Talk:CFG File Documentation

From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Revision as of 19:30, 6 September 2013 by XZise (talk | contribs) (Suggested change to Outdated tag)
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This is really in need of a .18+ update.

seconded Medavox (talk) 19:41, 25 June 2013 (CDT)

Suggested change to Outdated tag

This will help readers to understand the problems with the document until the page is properly updated

--Greys (talk) 12:21, 6 September 2013 (CDT)

Although I agree with the general notion of this suggestion, I would say this is overkill. Especially the last three boxes say the same. Something like this:
Large portions of this page are originally incorrect or so outdated that they are no longer useable.

It also adds a note to your page, in case somebody want to help improve it (all edits going on this page are basically “lost”, unless somebody manually merge/add them to your version). — xZise [talk] 14:30, 6 September 2013 (CDT)