Tutorial:To The Mun

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Revision as of 23:17, 4 July 2024 by Mr. Kerbin (talk | contribs)
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Ok. So you want to get to the Mun? In 1.12.5? Then get ready! But first, if you don’t know how to get to orbit, or have not played, that is here too.

Starting Up

So, when the game is first loaded, it should look like this:
Upon starting you should see this.
  • Start Game actually starts the game we came for.
  • Settings is the settings, like terrain scatter, resolution of the game,
  • KSP Community puts you in the forums, the KSP forums.
  • Addons & Mods links you to CurseForge but just use the forums for this. It has more and is less malware.(scroll down)
  • Credits are the game credits. Self-explanatory.
  • Quit quits the game after asking if you are sure.