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=== SAS ===
=== Heatshield ===
{{See also|Stability Augmentation System}}
{{See also|Heat shield}}
This toggleable assistance system included in all [[command module]]s (default: "T") supports rotation control (pitch, yaw, roll) of a vessel.
You also have to care of excessive heat or else dire consequences may result. Usually, heat is generated during reentry when you hit the dense atmosphere at insane orbital speeds of multiple times the speed of sound. The air being pushed out of the way is superheated and transfers some of its heat to the payload. Very small and sturdy satellites can be risked to survive reentry a bit warmed up if they follow a shallow enough reentry trajectory, but heavier payloads (usually manned pods) will require a dedicated part such as a heat shield.
Manual control input will be dampened while SAS is active and slow the rotation rate to zero ("dampening mode"). This can be useful if you have very powerful rotation wheels that would cause too strong of a torque otherwise or to "brake" rotation.
A heat shield is composed of ablative material, that gradually melts away during reentry, absorbing a lot of heat in the process. It should be placed right below the payload that is to return to Kerbin and has to have a sufficient diameter to cover the payload fully. It also is directional, so you have to ensure to hit the atmosphere with the heat shield facing forward. If your payload tumbles just slightly during reentry, a non-protected area could face the heated atmosphere and suffer explosion from overheating.
If your vessel does not rotate, SAS switches to the "Locking" mode. It will now try to hold the current orientation (which is not to be confused with heading).
The heat shield is fairly heavy. With experience, you can reduce its weight by reducing the thickness (right-click the part and reduce the amount of ablator), shaving off some more valuable kilograms. It also has an integrated decoupler, meant to be triggered after leaving the dense atmosphere, to reduce the weight the parachute has to slow down.
SAS uses the same means of control available to you as the user (reaction wheels, RCS, control surfaces, engines, etc.).
=== 姿态稳定系统(SAS)===
=== 热盾 ===
{{See also|Stability Augmentation System|姿态稳定系统}}
{{See also|Heat shield|热盾}}
在 KSP 中,所有[[command module|命令模块]]都集成了姿态稳定系统,你可以通过按键 T 来开关这个系统。当 SAS 被激活时,你手动输入的指令会被抑制,此时 SAS 处于所谓的“抑制模式”。这个功能是为了防止你携带了过多动量轮之后反而无法控制飞船稳定而被设计出来的。
如果你的飞船已经处于稳定状态(无姿态变化,无旋转),那么 SAS 会转变到“锁定”模式。在这个模式下它会尽力保持当下的飞船姿态,这点在需要控制飞船朝向时十分有用。
SAS 只是一个系统,它会使用所有能够提供控制能力的组件(包括动量轮,RCS,矢量引擎等)来完成自己的任务。

Latest revision as of 14:02, 14 October 2024


→ See also: Heat shield

You also have to care of excessive heat or else dire consequences may result. Usually, heat is generated during reentry when you hit the dense atmosphere at insane orbital speeds of multiple times the speed of sound. The air being pushed out of the way is superheated and transfers some of its heat to the payload. Very small and sturdy satellites can be risked to survive reentry a bit warmed up if they follow a shallow enough reentry trajectory, but heavier payloads (usually manned pods) will require a dedicated part such as a heat shield. A heat shield is composed of ablative material, that gradually melts away during reentry, absorbing a lot of heat in the process. It should be placed right below the payload that is to return to Kerbin and has to have a sufficient diameter to cover the payload fully. It also is directional, so you have to ensure to hit the atmosphere with the heat shield facing forward. If your payload tumbles just slightly during reentry, a non-protected area could face the heated atmosphere and suffer explosion from overheating.

The heat shield is fairly heavy. With experience, you can reduce its weight by reducing the thickness (right-click the part and reduce the amount of ablator), shaving off some more valuable kilograms. It also has an integrated decoupler, meant to be triggered after leaving the dense atmosphere, to reduce the weight the parachute has to slow down.


→ See also: 热盾