。太空中就略有不同。重量是质量被重力,或运动加速后产生的。即便你在太空中失去了重量(也就是,重力加速度与你的反向脱离加速度相同),你的质量依旧存在。


这也意味着,加速会让你超重。这并不是质量的增加(除非你接近光速,这不是我们讨论的范畴),而是施加在物体质量之上试图改变其速度的力。这叫做 G 力。位于 Kerbin ,你感受到的 G 力是 1g,即该行星表面的重力加速度。

这究竟能如何影响你的火箭呢?嗯,其实有两个方面。一方面,物体质量越大,把它送入轨道所需要的能量就越大。因此,一般而言并是越大越好。我们以后再详细谈。另一方面,火箭的加速度越大,其组件承受的力就越大。有些组件能够承受,而有些则不行。大体上而言就是,设计缓慢爬升的火箭要比以 9g 加速入轨的火箭要更加容易,首先,我们的小绿人乘客肯定不喜欢体验胸前压着一辆大卡车的感觉(乘员承受的 G 力就目前的游戏版本而言倒不算是个问题),更重要的是,如果加速度过大,超过限度,火箭的结构组件会发生损坏,导致火箭解体。这就意味着你必须加入更多的结构件,它会带来额外的箭体重量,从而耗费更多的燃料。


基本上,推重比就是推力除以重量得到的值,推力单位牛顿,重量是质量乘以加速度,kg*m/s²,所以单位也是牛顿。推力是把你送上天空的那份原力,而重量则是把你热情挽留于地面的力量。如果推力 > 重力,也就是推重比大于 1,你就向上飞。如果推力 < 重力,那么无论你的发动机如何热情的嚎叫,你肯定一步都动不了。历史上,土星 5的第一级火箭发动机的推重比是 94.1 。换句话说,它可以推动自重 94 倍的物体。我嘞个去!


要注意的是,就其字面含义而言,每一台火箭发动机的推重比都是大于 1 的。推重比小于 1 的发动机只有同时借助空气动力学才能产生足够的升力来起飞。不过,关键问题是,我们必须把所谓的死重加入计算公式,再得到的推重比仍旧大于 1 才可以。土星 5 的 F1 发动机 94.1 的推重比并不是说我们只需要 100g 的箭体就可以飞入太空。它恰恰意味着这些发动机需要推动其上那个巨大的家伙升空,而且把这个的大块头完整的送上轨道也基本属于不可能完成的任务。

我的猜测是 Kerbin 的重力加速度大约等于 10m/s² (和地球差不多),这意味着 最大推力 200 的火箭发动机(如non-gimballed stock engine)可以推动 20 质量单位的载荷(或者说 8 个液体燃料储存单元)。假设一枚火箭包括 1 个指令舱,7 个燃料储存单元和1 台火箭发动机(总质量为 20.5,7*2.5+2+1),它是肯定无法起飞的;把燃料单元减为 6 个才能飞起来,对,就是这样设计火箭的。

所以,在建造火箭时,一定要把所有组件的质量加在一起,再乘以 10,然后除火箭发动机的推力,不过必须是实际工作的发动机。这个数字越大,你的火箭就爬升的更快。考虑到发动机在最大推力下工作的过热问题,你的第一级火箭推重比应该至少为 1.7。我的火箭第一级推重比大概是 2.2,足够同时又不会产生过大的 G 力。

另外,要记住的是你的飞行需要消耗燃料。火箭发动机的工作会逐渐淘空燃料储存单元,火箭也就越来越轻,爬升需要克服的重力就越来越小。而且,随着距离的增大,重力也会减弱,所以 Kerbin 引力也会在你升高的过程中逐渐降低。不过不会降低的很明显。



多级火箭同时也意味着你要装备更多的级间分离设备,而且,还得为每级都配备一个发动机。用完的助推器重量为 0.36 。分离设备的重量 0.4 。用完的液体燃料储存单元重量 0.3。而其发动机和分离设备大约需要占用 2.8 的重量。

我们需要的是折衷之道。没有什么硬性的关于分级的限制,问题的关键是所谓“死”重的存在时间(如果某台助推器的关机时间和其他发动机的关机时间差不了几秒,最好还是带着它继续飞行,因为分级所节约的重量还比不上新加入的分级设备重量。如果你需要一直带着它飞行,那么抛弃它所获得的益处才值得),另外还有这些不再工作的火箭级是否阻碍次级的点火(次级火箭点火前当然要与前级分离),以及这级火箭的作用(后续级的工作时间当然要远远大于以最大推力工作的火箭级,例如,后级的燃料单元肯定会被保留的更长)。我个人认为,合适的分级点,对于火箭的最初几级,是每 4-5 个燃料单元 1 级,对于后级,这个数字可以是每 2 个 1 级。


显而易见,开始时的推力越大,你携带的“死”重就越少。而且,如果你根本就飞不起来,那么后续推力多大都毫无用处。另一方面,如上所述,推力越大,需要克服的 G 力越大,火箭结构组件受力越大,更不要说在大气层中需要克服的空气阻力了。


While we're at it, drag. I hope I got that one right, it's kinda hard to tell how that part really works. Basically, every part you add has air resistance. Doesn't matter once you're in orbit (and hence satellites rarely look streamlined), but it's a big issue until you hit that magical 70,000 meters. I still have very limited data on how drag really works and what affects what, so far all I can say is that it's there and that you should probably take it into account, i.e. creating insanely wide rockets to cram in a lot of boosters to fire at the same time might be a drag. Literally. Especially if you try to fly such a rocket at high speeds.

Where do you need the most power?

That's a simple one again: From ground to orbit. You will NEVER in your flight have to spend as much energy as in that part of your flight. Getting from orbit to the Mun, landing on the Mun, getting back off the moon, flying back to Kerbin and landing there? Easily done with about 1/6th of the fuel spent to get into orbit. I am NOT kidding or exaggerating here. Remember that Saturn V rocket that sent Apollo to the moon? Remember how friggin' huge that thing was? And what a tiny little bit of it actually went to the moon, with the rest being tossed somewhere along the way? And how that little service module that got them basically from orbit to moon also got them back? It's the same here. You will spend a good 80% of fuel and dump about as much of your rocket before you reach the Mun.

Long or wide?

Preferably neither. Making your rocket longer is about as bad as making it wider. For various reasons. Wide rockets tend to be bottom-heavy (because, usually, they are wide at the bottom, to maximize thrust at liftoff), making them harder to control because they sway easily, and they are prone to out of control rolling if the thrusters on the outer edges are not PERFECTLY aligned (which they are, well, never), due to leverage. Also, I'd expect them to be very susceptible to drag, meaning a lot of power is lost due to air resistance. Wide rockets usually need quite a bit of SAS to keep from spinning out of control. And they are prone to "flipping", i.e. uncontrollably going upside down because they are easy to tilt and bank. Think of the broom example at the beginning.

Long rockets are very hard to tilt and bank, making them hard to steer and very sluggish. They also usually suffer from top-heaviness, especially after a good deal of their lower stage fuel is spent, which can result in rockets that are very hard to control and to keep from going "keel-up", i.e. nose-down without a lot of RCS thrust. Long rockets usually need quite a few wings to keep them manageable and responsive. And even then they are very slow to react and need foresightful piloting. They usually keep their direction pretty well as long as they are balanced and there's a lot of thrust applied, but once you bank and tilt them, they can very easily oversteer, especially in horizontal flight with a center of mass that's very close to the top (as it is usually just before your ascent stage is burned up, with a lot of empty and near empty fuel tanks hanging on your tail). Still, I prefer long over wide rockets.

So, with all that, what IS now the best design?

From these tidbits we can puzzle together a few cornerstones that give us a good idea what a GOOD design would be, and what would be a BAD one.

It's a GOOD idea to put every engine that CAN actually thrust at launch to work right at launch. Else it's dead weight we first have to haul upwards. If that gives you too much thrust and your rocket starts to fall apart due to excessive G forces, slap on another can of gas for that liquid fuel rocket, or take off some boosters (yeah, right...). It MAY be a good idea to not run that liquid engine at full power if you get so fast that your friction is killing most of the power you put behind it. Actually, I usually take off with full throttle, only to ease off a little as I climb to keep the speed from going overboard and being burned in friction. But if you have a big rocket, it CAN be a very good idea to make the first stage(s) only of solid boosters, they're very light for their push and even with a coupler on them they have a better TWR than liquid engines. Their main drawback, the inability to control their thrust output, doesn't matter for the first 20,000 Meters since you actually just want to get the hell up there. Do not expect too much from that, a full complement of two solid-only stages underneath every single engine of my actual first stage only got me about half a fuel tank. Yes, half a stock fuel tank is all you get for slapping two rows of solid stages under your rocket. The diminishing returns are stunning!

With bigger rockets, you'll run into the need to add SAS to keep them manageable. Only one ASAS module gives you any benefits, so put only one of them into your rocket. The key difference between SAS and ASAS is, as the description says, that ASAS is more like an autopilot, SAS is more like a gyroscope. In other words, ASAS only works as well as YOU could, or, in other terms, if the rocket is uncontrollable, ASAS cannot control it either. If you have wings (and, IMO, you should have some at least as long as you're hauling a big ass rocket about), you might even be able to forgo the normal SAS modules. My Mun rocket only has one ASAS module and no SAS modules. Your rocket should get thinner as it progresses upwards. From afar, it should look like a very steep pyramide. At least IMO. Top-heavy rockets are usually very hard to control, since their center of gravity is far from the point of action. The further away, the bigger the lever, the more wings and other control tidbits you need to keep it upright.

You need most of your fuel on your way up. Once you're in orbit, even the trans-lunar shot is peanuts compared to the expense to get into an orbit. It's quite ok to create an unwieldy, but powerful lower stage and create a very manageable and precisely controlable stage for upper orbit that has rather little fuel compared to it. Try different designs here, it's all right to have zero control (aside of "keep it upright by ASAS") over the rocket for the first 20,000 or even 40,000 Meters of its trip.