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< Parts
PART { name = shockConeIntake module = Part author = Porkjet rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 buoyancy = 0.5 TechRequired = hypersonicFlight entryCost = 21000 cost = 3050 category = Aero subcategory = 0 title = #autoLOC_500145 //#autoLOC_500145 = Shock Cone Intake manufacturer = #autoLOC_501624 //#autoLOC_501624 = C7 Aerospace Division description = #autoLOC_500146 //#autoLOC_500146 = A shocking new intake from the C7 Aerospace Division that brought you much adored parts such as the Delta Wing and the Standard Nosecone! Offers exceptional performance at all speeds and has some heat shielding of its own. attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0 mass = 0.12 thermalMassModifier = 8 // heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default heatConvectiveConstant = 0.75 // air goes into jet, not bashes on intake. emissiveConstant = 0.95 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.3 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 1.2 crashTolerance = 7 maxTemp = 2400 fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = size1 tags = #autoLOC_500147 //#autoLOC_500147 = aero (air breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Aero/circularIntake/ConeIntake } DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 0.7486105,0.6887614,0.7221569, 0.7486105,0.6887677,0.7221569, 1.213026,0.3,1.183155, 1.213026,1,0.100694, 0.7486105,0.6903304,0.7221569, 0.7486105,0.6871722,0.7221569, 0,-0.08307549,0, 1.25,1.083849,1.25 } MODULE { name = ModuleResourceIntake resourceName = IntakeAir checkForOxygen = true area = 0.0075 intakeSpeed = 5 intakeTransformName = Intake // Isentropic, so left at default efficiency (1.0) at all Mach } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir amount = 2 maxAmount = 2 } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateHeat ThermalAnim = IntakeConeHeat } MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart packedVolume = 2200 } }