Tutorial: Orbital Docking with the Kergena Target Vehicle

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docking is a reletively hard task to do and may get you realy frustrated, so intil you got the basicks of flying and orbiting i sugest you put a holt on docking for a wile.(pictures to be added soon)

step 1: Geting In To Orbit

what you whant to achive here is geting the firs ship in a circular orbit (this is not nesesery but will make your life a lot easyer). to circulise your orbit you whant to use your burn at perapsis and apopsis. now lanch your second ship and get it into orbit. try to lanch abit sooner then the time that the target flyis over ksc.

step 2: orbital adjustments

so this is probably the hardes spot, , now set the other craft as target (by rite cliking on it then set as target). it is very important that the too ships have the same bearing, if not you will need to fix it. try to get your orbit a bit smaler then the other one this will be very helpfull to getind the ships reletive speed zerod out.

step 3: orbital randevoyse

now that your orbit is adjusted you will need to add a manuver that will get you in the other ships orbit as sown. if you have done a good job on the lanch you may have an intercept of 5km or less on the manuver.now it is inportant to note that when you have a hier orbit then the target you travel slower so it is caching up to you and when you are at a lower orbit you are caching up whith it. taking that into acount you shud be able to lower or hier your orbit so that you get a ranevoyse of 5km or les.

step 4: geting close to the target

now that you are 5km or less away from the target you will need to retro burn untill your reletive speed reachise zero. so now aim your craft at the purpole dot that resempoles the target and fire youre engins!! make sure youre not going too fast a reletive speed of 20m/sec is a good speed for 2km but when you reach 1km decrese it to 10m/sec as you are at 600m you soud decrease your reletive speed to 5km/sec when geting close too the target you whant to stop using the engins becase you may blow up the target ^_^.

Step 5: manuvering next to the the target

to manuver wile close to the target you whant to use the option docking at the left corner of the screan now anable rcs. remeber that wile in docing you can not turn the ship but you can only rotate it so before you movi in to dock stop at 50 -10 m away of the target make sure your reletive speed is 0.00m/sec and swich to the other ship make sure its docking port is looking at the craft.

Step 6: Docking

Now quick save so you dont scru it up ;)

move toward the target port slowly making sure booth ships have sas on. and.... tada they are conected if not its becas both ships have sas on dont panick just turn it of and it will conect by its self du to the magnets on the docking ports.

step 7

now jump of your chair say f<3 yea and pad your self on the back congradulations you just made your firs docking

this tutorial needs quite a bit of inpruvement fell free to edit