
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
< Template:Infobox‎ | Part
Revision as of 21:29, 20 October 2024 by ArnePeirs (talk | contribs) (Add new variant cost/mass parameters)
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Name Optional Description Default
Parameters of {{Infobox/Part}}
name Yes Name of the part, which can be found in the localization file. Uses {{Dict/part name}} to translate names. {{BASEPAGENAME}}
file Yes Filename to image of the part. File:Image needed.svg
size Yes Radial size of the part (uses {{Radial size}}). Not set/Hidden
size2 Yes Second radial size of the part (uses {{Radial size}}). Not set/Hidden
size3 Yes Third radial size of the part (uses {{Radial size}}). Not set/Hidden
size4 Yes Fourth radial size of the part (uses {{Radial size}}). Not set/Hidden
manufacturer Yes Manufacturer of the part. If set, linked to the category of this name (see also Category:Manufacturers). Automatically uses {{Infobox/Part/Manufacturer}} and {{Infobox/Part/Manufacturer entry}} on it. ?
manufacturer2 Yes Second manufacturer of the part. Not set/Hidden
costs No Cost of the part, which is usually given in the part configuration.
mass No Mass of the part, which is usually given in the part configuration.
variantCost Yes The extra cost the default variant adds to the part. Only used for wet costs calculation. 0

|- | variantMass | style="background: #9f9; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-yes" | Yes | The extra mass the default variant adds to the part. Only used for wet mass calculation. | 0}} |- | drag | style="background: #f99; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-no" | No | Drag of the part. By different values, add minimum_drag first and then maximum_drag | |- | temp | style="background: #f99; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-no" | No | Temperature resistance of the part, which is usually given in the part configuration. | |- | tolerance | style="background: #f99; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-no" | No | Impact tolerance of the part, which is usually given in the part configuration. | |- | research | style="background: #9f9; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-yes" | Yes | Research node required for this part. Uses {{Dict/sci node}} to translate names. | Unknown |- | unlock cost | style="background: #f99; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-no" | No | Cost to unlock the part, which is usually given in the part configuration. | |- | since | style="background: #9f9; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-yes" | Yes | Version the part first appeared in. It will be used in {{version}}. | Unknown |- | dlc | style="background: #9f9; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-yes" | Yes | Name of the dlc. Used for linking to the cfg-entry on the wiki. Can be:

  • mh (Making History)
  • bg (Breaking Ground)

| Not Set

|- | filename | style="background: #f99; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-no" | No | The filename (with extension) of the part configuration. | |- | part | style="background: #9f9; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-yes" | Yes | Name of the part folder. Used for linking to the cfg-entry on the wiki. It will create a link to Parts/{{{parent}}}/{{{part}}}/{{{filename}}}. | Unknown cfg |- | parent | style="background: #9f9; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;" class="table-yes" | Yes | Parent directory of the part folder. Used for linking to the cfg-entry on the wiki. | Not set/Hidden

}} Creates a parameters table for the templates of {{Infobox/Part}}.


Name Optional Description Default
additional Yes List additional parameters. Not set

Additional parameters

To add additional parameters add a row for each parameter using {{Parameter row}}.