CFG File Format

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Revision as of 15:45, 14 March 2016 by Lexxy Fox (talk | contribs) (Basic Value Types)
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KSP uses a custom file format for various purposes such as part definitions, save files, and config files.

Low-level Format

Config file nodes contain a list of key = value pairs, and other nested config nodes. Keys and values are both strings and nested config nodes also have a key. Duplicate keys are allowed. CFG Files also support comments. In the data model, nested config nodes are generally separate from key-value pairs, and the node key typically defines the node's type.

  • Key-value pairs
Keys and values are separated by an equals sign ("="). Values are read until the end of the line, EOF, or the start of a comment.
  • Nodes
Config nodes start with their name, followed by an opening curly brace ("{") on its own line, their contents, and end with a closing curly brace ("}") on another separate line. The general convention is that config node keys are in all capital letters. Generally, node contents are indented by a single tab character.
  • Comments
Comments start with a double forward slash ("//") and continue until the end of the line or EOF.

Basic Value Types

Although values are just strings, the config file codec in KSP contains a few utility methods for serializing common data types which map directly to Unity Engine classes.

Type tree:

  • Array-likes
    Arrays elements are separated by either commas, spaces, or tabs (by default the config writer uses a comma followed by a space). Below is listed the Unity Engine class the type maps to in bold, the primitive type of the array elements, and it's length.
    • Color types
      • UnityEngine.Color <Float> [3 or 4]
      • UnityEngine.Color32 <Byte> [3 or 4]
    • Quaternion types
      • UnityEngine.Quaternion <Float> [4]
      • UnityEngine.QuaternionD <Double> [4]
    • UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 <Float> [16]
    • Vector types
      • UnityEngine.Vector2 <Float> [2]
      • UnityEngine.Vector3 <Float> [3]
      • UnityEngine.Vector3D <Double> [3]
      • UnityEngine.Vector4 <Float> [4]
  • Enums
    The config writer serializes enumerations automatically.
  • Serialized config node data