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Axod or Akad is the second of 3 unconfirmed moons or objects orbiting or surrounding an unknown planetary system,The parent object is not visible, potentially saying that these objects surrounding the parent are so far away that it is too small to see anymore. Axod is the only one of the 4 objects to have a name

Akod and 3 other objects (only information on akod (or akad?) comes from this image right now)

This is the only image of Akod, Akod is the only one with a probe symbol but this symbol has been seen at least once before in a clip zooming out from Gurdamma showing the Deb Deb system. while the object in the center is the only object seen so far with that symbol.

possible explanations for Akod

potentially the second star system which's name has yet to be announced, this would also imply a third star system or interstellar object (blackhole, browndwarf, rouge planet) yet to even be announced.
a gas giant very far away from the star, along with 2 other gas giants.
very far moon away from a planet.

NAME:AKOD(or Akad)
Velocity: 4 numbers 1023? 1995?
ALTITUDE: 122978779??
?????????: ????????


i had no idea what i was doing when calculating how far away it would be since i dont know the ksp distance to real life distance conversion and feel like it would be better left up to someone else