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This is the configuration file for Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial).
	name = IntakeRadialLong
	module = Part
	author = Porkjet
	mesh =
	rescaleFactor = 1
	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
	buoyancy = 0.1
	TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight
	entryCost = 6800
	cost = 900
	category = Aero
	subcategory = 0
	title = #autoLOC_500193 //#autoLOC_500193 = Adjustable Ramp Intake (Radial)
	manufacturer = #autoLOC_501624 //#autoLOC_501624 = C7 Aerospace Division
	description = #autoLOC_500194 //#autoLOC_500194 = This intake addresses those sometimes absurd contraptions that SSTO engineers designed in an attempt to pump more and more air into their engines. Optimized for supersonic flight.
	attachRules = 0,1,0,1,1
	mass = 0.01
	thermalMassModifier = 12.0
	// heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default
	emissiveConstant = 0.7
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.2
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 1
	crashTolerance = 7
	breakingForce = 200
	breakingTorque = 200
	maxTemp = 2400
	bulkheadProfiles = srf
	tags = #autoLOC_500195 //#autoLOC_500195 = aero (air aircraft breathe cone fligh inlet jet oxygen plane suck supersonic
		name = ModuleResourceIntake
		resourceName = IntakeAir
		checkForOxygen = true
		area = 0.001
		intakeSpeed = 10
		intakeTransformName = Intake
			key = 0 0.85 0 0
			key = 1 1 0 0
			key = 2 0.95 -0.08751557 -0.08751557
			key = 4 0.5 -0.4034287 -0.4034287
			key = 8 0.01 0 0
		name = IntakeAir
		amount = 0.5
		maxAmount = 0.5
		name = ModuleCargoPart
		packedVolume = 600