
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
< Template:Infobox‎ | Part
Revision as of 23:16, 11 April 2018 by ArnePeirs (talk | contribs) (Add param)
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Name Optional Description Default
Parameters of {{Infobox/Part}}
name Yes Name of part. {{BASEPAGENAME}}
file Yes Filename to image of the part. File:Image needed.svg
size Yes Radial size of the part (uses {{Radial Size}}). Not set/Hidden
size2 Yes Second radial size of the part (uses {{Radial Size}}). Not set/Hidden
size3 Yes Third radial size of the part (uses {{Radial Size}}). Not set/Hidden
height Yes Height of the part in meters. Not set/Hidden
costs No Wet costs of the part, which is usually given in the part.cfg.
mass No Dry mass of the part, which is usually given in the part.cfg.
drag No Drag of the part
temp No Temperature resistance of the part
tolerance No Impact tolerance of the part
manufacturer Yes Manufacturer of the part. If set linked to the category of this name (see also Category:Manufacturers). Automatically uses {{Infobox/Part/Manufacturer}} and {{Infobox/Part/Manufacturer entry}} on it. Not set/Hidden
research Yes Research node required for this part. Not all subtemplates support this parameter yet. Unknown
research page Yes Article of the research node required for this part. Don't use link to technology tree, but instead redirect from the node if wished. Not all subtemplates support this parameter yet. The same as {{{research}}}
since Yes Version the part first appeared in. It will be used in {{version}}. Unknown
part No Name of the part folder. Used for link to cfg-entry in wiki. It will create a link to Parts/{{{parent}}}/{{{part}}}/part.cfg.
Creates a parameters table for the templates of {{Infobox/Part}}.


Name Optional Description Default
additional Yes List additional parameters. Not set
more Yes Show {{{more}}}, {{{class}}} and {{{role}}} parameter. Either:
  • all to show all three
  • All other values to show only the more parameter
def size Yes Default size value. Not set
def parent Yes Default parent value. If set it will be shown. Not set
def mass Yes Default mass value. If set it will be shown. Not set

Additional parameters

To add additional parameters add a row for each parameter using {{Parameter row}}.