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== Introduction ==
#REDIRECT [[Campaign: Space Race]]
Robert Kerbin and his intrepid Kerbicans aim to launch the first Kerbal-made object into Kerbin orbit... that is, until the Kerbussians launched their Stayputnik into orbit. Not to be outdone the great Robert Kerbin and his new Kerbal Space Program planned to get the first man into space... but they were outdone yet again. But in the end, the Kerbal Space Program would have the final word and launch the first Kerbal into a sustained orbit around Kerbin and bring him back safely. KSP would come to dominate the Space Race from that point forward, but not without its share of semi-expendable half-volunteered core of Kerbalnaughts sacrificing their lives for the scientific good of all Kerbalkind as it began its race to the Mun.
This campaign is designed to present you with a mission manifest that will allow you to accomplish the final goal of reliably launching the Stayputnik satellite into orbit, and your first manned orbit and safe return.
*'''Length:''' 1 hour
*'''Difficulty:''' As easy as hitting a spacebar, and then some.
*'''Skills needed:''' Navball navigation
*'''For version:''' Every version (tested on 0.20.2)
#Launch Two-Stage LVT-30 Liquid Fuel Rocket into Orbit with a [[Tutorial: Sputnik 1]]
==Finishing word==

Latest revision as of 07:25, 6 June 2013