Understanding the navball is critical to successful flight. Its behavior may seem illogical at first, but it can be tamed.
Clicking hide toggles its display on-screen.
Your speed is relative to your point of reference. Clicking it will change between surface and orbit.
Throttle is how much power you are giving your engines.
The heading is the direction in degrees that you are facing.
G forces are the pressures exerted due to acceleration.
The target is the space center unless you are within 50km of some debris or another ship (verification needed).
The level indicator tells you the direction your ship is headed.
Blue is skyward. Brown is toward the ground.
Prograde means that you are faced toward something.
Prograde means you are faced away.
Default control W moves the indicator down on the navball.
Default control S moves it up.
Default control A moves it left.
Default control D moves it right.
Default control Q rolls it counterclockwise.
Default control E rolls it clockwise.