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< Parts
PART { name = InflatableHeatShield module = Part author = RoverDude MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Aero/InflatableHeatShield/HeatShield } rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_mid = 0.0, 0.34, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 1.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.9, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 TechRequired = heavyLanding entryCost = 6400 cost = 2400 category = Thermal subcategory = 0 title = #autoLOC_500190 //#autoLOC_500190 = Heat Shield (10m) manufacturer = #autoLOC_501629 //#autoLOC_501629 = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises description = #autoLOC_500191 //#autoLOC_500191 = Based on the design of a child's toy, this heat shield uses a set of inflatable rings covered with a thermal blanket to provide a generous 10 meter heat shield for reentry and deceleration, and the aerodynamic qualities of an untethered bouncy castle. attachRules = 1,0,1,0,1 mass = 1.5 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.1 minimum_drag = 0.1 angularDrag = 0.5 breakingForce = 2048 breakingTorque = 2048 crashTolerance = 9 maxTemp = 3250 skinMaxTemp = 3500 emissiveConstant = 0.9 fuelCrossFeed = False PhysicsSignificance = 0 stageOffset = 1 childStageOffset = 1 bulkheadProfiles = size2 heatConductivity = 0.01 thermalMassModifier = 7.5 CoPOffset = 0.0, 2.5, 0.0 CoLOffset = 0.0, -1, 0.0 CenterOfBuoyancy = 0.0, 2, 0.0 CenterOfDisplacement = 0.0, 2.3, 0.0 buoyancy = 0.2 boundsMultiplier = 0.7 fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0650517, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple sound_vent_large = decouple tags = #autoLOC_500192 //#autoLOC_500192 = balloon drag entry expand inflat insulate protect re- rocket therm MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = InflatableHS isOneShot = false startEventGUIName = #autoLOC_502007 //#autoLOC_502007 = Inflate Heat Shield endEventGUIName = #autoLOC_502008 //#autoLOC_502008 = Deflate Heat Shield actionGUIName = #autoLOC_502007 //#autoLOC_502007 = Inflate Heat Shield allowAnimationWhileShielded = False restrictedNode = top disableAfterPlaying = true } MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 100 isOmniDecoupler = true menuName = #autoLOC_502004 //#autoLOC_502004 = Jettison Heat Shield stagingEnabled = False stagingEnableText = #autoLOC_502005 //#autoLOC_502005 = HS Jettison Not Staged stagingDisableText = #autoLOC_502006 //#autoLOC_502006 = HS Jettison Staged } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = Fairing bottomNodeName = top isFairing = True jettisonedObjectMass = 0.5 jettisonForce = 15 jettisonDirection = 0 0 1 stagingEnabled = False allowShroudToggle = True hideJettisonMenu = True useMultipleDragCubes = False } MODULE { name = ModuleTestSubject useStaging = False useEvent = True situationMask = 15 CONSTRAINT { type = ATMOSPHERE value = True } CONSTRAINT { // prelaunch only at home // our main situationMask above includes prelaunch // but if nothome, here, and that mask with this value (11) // which excludes prelaunch type = SITUATION value = 11 body = _NotHome } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 350 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 250 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 500 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 300 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 600 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 400 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 1500 situationMask = 8 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 1000 situationMask = 8 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 2500 situationMask = 8 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 1500 situationMask = 8 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 6000 situationMask = 8 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 2000 situationMask = 8 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = DENSITY test = LT value = 0.1 } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 4000 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 6000 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 8000 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 12000 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 12000 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 16000 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = ALWAYS prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = BODYANDSITUATION prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = ONCEPERPART prestige = Exceptional } } }