From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Everyone likes a challange... Spam them here! When completed, add a comment stating that it is rational and explain how it can be done. Complete these on Sandbox unless stated differently. We had fun with many of these!
Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible, Unknown
[hide]SpeedTrips to Old Bases
- Fly to the Old Runway in under a minute, using only jet engines. - Normal
- Get over to Baikerbanur with a rocket. You have 15 minutes! - Hard
Clutch it's - these are epic!
- Get together a 3-part rover and travel to the Monolith close to KSC! Good luck! Oh, the rover must be unmanned. - Hard
- Can You create a safety system to survive a 5000 m/s Kerbin reentry? You bet! - Hard
- Heard of basic tech? Career mode Start parts can be used to get into orbit and return safely... Tip: retroburning. :) - Hard
The "Orange Tank"
- Get to Duna with an orange tank as Your only source of fuel! - Hard
- Save an orange tank from exploding after being dropped from 300m, use only 1 part that weighs less than 1t - Unknown
- Go faster than orbital velocity in a rover! - Impossible - Prove me wrong!