Difference between revisions of "Parts/Wheel/roverWheelTR-2L/roverWheelTR-2L.cfg"

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m (*update to 1.0;)
(Update part config)
Line 9: Line 9:
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
TechRequired = advancedMotors
TechRequired = advancedMotors
entryCost = 6000
entryCost = 7000//6000
cost = 580
cost = 760//580
category = Utility
category = Ground
subcategory = 0
subcategory = 0
title = TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel
title = TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel
Line 17: Line 17:
description = The TR-2L is an extremely tough wheel made for mobilizing medium sized vehicles across a large variety of terrain. The extremely high traction tread ensures firm grip on any surface, providing reliability and reducing the chances of being used for high-speed tomfoolery.
description = The TR-2L is an extremely tough wheel made for mobilizing medium sized vehicles across a large variety of terrain. The extremely high traction tread ensures firm grip on any surface, providing reliability and reducing the chances of being used for high-speed tomfoolery.
attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
mass = 0.05
mass = 0.105
CoMOffset = -0.4,-0.1, 0
dragModelType = default
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.3
maximum_drag = 0.3
minimum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 1
angularDrag = 1
crashTolerance = 7
//crashTolerance = 7
maxTemp = 1200 // = 3600
maxTemp = 1200 // = 3600
crashTolerance = 100
crashTolerance = 100
Line 28: Line 29:
breakingTorque = 80
breakingTorque = 80
bulkheadProfiles = srf
bulkheadProfiles = srf
tags = )car drive ground roll rover sports
name = ModuleWheel
name = ModuleWheelBase
hasMotor = true
resourceName = ElectricCharge
wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider
resourceConsumptionRate = 0.7
wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
canSteer = true
controlAxisType = Forward
wheelType = MOTORIZED
steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer
brakeTorque = 500
// setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters
brakeSpeed = 2.5
FitWheelColliderToMesh = False
impactTolerance = 300
radius = 0.58
overSpeedDamage = 60
center = 0,0,0
mass = 0.040
groundHeightOffset = 0
wheelName = wheel
wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel
suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
damagedObjectName = bustedwheel
rotateX = 1
rotateY = 0
name = ModuleWheelSuspension
rotateZ = 0
baseModuleIndex = 0
suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
suspensionDistance = 0.125
targetPosition = 0.5
springRatio = 7
damperRatio = 1.0
name = ModuleWheelSteering
baseModuleIndex = 0
caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
steeringResponse = 2
key = 0 10
key = 0 20
key = 10 6
key = 10 9//6
key = 30 2
key = 30 3.0//1.5
name = ModuleWheelMotor
baseModuleIndex = 0
wheelSpeedMax = 59//37 208 kph
driveResponse = 2
key = 0 100 0 0
key = 0 2.0 0 0
key = 2.5 70 0 0
key = 10 1.4 0 0//2.5 2.0 0 0
key = 30 0 0 0
key = 52 0.5 0 0//36 0.5 0 0
key = 58 0 0 0//38 0 0 0
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 3.5//7
idleDrain = 0.0//0.1////0.5
name = ModuleWheelBrakes
baseModuleIndex = 0
maxBrakeTorque = 3
brakeResponse = 1
name = ModuleWheelDamage
baseModuleIndex = 0
damagedTransformName = bustedwheel
undamagedTransformName = wheel
stressTolerance = 900
impactTolerance = 300
deflectionMagnitude = 1.0
deflectionSharpness = 2.0
slipMagnitude = 15
slipSharpness = 2.0
name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
name = ModuleTestSubject
matchRotation = true
environments = 15
matchPosition = false
useStaging = False
useEvent = True
targetName = steering
moversName = trackSteering

Revision as of 09:48, 21 October 2016

This is the configuration file for TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel.
	name = wheelMed
	module = Part
	author = Squad
	mesh = model.mu
	scale = 1
	rescaleFactor = 1
	node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
	TechRequired = advancedMotors
	entryCost = 7000//6000
	cost = 760//580
	category = Ground
	subcategory = 0
	title = TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel
	manufacturer = Kerbal Motion LLC
	description = The TR-2L is an extremely tough wheel made for mobilizing medium sized vehicles across a large variety of terrain. The extremely high traction tread ensures firm grip on any surface, providing reliability and reducing the chances of being used for high-speed tomfoolery.
	attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0
	mass = 0.105
	CoMOffset = -0.4,-0.1, 0
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.3
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 1
	//crashTolerance = 7
	maxTemp = 1200 // = 3600
	crashTolerance = 100
	breakingForce = 80
	breakingTorque = 80
	bulkheadProfiles = srf
	tags = )car drive ground roll rover sports
		name = ModuleWheelBase
		wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider		
		wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
		wheelType = MOTORIZED

		// setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters
		FitWheelColliderToMesh = False		
		radius = 0.58
		center = 0,0,0
		mass = 0.040
		groundHeightOffset = 0
		TooltipTitle = Rover Wheel
		TooltipPrimaryField = Motorized
		name = ModuleWheelSuspension
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
		suspensionDistance = 0.125
		targetPosition = 0.5			
		springRatio = 7
		damperRatio = 1.0
		name = ModuleWheelSteering
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
		steeringResponse = 2
			key = 0 20
			key = 10 9//6
			key = 30 3.0//1.5
		name = ModuleWheelMotor
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		wheelSpeedMax = 59//37 208 kph
		driveResponse = 2
			key = 0 2.0 0 0
			key = 10 1.4 0 0//2.5 2.0 0 0
			key = 52 0.5 0 0//36 0.5 0 0
			key = 58 0 0 0//38 0 0 0
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 3.5//7
		idleDrain = 0.0//0.1////0.5
		name = ModuleWheelBrakes
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		maxBrakeTorque = 3
		brakeResponse = 1
		name = ModuleWheelDamage
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		damagedTransformName = bustedwheel
		undamagedTransformName = wheel
		stressTolerance = 900
		impactTolerance = 300
		deflectionMagnitude = 1.0
		deflectionSharpness = 2.0
		slipMagnitude = 15
		slipSharpness = 2.0
		name = ModuleTestSubject
		environments = 15
		useStaging = False
		useEvent = True