Difference between revisions of "Parts/Wheel/roverWheelXL3/roverWheelXL3.cfg"

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Revision as of 23:58, 5 August 2014

This is the configuration file for RoveMax Model XL3.
name = roverWheel3
module = Part
author = Squad

mesh = model.mu
scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 2

node_attach = 0.6886959, 0.7967276, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0

TechRequired = advancedMotors
entryCost = 11200

cost = 1200
category = Utility
subcategory = 0
title = RoveMax Model XL3
manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
description = The RoveMax Model 3 was developed in total secrecy by Kerbal Motion's R&D team over the course of a year and a half. When it was finally revealed to the company's chairman, he stared in shock, screamed 'WHY', and subsequently dropped dead on the spot.

attachRules = 0,1,0,0,0

mass = 1.25
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.15
angularDrag = 1.5
crashTolerance = 150
breakingForce = 200
breakingTorque = 200
maxTemp = 1200

explosionPotential = 0

	name = ModuleWheel
	hasMotor = true
	resourceName = ElectricCharge
    	resourceConsumptionRate = 2
	canSteer = true
	controlAxisType = Forward
	steeringModeType = TankSteer
	tankSteeringTorque = 0.5
	brakeTorque = 200
	brakeSpeed = 1.2
	impactTolerance = 800
	overSpeedDamage = 30
	    wheelName = wheel
	    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
	    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
	    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
	    damagedObjectName = bustedwheel
	    rotateX = 1
	    rotateY = 0
	    rotateZ = 0

   	 key = 0 150 0 0
	 key = 13 90 0 0
	 key = 13.5 0 0 0


	  key = 0 150 0 0
          key = 3 100 0 0
	  key = 6 70 0 0
	  key = 15 10 0 0
          key = 15.5 0 0 0


	name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
		targetName = susp2-1
		rotatorsName = susp2-2

		targetName = susp2-2
		rotatorsName = susp2-1

		targetName = susp1-2
		rotatorsName = susp1-1

		targetName = susp1-1
		rotatorsName = susp1-2