Kerbal Space Center/pt

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O Kerbal Space Center (KSC) é um centro espacial, onde o jogador pode criar naves espaciais ou aviões, além de prédios de controle de missão e administração. A Partir da versão 0.25 O KSC pode ser completamente destruído caso ocorra algum acidente em lançamentos de naves espaciais, nisso, é recomendável a colocação de paraquedas no primeiro estágio para evitar acidentes antes de desacoplar.

Kerbal Space Center
Kerbal Space Center
Location TinyKerbin.png Kerbin
0° 6′ 9″ S
74° 34′ 31″ O
Altitude ~68.41 m
Desde a versão 0.7.3

Todos Os Prédios Do Kerbal Space Center


Vehicle Assembly Building

O VAB é o prédio onde o jogador constrói foguetes para serem lançados verticalmente.


Launch pad

A Plataforma De Lançamento onde é possível lançar os foguetes construídos no VAB.


Space Plane Hangar

Similar ao VAB,mais especialmente dedicado a naves para serem lançadas horizontalmente, como aviões.



Vessels designed in the Space Plane Hangar can only be launched from the runway. It can also be used for landing. At the moment there is only one runway (09/27) in service with a length of 2526 m going from east to west and a width of 70 m. There is also a runway on an island to the southeast, which is available for landing but not launching. By default, craft designed in the SPH face a 90° heading (facing east) and start from the west end.


Tracking Station

The Tracking Station allows access, observation and management of all missions currently active, including splashed-down or landed ships. Note that this does not include crashed or otherwise ended missions. Any Kerbals, craft or debris safely on Kerbin's surface can be recovered here. Debris can be tracked and deleted here. Celestial bodies can also be observed at the Tracking Station.


Astronaut Complex

The Astronaut Complex allows hiring of astronauts to join the crew of future missions.

Flag Pole

The Flag Pole is located in front of the Astronaut Complex and can be used to select a default mission flag. It used to be located south-west of the VAB, but was moved in version 0.21.