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Revision as of 21:24, 12 September 2024 by ArnePeirs (talk | contribs) (Add conversion method, use dict for in-/output and preview)
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Conversion Liquid fuel
Ore 2.25 Units of fuel/s
Electric charge 30 ⚡/s
Liquid fuel 0.45 Units of fuel/s

{{Infobox/Part}} module for converters. It is using {{Infobox/Part/converter/io}} for the two inputs and outputs so the types must be set appropriately.

Name Optional Description Default
conversion No The conversion method
in1-type No Primary type of input resource
in1-amount No Primary amount of input resource
in2-type Yes Secondary type of input resource Not set/Hidden
in2-amount Yes Secondary amount of input resource Not set/Hidden
out1-type No Primary type of output resource
out1-amount No Primary amount of output resource
out2-type Yes Secondary type of output resource Not set/Hidden
out2-amount Yes Secondary amount of output resource Not set/Hidden