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===Explorer 6: Grand Tour of Jool and Eeloo
===Explorer 6: Grand Tour of Jool and Eeloo===

Revision as of 02:26, 11 July 2013

Kerbollo 13 Campaigns Kerbals in Space


The new international Kerbal Space Program formed in the aftermath of the Kerbollo 13 rescue, set out to answer long-standing questions of the universe for the rest of all Kerbalkind, and exploration of the Kerbol system began in earnest. Probes were designed and launched to the inner planets, and plans made for a Grand Tour of the outer planets at some point thereafter.

Soon you'll be seeing Eve, Duna, and Moho up close, and through the lens of a spacecraft camera rather than than Kerbin-based telescopes. Afterwards, you will have the pleasure and angst of flying several probes on a Grand Tour of the outer planets.


  • Length: 4 hours
  • Difficulty: Pretty easy. As long as you know what a phase angle is.
  • Skills needed: Orbital Mechanics 101, and and understanding of phase angles
  • For version: Every version (tested on 0.20.2)

Kerinor 2

The first successful planetary encounter to ever leave Kerbin, Kerinor 2 would pass by Eve within 30,000km before settling into a Kerbol orbit.

  • Design and launch a probe bound for Eve.
  1. Probe must have an OKTO core, two 1x6 solar panels, and an antenna.
  2. Probe must encounter Eve on a flyby within 30,000km.

Minmus Lander

Land a probe on Minmus.

Kerinor 10: First Planetary Slingshot

1 flyby of Eve and 3 flybys of Moho.

Kenera 3: Eve Impactor


Kenera 7: First Eve Lander


Kerinor 9: First Planetary Orbiter (Duna)


Duna 3: First Duna Lander


Kelio: Kerbol Observatory

A probe to study Kerbol and the bolar wind.

Explorer 2: Grand Tour of Dres, and Jool


Explorer 6: Grand Tour of Jool and Eeloo


Final Word

Much data was gathered in these early planetary missions, of which one particular photo of Kerbin, entitled "Pale Blue Dot" by Karl Kergan, based on pictures taken from the first working probe to exit the Kerbin gravitational sphere of influence. This photo would have great historic significance. Future plans for space stations and greater international co-operation were being laid out between all involved nations.