Hello. This is where I document research about Kraken bugs.
Some of these get pretty nitty-gritty in the gamedata so hold onto your seatbelt!
Before we begin, note that:
- Kraken names with a ! at the end means the kraken was patched
- Kraken names with a * at the end means the kraken was discovered before I started the numbering scheme
- Kraken names with a + at the end means it's easily replicable and not luck-based
- Kraken names with a - at the end means it's very hard to replicate
- Kraken names with a ^ at the end means it's only replicable by modifying save data
- Kraken names with a # at the end means it's symptoms are staged
With this in mind, we can begin.
Random krakens (Class 1)
Minor Krakens (Class 2)
General Krakens (Class 3)
Save-damaging Krakens (Class 4)
Pillow Kraken#^
SPECIMEN ID: 0001 SEVERITY: Medium/High The Pillow Kraken occurs when you remove a kerbal's name and mess up its trait in the savefile.
It's named the Pillow kraken because I changed the trait of Jebediah from Pilot to Pillow. Don't ask why. Please. The first stage of the Pillow Kraken is for the menu of getting Kerbals in and out of command pods being very difficult to use. You cannot tell who is in the command pod because no matter what it'll be a gray nameless kerbal whose specialty is "XP Trait". It may also complain about no control methods. Apart from that nothing happens, and the true kerbal that was put there stays inside.
Stage 2, unlike Stage 1, isn't purely graphical. Stage 2 begins when you attempt to fire the Kerbal, since it is unkillable. The active, assigned, and lost Kerbal tabs are forever blank, and it always says "10 out of 12 kerbals". On the menu to hire kerbals, it's just the nonamed glitch pillow. What's even worse is that nothing happens if you try to hire it.
Stage 3 occurs when you try to launch a ship after Stage 2. It'll act exactly like Stage 1 for the first flight except for an effect that goes for Stage 3 onwards: Attempting to remove the kerbal duplicates the pillow kerbal. After the first flight, all "sane" kerbals are destroyed. Noone knows where they went, they just disappear.
No manned space craft will be controllable after this, and the game usually stabilizes at 3 seconds per frame on both computers I tried it on whilst attempting to fly.
Whenever you recover the vessel, it will always have a no-named no-specialty orange kerbal appear with 0 stars that supposedly leveled up to Level 5. Mind you I tried this in Science mode.