Tutorial:Create custom flags!

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Tutorial:Custom Flags

Creating custom flags is simple; It's all about sizing and placing the file in the right area. For this demonstration I shall be using paint.net to customise my flag, but you may use any art tool you feel comfortable with. If you only have Microsoft Paint, it is recomended you upgrade to a better editing program such as paint.net, FireAlpaca, or painttoolSAI, which are all free.

Stage one: Design stage!

File:Flag dimentions.png
The dimentions of a flag

Alright, first you will need a blank canvis with the dimentions (256x160) You may then find the center by using the selection tool to make a line at 128 pixles in and proceeding to cut the line at 80 pixles up. You should be left with a 2x2 mark on the flag. You may also download the file on the next stage. I have made mine more target-like in appearence in order to improve accuracy.

Stage two: Inserting the design

The correctly sized flag with a small center node