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(Kerbal Assembly System)
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Defining a module is a task in and of itself and one that I'm sure has already been covered in other places.  Many modules defined by mods are duplicating effects that could be created with stock modules, but for one reason or another, the mod owner has decided to create their own modules (possibly for degree of control, possibly because the stock module didn't quite do everything they needed).  In any event, I've looked at some of the Mod modules, and detailed them below.  By mod, they are:
Defining a module is a task in and of itself and one that I'm sure has already been covered in other places.  Many modules defined by mods are duplicating effects that could be created with stock modules, but for one reason or another, the mod owner has decided to create their own modules (possibly for degree of control, possibly because the stock module didn't quite do everything they needed).  In any event, I've looked at some of the Mod modules, and detailed them below.  By mod, they are:
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==== USI_ClearIVA ====
==== USI_ClearIVA ====
No calls.
No calls.
name = USI_ClearIVA
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
  name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
  name = USI_ClearIVA
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModuleGrab ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| evaPartPos ||
* (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
* (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
|| three dimensional array, offset for carrying
| evaPartDir ||
* (0,0,-1)
|| three dimensional array for orientation
| storable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| storedSize ||
* 20
* 14
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| attachOnPart ||
* true
* false
|| uncertain
| attachOnEva ||
* true
* false
|| unsure
| attachOnStatic ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| customGroundPos ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| attachNodeName ||
* bottom
|| unsure
| dropPartPos ||
* (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
|| unsure
| dropPartRot ||
* (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unsure
| bayType ||
* hookbay
|| unsure
| bayNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| bayRot ||
* (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
|| something to do with rotation
| attachSendMsgOnly ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
name = KASModuleGrab           
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)       
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModuleGrab ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| evaPartPos ||
* (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
* (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
|| three dimensional array, offset for carrying
| evaPartDir ||
* (0,0,-1)
|| three dimensional array for orientation
| storable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| storedSize ||
* 20
* 14
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| attachOnPart ||
* true
* false
|| uncertain
| attachOnEva ||
* true
* false
|| unsure
| attachOnStatic ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| customGroundPos ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| attachNodeName ||
* bottom
|| unsure
| dropPartPos ||
* (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
|| unsure
| dropPartRot ||
* (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unsure
| bayType ||
* hookbay
|| unsure
| bayNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| bayRot ||
* (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
|| something to do with rotation
| attachSendMsgOnly ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
name = KASModuleGrab           
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)       
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModuleGrab ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| evaPartPos ||
* (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
* (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
|| three dimensional array, offset for carrying
| evaPartDir ||
* (0,0,-1)
|| three dimensional array for orientation
| storable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| storedSize ||
* 20
* 14
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| attachOnPart ||
* true
* false
|| uncertain
| attachOnEva ||
* true
* false
|| unsure
| attachOnStatic ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| customGroundPos ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| attachNodeName ||
* bottom
|| unsure
| dropPartPos ||
* (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
|| unsure
| dropPartRot ||
* (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unsure
| bayType ||
* hookbay
|| unsure
| bayNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| bayRot ||
* (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
|| something to do with rotation
| attachSendMsgOnly ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
name = KASModuleGrab           
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)       
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModuleGrab ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| evaPartPos ||
* (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
* (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
|| three dimensional array, offset for carrying
| evaPartDir ||
* (0,0,-1)
|| three dimensional array for orientation
| storable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| storedSize ||
* 20
* 14
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| attachOnPart ||
* true
* false
|| uncertain
| attachOnEva ||
* true
* false
|| unsure
| attachOnStatic ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| customGroundPos ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| attachNodeName ||
* bottom
|| unsure
| dropPartPos ||
* (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
|| unsure
| dropPartRot ||
* (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unsure
| bayType ||
* hookbay
|| unsure
| bayNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| bayRot ||
* (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
|| something to do with rotation
| attachSendMsgOnly ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
name = KASModuleGrab           
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)       
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModuleGrab ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| evaPartPos ||
* (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
* (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
|| three dimensional array, offset for carrying
| evaPartDir ||
* (0,0,-1)
|| three dimensional array for orientation
| storable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| storedSize ||
* 20
* 14
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| attachOnPart ||
* true
* false
|| uncertain
| attachOnEva ||
* true
* false
|| unsure
| attachOnStatic ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| customGroundPos ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| attachNodeName ||
* bottom
|| unsure
| dropPartPos ||
* (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
|| unsure
| dropPartRot ||
* (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unsure
| bayType ||
* hookbay
|| unsure
| bayNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| bayRot ||
* (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
|| something to do with rotation
| attachSendMsgOnly ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
name = KASModuleGrab           
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)       
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModuleGrab ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| evaPartPos ||
* (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
* (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
|| three dimensional array, offset for carrying
| evaPartDir ||
* (0,0,-1)
|| three dimensional array for orientation
| storable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| storedSize ||
* 20
* 14
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| attachOnPart ||
* true
* false
|| uncertain
| attachOnEva ||
* true
* false
|| unsure
| attachOnStatic ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| customGroundPos ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| attachNodeName ||
* bottom
|| unsure
| dropPartPos ||
* (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
|| unsure
| dropPartRot ||
* (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unsure
| bayType ||
* hookbay
|| unsure
| bayNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| bayRot ||
* (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
|| something to do with rotation
| attachSendMsgOnly ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
name = KASModuleGrab           
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)       
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModuleGrab ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| evaPartPos ||
* (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
* (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
|| three dimensional array, offset for carrying
| evaPartDir ||
* (0,0,-1)
|| three dimensional array for orientation
| storable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| storedSize ||
* 20
* 14
|| specifies whether the part can be stored
| attachOnPart ||
* true
* false
|| uncertain
| attachOnEva ||
* true
* false
|| unsure
| attachOnStatic ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| customGroundPos ||
* True
* False
|| unsure
| attachNodeName ||
* bottom
|| unsure
| dropPartPos ||
* (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
|| unsure
| dropPartRot ||
* (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unsure
| bayType ||
* hookbay
|| unsure
| bayNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| bayRot ||
* (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
|| something to do with rotation
| attachSendMsgOnly ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
name = KASModuleGrab           
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)       
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80

Latest revision as of 23:44, 28 December 2014


Defining a module is a task in and of itself and one that I'm sure has already been covered in other places. Many modules defined by mods are duplicating effects that could be created with stock modules, but for one reason or another, the mod owner has decided to create their own modules (possibly for degree of control, possibly because the stock module didn't quite do everything they needed). In any event, I've looked at some of the Mod modules, and detailed them below. By mod, they are:

Kerbal Assembly System

Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals. It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.

MODULE:NEEDS[KAS] for the module


Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has. Also included is an interaction distance. Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container. Lots of sounds.

variable example definition
  • 5
  • 20
  • 80
specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
  • 1
  • 5
Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
  • KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
sound stuff
  • KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
sound stuff for opening the container
  • KAS/Sounds/containerClose
sound stuff for closing the container
  • KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
sound stuff
 name = KASModuleContainer
 maxSize = 80


variable example definition
  • true
  • false
specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
  • true
  • false
can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
 name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
 passable = true
 passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true 


variable example definition
  • (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
  • (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
three dimensional array, offset for carrying
  • (0,0,-1)
three dimensional array for orientation
  • true
  • false
specifies whether the part can be stored
  • 20
  • 14
specifies whether the part can be stored
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • bottom
  • (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
  • (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • hookbay
  • top
  • (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
something to do with rotation
  • true
  • false
name = KASModuleGrab            
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)        
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)


variable example definition
BAY {}
  • top
  • bottom
attachment placement
  • containerA
  • container
  • hookBay
 name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB


variable example definition
  • top
  • kasplug
  • 30
  • plugNode
 name = KASModulePort
 attachNode = top
 nodeType = kasplug
 breakForce = 30
 nodeTransformName = plugNode


variable example definition

This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.

  • 500
Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
  • 0
Bounciness of the anchor
  • 0.8
Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
  • 0.8
Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
 name = KASModuleAnchor
 groundDrag = 500
 bounciness = 0
 dynamicFriction = 0.8 
 staticFriction = 0.8


This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.

variable example definition
  • 10
The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
  • true
  • false
Disable/enable attraction of eva
  • 0.998
Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
  • 4
Power consumption when the magnet is used
 name = KASModuleMagnet
 breakForce = 10
 attachToEva = False
 minFwdDot = 0.998
 powerDrain = 4


variable example definition
  • pipeNode
  • strutNode
  • PipeSize1
  • StrutSize1
  • 20
  • 8
  • 100
  • 10
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • 0.15
  • 0.15
  • 1
  • 4
  • Joined
  • Rounded
  • Joined
  • Rounded
  • (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
  • (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • KAS/Textures/pipe
 name = KASModuleStrut 
 nodeTransform = pipeNode
 type = PipeSize1 
 maxLenght = 20
 maxAngle = 100
 breakForce = 10
 allowDock = true
 allowPumpFuel = true
 hasCollider = false
 tubeScale = 0.15
 jointScale = 0.15
 textureTiling = 1
 tubeSrcType = Joined
 tubeTgtType = Joined
 evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
 evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe


This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.

variable example definition
  • 6
The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
  • 15
The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
  • 0.05
Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
  • 4
Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
  • true
  • false
Disable/enable attachment on parts.
  • (0,-1,0)
Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
  • 0.8
Attach ray lenght.
 name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
 partBreakForce = 6
 staticBreakForce = 15
 aboveDist = 0.05
 forceNeeded = 4
 attachToPart = true
 rayDir = (0,-1,0) 
 rayLenght = 0.8


variable example definition
  • 50
  • 80
  • 1000
  • 0.1
  • 0.04
  • 2
  • 0.05
  • 0.5
  • 0.3
  • head
  • portNode
  • bottom
  • front
  • anchorNode
  • (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
  • (0,0,1)
  • (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
  • (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • true
  • false
  • 20
  • 0.12
  • 0.90
 name = KASModuleWinch
 maxLenght = 50
 cableSpring = 1000
 cableDamper = 0.1
 cableWidth = 0.04
 motorMaxSpeed = 2
 motorAcceleration = 0.05
 powerDrain = 0.5
 headTransformName = head
 headPortNodeName = portNode
 connectedPortNodeName = bottom
 anchorNodeName = anchorNode
 evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
 evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
 evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
 evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 ejectEnabled = true
 ejectForce = 20
 lockMinDist = 0.12
 lockMinFwdDot = 0.90

Universal Storage

Universal Storage. By the by: Excellently documented!


Animation module.

variable example definition
  • Take 001
Name of the animation from the model.
  • Wedge Locks Off
Part tooltip name to display for deployment
  • Wedge Locks Off
Part tooltip name to display for retraction
  • Wedge Locks Off
Action group name for deployment
  • Wedge Locks On
Action group name for retraction
  • 100000
Speed of the animation
  • true
  • false
If the animation can only be played once
  • true
  • false
If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
  • true
  • false
If the part tooltip is visible in flight
  • true
  • false
If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
  • 5
EVA visible range
  name = ModuleAnimator
  animationName = Take 001
  guiEnableName = Wedge Locks Off
  guiDisableName = Wedge Locks On
  actionEnableName = Wedge Locks Off 
  actionDisableName = Wedge Locks On 
  animationSpeed = 100000
  oneShot = false
  activeEditor = true
  activeFlight = false
  activeUnfocused = false
  unfocusedRange = 5


variable example definition
  • Water Electrolizer
Flavor Text
  • Start Water Electrolizer
Flavor Text
  • Stop Water Electrolizer
Flavor Text
  • ElectricCharge, 14, Water, 0.0000176697
  • Hydrogen, 0.0219907427, True, Oxygen, 0.0109953713, False
  name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter
  ConverterName = Water Electrolizer
  StartActionName = Start Water Electrolizer
  StopActionName = Stop Water Electrolizer
  RecipeInputs = ElectricCharge, 14, Water, 0.0000176697
  RecipeOutputs = Hydrogen, 0.0219907427, True, Oxygen, 0.0109953713, False

Umbra Space Industries: ExpPack

USI is widely known for building an entire add-on family of interconnected and cross-supported parts and extensions. Here we detail mods added by the ExpPack.


No calls.

 name = USI_ClearIVA


variable example definition
  • true
  • false
specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
  • true
  • false
can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
 name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
 passable = true
 passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true 


variable example definition
  • (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)
  • (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
three dimensional array, offset for carrying
  • (0,0,-1)
three dimensional array for orientation
  • true
  • false
specifies whether the part can be stored
  • 20
  • 14
specifies whether the part can be stored
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • bottom
  • (0.0, -0.2, -0.7)
  • (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • hookbay
  • top
  • (0.0., 0.0, 0.0)
something to do with rotation
  • true
  • false
name = KASModuleGrab            
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.40, -0.40)        
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize  = 20
attachOnPart = true
attachOnEva = true
bayType = hookBay
bayNode = top
bayRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)


variable example definition
BAY {}
  • top
  • bottom
attachment placement
  • containerA
  • container
  • hookBay
 name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB


variable example definition
  • top
  • kasplug
  • 30
  • plugNode
 name = KASModulePort
 attachNode = top
 nodeType = kasplug
 breakForce = 30
 nodeTransformName = plugNode


variable example definition

This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.

  • 500
Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
  • 0
Bounciness of the anchor
  • 0.8
Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
  • 0.8
Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
 name = KASModuleAnchor
 groundDrag = 500
 bounciness = 0
 dynamicFriction = 0.8 
 staticFriction = 0.8


This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.

variable example definition
  • 10
The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
  • true
  • false
Disable/enable attraction of eva
  • 0.998
Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
  • 4
Power consumption when the magnet is used
 name = KASModuleMagnet
 breakForce = 10
 attachToEva = False
 minFwdDot = 0.998
 powerDrain = 4


variable example definition
  • pipeNode
  • strutNode
  • PipeSize1
  • StrutSize1
  • 20
  • 8
  • 100
  • 10
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • 0.15
  • 0.15
  • 1
  • 4
  • Joined
  • Rounded
  • Joined
  • Rounded
  • (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
  • (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • KAS/Textures/pipe
 name = KASModuleStrut 
 nodeTransform = pipeNode
 type = PipeSize1 
 maxLenght = 20
 maxAngle = 100
 breakForce = 10
 allowDock = true
 allowPumpFuel = true
 hasCollider = false
 tubeScale = 0.15
 jointScale = 0.15
 textureTiling = 1
 tubeSrcType = Joined
 tubeTgtType = Joined
 evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
 evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe


This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.

variable example definition
  • 6
The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
  • 15
The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
  • 0.05
Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
  • 4
Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
  • true
  • false
Disable/enable attachment on parts.
  • (0,-1,0)
Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
  • 0.8
Attach ray lenght.
 name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
 partBreakForce = 6
 staticBreakForce = 15
 aboveDist = 0.05
 forceNeeded = 4
 attachToPart = true
 rayDir = (0,-1,0) 
 rayLenght = 0.8


variable example definition
  • 50
  • 80
  • 1000
  • 0.1
  • 0.04
  • 2
  • 0.05
  • 0.5
  • 0.3
  • head
  • portNode
  • bottom
  • front
  • anchorNode
  • (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
  • (0,0,1)
  • (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
  • (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • true
  • false
  • 20
  • 0.12
  • 0.90
 name = KASModuleWinch
 maxLenght = 50
 cableSpring = 1000
 cableDamper = 0.1
 cableWidth = 0.04
 motorMaxSpeed = 2
 motorAcceleration = 0.05
 powerDrain = 0.5
 headTransformName = head
 headPortNodeName = portNode
 connectedPortNodeName = bottom
 anchorNodeName = anchorNode
 evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
 evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
 evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
 evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 ejectEnabled = true
 ejectForce = 20
 lockMinDist = 0.12
 lockMinFwdDot = 0.90