
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Revision as of 16:49, 24 September 2012 by Craigmt1 (talk | contribs)
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?? (??)
Planet image
Orbital characteristics
Parent Body  ??
Semi-Major Axis  ?? m
?? AU
Velocity  ?? m/s
Longitude of Ascending Node  ??°
Argument of Periapsis  ??°
Mean Anomaly at Epoch UT = 0.0  ?? radians
Orbital Period  ?? hours
?? Earth days
Sphere of influence  ?? km
?? body radii
Physical characteristics
Equatorial Radius  ?? km
Mass  ?? kg
Density  ?? g/cm^3
Surface Gravity  ?? m/s²
?? g
Gravity @ Launchpad  ?? m/s²
Gravitational parameter  ?? m³/s²
Escape velocity @ Surface  ?? m/s
Sidereal Rotation Period  ?? Hours
Solar Day  ?? Hours
Kerbosynchronous Orbit alt  ?? km
Kerbostationary Orbit  ?? m/s




This templates takes the following arguments:

Argument Explanation Example mandatory?
Name Name of the part. Defaults to {{PAGENAME}} FL-T500 Fuel Tank no
Role Role the part fulfills Fuel Tank yes
Class The Part Module the part uses FuelTank yes
File Name of the file to be displayed FL-T500 Fuel Tank.jpg yes
Costs Costs of the part 550 yes
Mass Mass of the part 2.5 yes
More More module-specific information (see below) no
since Version the part first appeared in 0.7.3 yes