Tutorial: Apollo 11
“ | I was elated, ecstatic and extremely surprised that we were successful. — Neil Armstrong, describing what he felt after landing on the moon |
” |
It's time, we will finally do the first manned landing on another celestial body. During this mission we will require both the docking and EVA know-how from the Tutorial:_Gemini_6A_and_7 mission, as well as what we learned about moon landing from Tutorial:_Luna_9.
Ship setup
For this mission we will recreate the largest and most powerful rocket ever built: The Saturn V.
Mission phases
Getting into transfer orbit
Use the first two stages to get into orbit and the third to circularize it and get into a Mün transfer orbit just like you did for Luna 9.
Reorganizing the modules
Now begins the tricky part of the mission. Just like it was done on the real Apollo missions, we placed the landing module right under the main engine of the command and service module. Before we can use the engine we need to get the LM on the other end of the CSM.
- Make sure that the ship is perfectly still and not rotating
- decouple the docking node between LM and CSM
- thrust just a tiny bit forward with the RCS trusters of the CSM and stop the movement immediately with a backwards RCS trust
- turn the CSM by exactly 180°. I recommend to do this while the RCS trusters are switched off. This is slower, but you avoid any lateral movement in case the RCS thrusters aren't exactly on the center of mass.
- thrust forward to redock the LM at the top docking node
- engage the stack decoupler which links the LM to the 3rd stage
Transfering the landing crew
During the real Apollo missions the crew could board the landing module through the docking hatch. Unfortunately the current version of KSP (0.18.4) doesn't allow that, so we need to do two EVAs to transfer the crew. Let the first Kerbonaut leave the command pod, fly to the door of the lander can, and enter it. Then do the same with the second Kerobonaut. The third one stays behind in the CSM to control it while in Mün orbit.
Enter Mün orbit
Get into an orbit with a height of about 20km around the Mün. Make it as circular as possible. That will make the later redocking easier.