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== 火箭设计辅助工具 ==
=== Reaction Wheels ===
本节讨论的是如何使用设计辅助。有关于如何使用 [[VAB]]/[[SPH]] 控件的信息参见“[[Tutorial:Game_Manual#Using_the_VAB.2FSPH_Controls|使用 VAB/SPH 控件]]”。
{{See also|Reaction wheel}}
To facilitate rotation of a vessel, reaction wheels can be used to apply torque to the vessel at its part location, so bear in mind that reaction wheels far off the center of mass can induce undesired rotation effects. Reaction wheels are mostly used to rotate your craft precisely without the need to use up fuel. To achieve this, reaction wheels require an electric charge to operate.
All command pods (''manned and unmanned'') contain basic reaction wheels. The torque provided scales roughly with the pod's mass (the bigger the pod, the more torque it has). Reaction wheel torque is grossly overpowered in-game when compared to reality, making it much easier to control craft.
=== 对称 ===
If you have a very heavy and bulky payload, you might want to add additional reaction wheels to speed up rotation time or help with stabilization during ascent. There are several inline wheels available in the "Controls" panel.
有两种方式来调整对称。你可以通过左键单击、右键单击、X 和 Shift-X 来更改''对称数'',也可以通过鼠标中键单机或按 R 来更改''对称模式''。对称数指的是对于一个未放置在中轴线上的零件,你希望同时放置多少与之对称的相同零件。对称数可以被设置成 2、3、4、6、8 或者设置为 1 来关闭对称。对称模式有两种可选:“径向”或者“镜像”。寥寥数语难以讲清这两种模式的含义,借用数学语言,在选用径向模式时我们希望零件关于 Z 轴旋转对称,而在镜像模式下零件关于 XoZ 平面对称。前者常用于设计火箭而后者用于设计空天飞机。
=== 角度限制 ===
=== 动量轮 ===
=== 物理指示器 ===
当航天器的载荷非常大时,你需要增加额外的动量轮来提高航天器的稳定性。 在“控制”面板中你可以找到额外的动量轮组件。
=== 旋转组件 ===

Latest revision as of 06:15, 8 October 2024

Reaction Wheels

→ See also: Reaction wheel

To facilitate rotation of a vessel, reaction wheels can be used to apply torque to the vessel at its part location, so bear in mind that reaction wheels far off the center of mass can induce undesired rotation effects. Reaction wheels are mostly used to rotate your craft precisely without the need to use up fuel. To achieve this, reaction wheels require an electric charge to operate. All command pods (manned and unmanned) contain basic reaction wheels. The torque provided scales roughly with the pod's mass (the bigger the pod, the more torque it has). Reaction wheel torque is grossly overpowered in-game when compared to reality, making it much easier to control craft.

If you have a very heavy and bulky payload, you might want to add additional reaction wheels to speed up rotation time or help with stabilization during ascent. There are several inline wheels available in the "Controls" panel.



当航天器的载荷非常大时,你需要增加额外的动量轮来提高航天器的稳定性。 在“控制”面板中你可以找到额外的动量轮组件。