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This is the configuration file for LY05 Steerable Landing Gear.
	name = GearFree
	module = Part
	author = Porkjet
	mesh =
	scale = 1.0
	node_attach = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
	TechRequired = aviation
	entryCost = 1500
	cost = 150
	category = Utility
	subcategory = 0
	title = LY05 Steerable Landing Gear
	manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company		// it can't all be [C7 Aerospace Division]
	description = Simple wheel with steering actuation. It has become evident that aerodynamic control surfaces don't offer much control while slowly taxiing on the ground. Hopefully these wheels will reduce the number of low altitude low speed collisions with buildings. And Kerbals.
	attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
	mass = 0.04
	thermalMassModifier = 4.0 
	// heatConductivity = 0.06
	emissiveConstant = 0.95
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.3
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 1
	maxTemp = 1000 
	crashTolerance = 25
	breakingForce = 50
	breakingTorque = 50
	PhysicsSignificance = 1
	bulkheadProfiles = srf
		model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearFree
		name = ModuleLandingGearFixed
		BrakeTorque = 20
		BrakeSpeed = 3
		wheelName = wheel
		hasSteering = true
		name = ModuleSteering
		controlAxisType = Forward
		steeringAxis = 0, 1, 0
		steeringTransformName = axle
		steeringLocked = false
			key = 0 16
			key = 10 9
			key = 30 2
			key = 100 1