From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
PART { name = roverWheel1 module = Part author = Squad mesh = scale = 1 node_attach = 0.3093255, 0.322, 0.00, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = fieldScience entryCost = 5200 cost = 450 category = Ground subcategory = 0 title = #autoLOC_500987 //#autoLOC_500987 = RoveMax Model M1 manufacturer = #autoLOC_501649 //#autoLOC_501649 = Kerbal Motion LLC description = #autoLOC_500988 //#autoLOC_500988 = After years of outcry against the lack of proper powered wheels, a small startup company named Kerbal Motion was founded and delivered just what the public wanted - the RoveMax Model 1 powered rover wheel. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 mass = 0.075 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.3 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 //crashTolerance = 7 maxTemp = 1200 // = 3600 crashTolerance = 50 breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 bulkheadProfiles = srf tags = #autoLOC_500989 //#autoLOC_500989 = )car drive ground roll rover wheel MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBase wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider wheelTransformName = WheelPivot useNewFrictionModel = true wheelType = MOTORIZED adherentStart = 0.5 frictionAdherent = .3 peakStart = 3 frictionPeak = 1.5 limitStart = 6 frictionLimit = 1.3 // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters FitWheelColliderToMesh = False radius = 0.378 center = 0,0,0 mass = 0.040 groundHeightOffset = 0 TooltipTitle = #autoLOC_502081 //#autoLOC_502081 = Rover Wheel TooltipPrimaryField = #autoLOC_6004045 //#autoLOC_6004045 = Motorized } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelSuspension baseModuleIndex = 0 suspensionTransformName = suspensionPivot maximumLoad = 10.0 suspensionDistance = 0.2 targetPosition = 0.5 springRatio = 28 damperRatio = 2.0 useDistributedMass = true } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelSteering baseModuleIndex = 0 caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot autoSteeringAdjust = true steeringResponse = 2 steeringRange = 25 steeringCurve { key = 0 20 key = 20 20 } steeringMaxAngleCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 3 1 0.0001624425 0.0001624425 key = 7.5 0.33 -0.05674612 -0.05674612 key = 20 0.12 -0.003158088 -0.003158088 key = 30 0.1 -0.002872917 -0.002872917 } } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelMotor baseModuleIndex = 0 wheelSpeedMax = 42 driveResponse = 2 torqueCurve { key = 0 1.0 0 0 key = 10 0.66 0//20 0.66 0 key = 30 0.14 0 0//40 0.14 0 0 key = 34 0 0 0//44 0 0 0 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 2.5//5 } idleDrain = 0.0//0.1////0.3 } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelBrakes baseModuleIndex = 0 maxBrakeTorque = 2 brakeResponse = 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleWheelDamage baseModuleIndex = 0 damagedTransformName = wheelDamaged undamagedTransformName = wheel stressTolerance = 560 impactTolerance = 200 deflectionMagnitude = 1.0 deflectionSharpness = 2.0 slipMagnitude = 15 slipSharpness = 2.0 impactDamageColliderName = collisionEnhancer impactDamageVelocity = 21 } MODULE { name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = susp2-1 rotatorsName = susp2-2 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = susp2-2 rotatorsName = susp2-1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = susp1-2 rotatorsName = susp1-1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = susp1-1 rotatorsName = susp1-2 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = susp3-1 rotatorsName = susp3-2 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = susp3-2 rotatorsName = susp3-1 } } MODULE { name = ModuleTestSubject environments = 15 useStaging = False useEvent = True } MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart packedVolume = 600 } }