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< Moho
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모호(Moho)는 커볼계에서 가장 안쪽에 있는 행성이자 케르발 스페이스 프로그램의 수성이다. 모호는 대기가 없다는 점과 자연위성이 없다는 점에서 드레스일루와 비슷하다. 0.18버전으로 업데이트한 이후로, 더이상 케르볼에 조석고정되지 않는다.

모호의 궤도는 약간 기이하게 기울어져서 도달하기 어렵다. 또한, 공력제동에 사용할 대기가 없고, 스윙바이로 속도를 줄일 위성도 없기 때문에 착륙하기도 어렵다. 이러한 요소는 모호에 관한 임무에서 도전의식을 북돋는다.


Moho's surface ranges from light brown highlands to dark brown Maria. It is heavily cratered, but less so than the moons of Kerbin and Jool, suggesting erosion. Because of the lack of an atmosphere on Moho, the primary suspect of Moho's erosion is volcanism. It is probable that Moho undergoes volcanic periods, induced by tidal friction with Kerbol. The fact that this occurs in periods, likely on a geologic timescale, is proven in that volcanism of Moho was removed in 0.18. It must have been discovered just before it stopped being volcanic. The vulcanism would lead to the filling up of craters.

Moho has two very deep wells at the geographic north and south pole of a, as yet, undetermined depth. Current analysis and probes dropped into the crater at the north pole revealed it to be more than 5 km deep before the probe crashed into the ever narrowing canyon walls. It is possible that these are volcanic tubes that are as of this moment dormant. Further analysis of the canyon walls is needed before a definitive answer can be presented.

Orbital Statistics

Mohosynchronous orbit is not possible — it would require an altitude of 0.00 미터, outside of Moho's sphere of influence.

For a semi synchronous orbit of ½ Moho day (307.75 hours or 1,107,882 seconds) an orbit of 0.00 미터 above Moho is needed with a velocity of 0.00 미터/초.

Reference Frames

시간 배속 최저 고도
5× 10 000 미터
10× 10 000 미터
50× 30 000 미터
100× 50 000 미터
1 000× 100 000 미터
10 000× 200 000 미터
100 000× 300 000 미터

Solar System Counterpart

Moho is the Kerbol System Mercury analog.

  • Moho and Mercury share a similar, cratered landscape, similar to most bodies with little to no atmosphere. They are both the closest planet to their respective Sun, and neither has a natural satellite.
  • Unlike Mercury, Moho has a brown texture while Mercury itself has a grey to dark grey color. In addition, Mercury has a very tenuous atmosphere, whereas Moho has no atmosphere.



  • Entirely changed more cratered surface.
  • Color changed from red to brown.
  • No more superheated atmosphere.
  • No longer tidally locked.
  • Mass reduced.
  • 처음 추가됨
