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Modules define what specific parts can do.  They are generally calls to C-coded or hard-coded functions that define what functionality these parts have in-game.  If you are a new part designer, modder, engineer, or someone else who makes parts, please check the STOCK modules list '''before''' designing a new module.  Each additional module increases the CPU workload and reduces FPS and Physics.
Modules define what specific parts can do.  They are generally calls to C-coded or hard-coded functions that define what functionality these parts have in-game.  If you are a new part designer, modder, engineer, or someone else who makes parts, please check the STOCK modules list '''before''' designing a new module.  Each additional module increases the CPU workload and reduces FPS and Physics.  All 0.90 stock modules are now included.
| name ||names define the module in use and are a general indication of what the module subtype does.  Specific variables are associated with each [module].[name].  For example, the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr. has the MODULE.name ModuleDockingNode and its' associates variables are [referenceAttachNode] and [nodeType].  Some [MODULE]s share variables with other modules, which can make deciphering their purpose difficult.
| name
| names define the module in use and are a general indication of what the module subtype does.  Specific variables are associated with each [module].[name].  For example, the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr. has the MODULE.name ModuleDockingNode and its' associates variables are [referenceAttachNode] and [nodeType].  Some [MODULE]s share variables with other modules, which can make deciphering their purpose difficult.
! explanation
! code examples
=== CModuleFuelLine ===
! explanation !! code examples
No known arguments or variables at this time.  This module is used by fuelLine, presumably to specify that it is fuel Transfer enabled.  More research is clearly called for.  This module is new in 0.90.
name = CModuleFuelLine
=== FlagDecal ===
=== CModuleLinkedMesh ===
This module is new in 0.90 and is used by fuelLine and strutConnector, presumably to created the variable length connectors between two parts (and add end caps on both sides). 
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| textureQuadName
| lineObjName
* flagTransform  
* obj_line
* obj_strut  
|| specifies whether there is a flag displayed on the exterior surface of the object.
|| specifies whether there is a flag displayed on the exterior surface of the object.
| targetAnchorName
* obj_targetAnchor
|| Unknown
| anchorCapName
* obj_AnchorCap
|| name of the part on the source part that this part attaches from
| targetCapName
* obj_targetCap
|| name of the part on the target part to which this mesh attaches
Line 25: Line 59:
      name = FlagDecal
name = CModuleLinkedMesh
      textureQuadName = flagTransform
lineObjName = obj_line
    targetAnchorName = obj_targetAnchor
    anchorCapName = obj_anchorCap
    targetCapName = obj_targetCap
=== CModuleStrut ===
=== FXModuleAnimateThrottle ===
This module is new in 0.90 and is used by strutConnector, presumably to indicate that it is a structural support part.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| linearStrength
* 100
* 150
|| the push/pull strength of the strut
| animationName || 
| angularStrength
* colorAnimation
|| specifies the animation to be used
* 100
* 150
| depondOnEngineState ||  
|| the sheering strength of the strut
* True
* False
|| specifies whether the animation is dependent on the throttle
| responseSpeed || 
* 0.5
|| specifies the rate at which the animation reacts to the change in engine state
      name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
name = CModuleStrut
      animationName = colorAnimation
      dependOnEngineState = True
linearStrength = 150
      responseSpeed = 0.5
angularStrength = 150
=== FXModuleConstrainPosition ===
=== FlagDecal ===
Parts with this module have a place for a flag on their sides.  You don't have to turn it on, but this is how it gets there.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| textureQuadName
* flagTransform 
|| specifies whether there is a flag displayed on the exterior surface of the object.
      name = FlagDecal
      textureQuadName = flagTransform
| matchRotation ||
* true
* false
=== FXModuleAnimateThrottle ===
|| unknown  
Animation for engines and engine bells showing them as they fire up and operate, based on the amount of throttle applied. See ion Engines for a good example.
| matchPosition ||
! variable !! example !! definition
* true
* false
|| unknown
| CONSTRAINFX || {}  || unknown
| targetName ||  
| animationName ||
* Steering
* colorAnimation
* steering
|| specifies the animation to be used
|| unknown
| moversName ||  
| depondOnEngineState ||  
* wheelCollider
* True
* steering
* False
|| unknown
|| specifies whether the animation is dependent on the throttle
| responseSpeed || 
* 0.5
|| specifies the rate at which the animation reacts to the change in engine state
name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
      name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
matchRotation = true
      animationName = colorAnimation
matchPosition = false
      dependOnEngineState = True
      responseSpeed = 0.5
targetName = steering
moversName = lateral
=== FXModuleLookAtConstraint ===
=== FXModuleConstrainPosition ===
Copies the rotation and/or position (matchRotation/matchPosition) from targetName to moversName. Used by for example wheels to copy the rotation of the steering part to the wheel collider.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| matchRotation ||
* true
* false
|| Should targetNames rotation be applied to moversName?
| targetName ||  
| matchPosition ||
* susp2-1
* true
|| No idea
* false
|| Should targetName's position be applied to moversName?
| CONSTRAINFX || {}  || unknown
| targetName ||  
* Steering
* steering
|| gameObject to copy targetName's world position/rotation of.
| rotatorsName ||  
| moversName ||  
* susp2-2
* wheelCollider
|| No idea
* steering
|| gameObject to apply targetName's world position/rotation to.
  name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
matchRotation = true
matchPosition = false
   targetName = susp2-1
   rotatorsName = susp2-2
targetName = steering
moversName = lateral
=== FXModuleLookAtConstraint ===
Makes two gameObject "look" at each other, for example in suspensions where the piston must "look" at the cylinder. The gameObjects must be aligned so it rotates around it's local X axis and looks down it's local Z axis.
! variable !! example !! definition
| targetName ||
* susp2-1
|| gameObject to target rotatorsName at.
| rotatorsName ||
* susp2-2
|| gameObject to rotate so that it looks at targetName
  name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
   targetName = susp2-1
   rotatorsName = susp2-2
   targetName = susp2-2
   targetName = susp2-2
   rotatorsName = susp2-1
   rotatorsName = susp2-1
Line 160: Line 251:
=== KerbalSeat ===
=== KerbalSeat ===
This module makes the part have an EXTERIOR seat. 
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 187: Line 279:
=== LaunchClamp ===
=== LaunchClamp ===
This module enables the part to hold a vessel in suspension on the launch pad. 
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 230: Line 323:
=== ModuleAlternator ===
=== ModuleAlternator ===
Specifies that this part produced a resource, based on the percentage of thrust produced by the engine.
Specifies that this part produced a resource, based on the percentage of thrust produced by the engine.
Line 245: Line 337:
Line 262: Line 353:
=== ModuleAnchoredDecoupler ===
=== ModuleAnchoredDecoupler ===
This module specifies that the part is attached (anchored) to another part, and will decouple from yet a third part, forcing the third part away from it.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 293: Line 385:
=== ModuleAnimateGeneric ===
=== ModuleAnimateGeneric ===
Generic Animations will be applied to parts with this module.  This module is slowly replacing other animation modules as progression is made towards the release version of KSP.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 321: Line 414:
* false
* false
|| specifies whether the part can be manually animated
|| specifies whether the part can be manually animated
| actionAvailable ||
* '''true'''
* false
|| ???
| eventAvailableEditor ||
* '''true'''
* false
|| specifies whether the animation can be toggled in the VAB/SPH scene
| eventAvailableFlight ||
* '''true'''
* false
|| specifies whether the animation can be toggled in the flight scene
| eventAvailableEVA ||
* '''true'''
* false
|| specifies whether the animation can be toggled by a Kerbal on EVA near the vessel or part containing the animation
| evaDistance ||
* 5
* 10
|| specifies the maximum distance (in meters) from which a Kerbal on EVA can toggle an animation on the part
Line 340: Line 459:
=== ModuleAnimateHeat ===
=== ModuleAnimateHeat ===
This module specifies that heating animation will be applied to this part.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 364: Line 484:
=== ModuleAsteroid ===
=== ModuleAsteroid ===
Because it has no procedures or calls, is new in [0.90] and only appears on a part that you must hack to have available, it is impossible to say for certain what this module does, but it has something to do with being an asteroid.
no procedures or calls
no procedures or calls
Line 376: Line 496:
=== ModuleCommand ===
=== ModuleCargoBay ===
Applies Command to vessels
Allows a [[cargo bay]] to shield its contents from airflow and heat.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| minimumCrew ||  
| DeployModuleIndex ||  
* 0
* 0
* 1
* 1
* 2
* 2
||  Specifies the minimum number of crew needed to operate this module.   
||  Specifies the index (starting with zero) of the MODULE which controls whether the bay is open or closedSaid MODULE must implement IScalarModule (e.g. ModuleAnimateGeneric and its descendents, or ModuleAnimatedDecoupler from [https://github.com/Starwaster/AnimatedDecouplers AnimatedDecouplers]).
| closedPosition ||
* 0
* 1
||  Specifies whether the cargo bay is closed by default (0) or open by default (1).
| lookupRadius ||  
* 1.25
|| Radius within which the part should search for parts to be shielded.
| name || ElectricCharge  || This is the name of that resource
| lookupCenter ||  
* 0,0.5,0
* 1,0,0
|| Optional (default is 0,0,0).  Specifies the point from which the search is centered.  Rays are cast from here; any parts that are struck are shielded, while the rays stop when the part's own colliders are hit.
| rate || 15.0 || and the rate in units/second of resource consumed
* nodeOuterForeID
|| If this Module requires a resource
* nodeOuterAftID
* nodeInnerForeID
* nodeInnerAftID
* top
* bottom
* top2
* bottom2
|| Optional.  For hollow cargo bay parts without end walls (e.g. [[Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04]]), node IDs are given to determine where the cargo bay ends.
Line 401: Line 538:
name = ModuleCommand
    name = ModuleCargoBay
minimumCrew = 1
    DeployModuleIndex = 1
    closedPosition = 1
    lookupRadius = 1
    nodeOuterForeID = top
    nodeOuterAftID = bottom
    nodeInnerForeID = top2
    nodeInnerAftID = bottom2
Line 408: Line 552:
=== ModuleControlSurface ===
=== ModuleCommand ===
Applies Command to vessels
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| minimumCrew ||
* 0
* 1
* 2
||  Specifies the minimum number of crew needed to operate this module. 
| dragCoeff || * 0.5 |
this value overrides the maximum_drag value
| deflectionLiftCoeff || * 0.7 || specifies the Coefficient of lift for the part
| name || ElectricCharge || This is the name of that resource
| ctrlSurfaceRange || * 20 || specifies the degrees of operation for the part
| rate || 15.0 || and the rate in units/second of resource consumed
| ctrlSurfaceArea || * 0.95 || specifies how much of the part affects lift
|| If this Module requires a resource
Line 427: Line 577:
  name = ModuleControlSurface
name = ModuleCommand
  dragCoeff = 0.5
minimumCrew = 1
=== ModuleControlSurface ===
This module gives the part the ability to respond to inputs, generally used for aerodynamic parts to expose more or less effective surface to lift and braking forces in atmospheres.
! variable !! example !! definition
| dragCoeff || * 0.5 || 
this value overrides the maximum_drag value
| deflectionLiftCoeff || * 0.7  || specifies the Coefficient of lift for the part
| ctrlSurfaceRange || * 20 || specifies the degrees of operation for the part
| ctrlSurfaceArea || * 0.95 || specifies how much of the part affects lift
  name = ModuleControlSurface
  dragCoeff = 0.5
  deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.7
  deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.7
  ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
  ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
Line 438: Line 615:
=== ModuleDataTransmitter ===
=== ModuleDataTransmitter ===
This module specifies that the part acts as a transmitter of data, typically an antenna of some sort, for broadcasting science data back to the KSC.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| antennaType ||
||  whether the antenna is capable of acting as a relay
| packetInterval ||  
| packetInterval ||  
Line 475: Line 658:
  name = ModuleDataTransmitter
  name = ModuleDataTransmitter
  antennaType = DIRECT
  packetInterval = 0.18
  packetInterval = 0.18
  packetSize = 2
  packetSize = 2
Line 489: Line 673:
=== ModuleDecouple ===
=== ModuleDecouple ===
ModuleDecouple is a slightly upgraded version of ModuleAnchoredDecoupler, and may replace it in the future.  Allows for decouplers that separate from both parts to which it is attached.
! variable !! sample !! definition
! variable !! sample !! definition
Line 521: Line 706:
=== ModuleDeployableSolarPanel ===
=== ModuleDeployableSolarPanel ===
Solar panels cannot deploy without this module.  May be possible to use for other modules which unfold.  Optionally specifies whether the part will automatically turn to face the sun.  This is one place where you can say how a part breaks.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 536: Line 722:
* true
* true
* false
* false
|| Assumed to indicate whether the animation will turn the panel towards the sun.
|| Indicates whether the animation will turn the panel towards the sun.
| raycastTransformName ||
| raycastTransformName ||
* suncatcher
* suncatcher
|| optional.  unknown.
|| Specifies the GameObject in Unity with Z+ forward facing the sun that will act as the solar panel.
| pivotName ||
| pivotName ||
* suncatcher
* suncatcher
|| optional.  unknown.
|| Specifies the object in Unity which will act as the rotation point for the solar panel sun tracking function.
| isBreakable ||
| isBreakable ||
Line 593: Line 779:
| referenceAttachNode ||  
| referenceAttachNode ||  
* top
* top
* bottom
* bottom
* dockingNode
Specifies the node on the part that is used for the docking port, generally top or bottom
Specifies the node on the part that is used for the docking port, generally top or bottom. dockingNode is the name of the GameObject transform in Unity with Z+ forward.
| deployAnimationController ||   
| deployAnimationController ||   
Line 607: Line 794:
* size0
* size0
|| Specifies the type of node for attachment.  When perform docking operations, nodes must have the same value for nodeType in order to dock with one another.
|| Specifies the type of node for attachment.  When perform docking operations, nodes must have the same value for nodeType in order to dock with one another.
| nodeTransformName ||
* dockingNode
|| unknown
| controlTransformName ||  
| controlTransformName ||  
* controlNode  
* controlNode  
|| apparently only used for docking nodes that have related animations, see dockingPortInline
|| apparently only used for docking nodes that have related animations, see dockingPortInline
| undockEjectionForce ||
* 0.25
|| Force in d/v applied on undock
| minDistanceToReEngage ||
* 3.5
|| Docking Nodes must separate by this many meters before being able to reengage
| acquireForce ||
* 3.5
|| magnetic grip, in d/v
| acquireTorque ||
* 3.5
|| rotational magnetic grip, in d/v
| acquireRange ||
* 3
|| maximum distance to begin applying magnetic grip
| captureRange ||
* 1.5
|| maximum range to begin docking
| snapRotation ||
* True
* False
|| specifies whether to enforce docking at multiple rotational offsets rather than a single allowable angle
| snapOffset ||
* 45
* 90
* 120
|| specifies what rotational offsets (in degrees) docking is allowed
| acquireMinRollDot ||
* 0.95
* 0.99999
|| specifies the minimum angular accuracy between docking ports for applying magnetic grip; higher values imply better accuracy
| captureMinRollDot ||
* 0.95
* 0.99999
|| specifies the minimum angular accuracy between docking ports to begin docking; higher values imply better accuracy
| gendered ||
* True
* False
|| specifies whether to enforce gendered docking; defaults to false (androgynous)
| genderFemale ||
* True
* False
|| if gendered (see above) is true, this specifies whether the docking port can only docking with another port of the same type but different gender; defaults to true, which means it can only dock with another port with genderFemale=false
Line 620: Line 868:
  referenceAttachNode = top
  referenceAttachNode = top
  nodeType = size2
  nodeType = size2
undockEjectionForce = 0.25
minDistanceToReEngage = 3.5
acquireForce = 3.5
acquireTorque = 3.5
acquireRange = 3.0
captureRange = 1.5
snapRotation = false
Line 626: Line 881:
=== ModuleEngines ===
=== ModuleEngines ===
Everything about your engine, all in one module!
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 631: Line 887:
| thrustVectorTransformName ||  
| thrustVectorTransformName ||  
* thrustTransform   
* thrustTransform   
|| unknown purpose. Known arguments:
|| specifies gameObject to be used as point of applied thrust, force is applied in local +Z. standard name is thrustTransform, but it can be anything as long as gameObject in the MU matches thrustVectorTransformName value in module config
| throttleLocked ||  
| throttleLocked ||  
Line 645: Line 901:
| ignitionThreshold ||  
| ignitionThreshold ||  
* 0.1   
* 0.1   
|| appears to not be used. Suggests a minimum thrust output value, below which the engine will no longer operate.
||minimum required resource(s) for engine to start. If engine has less than specified value in resource(s), it will not start. Think of it as if your car needs at least half full tank to start.
| minThrust ||  
| minThrust ||  
Line 718: Line 974:
Translates directly to ISP.  In order to make a more efficient engine, set the second number of this array higher.   
Translates directly to ISP.  In order to make a more efficient engine, set the second number of this array higher.   
| velocityCurve ||   ||   
| velocityCurve || {} ||   
uncertain as to how exactly this works, but appears to control the degree of acceleration at particular velocities. uses a 4 part key, the first part of the key is definitely specific accelerations, the second part is percentage of velocities.
Control the degree of acceleration of an engine at specified speeds. It uses keys to generate a curve of the amount of thrust generated by the engine according to the speed of the craft. First part of the key is speed in m/s and then comes the thrust multiplier ( the effective thrust will be : maxThrust * multiplier). Used stock by jet engines.
  key = 0 0.5 0 0
  key = 1000 1 0 0
  key = 2000 0.5 0 0
  key = 2400 0 0 0
  key = 1000 0 0 0
  key = 850 0.2 0 0
  key = 0 1 0 0
Line 768: Line 1,009:
=== ModuleEnginesFX ===
=== ModuleEnginesFX ===
An updated and more customizable version of ModuleEngines.  Required for and allows implementation of multi-modal engines and engines with custom exhaust FX.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 781: Line 1,023:
* running_closed  
* running_closed  
|| state of the engine
|| effect used for when the engine is running
| thrustVectorTransformName  
| thrustVectorTransformName  
Line 788: Line 1,030:
* obj_gimbal
* obj_gimbal
unknown purpose.
specifies gameObject to be used as point of applied thrust, force is applied in local +Z. standard name is thrustTransform, but it can be anything as long as gameObject in the MU matches thrustVectorTransformName value in module config
| exhaustDamage ||
| exhaustDamage ||
Line 806: Line 1,048:
* 0.1
* 0.1
* 0.05   
* 0.05   
|| appears to not be used. Suggests a minimum thrust output value, below which the engine will no longer operate. Typical values are 0.1 (10%)
|| minimum required resource(s) for engine to start. If engine has less than specified value in resource(s), it will not start. Think of it as if your car needs at least half full tank to start.
| minThrust  
| minThrust  
Line 904: Line 1,146:
=== ModuleEnviroSensor ===
=== ModuleEnviroSensor ===
Environmental sensor definitions.  Specifies that this part is one of these types of sensors.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 927: Line 1,170:
=== ModuleGenerator ===
=== ModuleGenerator ===
Generators and Alternators serve must the same purpose, but generators are not linked to the percentage of thrust output of an engine, they simply produce.  Some cannot be shut off.  A generator may produce any available resource.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 972: Line 1,216:
=== ModuleGimbal ===
=== ModuleGimbal ===
Gimballing represents an engine-bells ability to move around in relation to the engine body, provided a degree of ability to steer the vessel.  Higher numbers indicate a higher range, but don't set it too high.  Strange things will happen.  Recommend limiting range to .90 at the absolute maximum.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 1,003: Line 1,248:
=== ModuleGrappleNode ===
=== ModuleGrappleNode ===
Added in [0.90], specifically for the KASA asteroid capture missions, this part functions much like a dockingNode, however, it does not require a matching docking node on the capture-side.  Grapplers can attach to anything (as far as we know).
! variable !! sample !! definition
! variable !! sample !! definition
Line 1,116: Line 1,362:
=== ModuleLandingGear ===
=== ModuleLandingGear ===
Specifies that the part is a landing gear, implying a wheel, and the traits of that wheel.  Hopefully being deprecated in favor of [[Module#ModuleWheel|moduleWheel]] below.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 1,142: Line 1,389:
=== ModuleLandingLeg ===
=== ModuleLandingLeg ===
Specifies that this part is a landing leg and describes compression and resistance factors for the part.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 1,229: Line 1,477:
=== ModuleLight ===
=== ModuleLight ===
Specifies that this part is a light source, and how that light is produced and directed.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 1,290: Line 1,539:
=== ModuleParachute ===
=== ModuleParachute ===
specifies that this part is a parachute and describes the operational parameters for parachute operations.  Includes default settings for opening height and deployment atmospheric conditions.
Line 1,372: Line 1,622:
=== ModuleRCS ===
=== ModuleRCS ===
Specifies that this is a Reaction Control System part.  Uses variable resources to control directionality of the spacecraft.  Unlike engines, RCS parts are generally oriented perpendicular to all directions of a spacecraft in order to provide steering, rather than thrust.  Typically, monopropellant is decompressively expelled from an RCS port to push the spacecraft in one direction. 
Note:  ModuleRCS can use either a single resource, or a series of PROPELLANT calls.
Note:  ModuleRCS can use either a single resource, or a series of PROPELLANT calls.
Line 1,467: Line 1,718:
=== ModuleReactionWheel ===
=== ModuleReactionWheel ===
Specifies that this part contains reaction wheels, used to stabilize the directionality of a spacecraft.  Typically used for stability, rather than producing change, both are possible.  If you're thinking that this does the same thing as RCS, you wouldn't be far off.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
Line 1,518: Line 1,770:
=== ModuleResourceIntake ===
=== ModuleResourceConverter ===
Used to create a part that produces a resource.
Used to create a part that convertes resources.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| resourceName ||   
| ConverterName ||   
* Lf+Ox
Name displayed when right-clicking the part.
| StartActionName ||
* Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]
Text displayed for the start action.
| StopActionName || 
* Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]
defines the type of resource produced by this module. Any resource may be used for this purpose, including those not defined at all
Text displayed for the stop action.
| checkForOxygen ||
| AutoShutdown ||  
* true
* true
* false
* false
An optional method that specifies this module must check to see if oxygen/atmosphere is present whenever attempting to generate the requested resource.
Automatically shut the converter down if part is overheating?
| TemperatureModifier ||
* Temperature modifier defintion
Unknown. Floatpoint curve.
| area ||
| GeneratesHeat ||  
* 0.004
* true
* false
area is the amount of space used for determining how much resource to produce.  The larger the number, the more of the resource is produced per second.
If set to true the converter operation will generate heat.
| intakeSpeed ||  
| DefaultShutoffTemp ||  
* 10
* .8
unknown. Assumed to be a minimum m/s measure to determine if this module operates or not.
Unknown. Related to AutoShutdown. Assumed to be unrelated to Core Temp.
| intakeTransformName ||
| ThermalEfficiency ||
* Intake
* Thermal efficiency definition
Efficiency related to part temperature. Floatpoint curve.
  name = ModuleResourceIntake
  resourceName = IntakeAir
  checkForOxygen = true
  area = 0.006
  intakeSpeed = 10
  intakeTransformName = Intake 
| UseSpecialistBonus ||
* true
=== ModuleSAS ===
* false
no known parameters. Possibly used a reference to determine whether this part is activated by the SAS function of the interface. ie. when you turn on SAS, turn on this part.  NOTE:  [0.90] added SASServiceLevel (0-3)
If set to true the converter will use specialist bonus. Efficiency = EB * [SBB + (SEF * EE)]. EE = 0-6
! !!
| SpecialistEfficiencyFactor ||
* 0.2
SEF. Sets the amount each specialist-level adds to the efficiency.
| SpecialistBonusBase ||
* 0.05
SBB. Base efficiency a converter can reach without any specialist if EB = 1.
| ExperienceEffect ||  
* ConverterSkill
! variable !! example !! definition
EE. NoSpecialist=0; ZeroStarSpecialist=1; OneStarSpecialist=2; FiveStarSpecialist=6
| SASServiceLevel ||
| EfficiencyBonus ||  
* 0
* 1
* 1
* 2
* 3
EB. Final multiplier for efficiency. Tipp: start with EB = 1 and adjust if required.
|| defines the required level of building development for each different SAS capabilities (markers on the nav ball)
* Resource defintion
Defines the resource consumed when the converter is active. Can have multiple INPUT_RESOURCE definitions.
* Resource defintion
Defines the resource produced when the converter is active. Can have multiple OUTPUT_RESOURCE definitions.
  name = ModuleSAS
  name = ModuleResourceConverter
  SASServiceLevel = 1
  ConverterName = Lf+Ox
StartActionName = Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]
StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]
AutoShutdown = true
key = 0 100000
key = 750 50000
key = 1000 10000
key = 1250 500
key = 2000 50
key = 4000 0
GeneratesHeat = true
DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
key = 0 0 0 0
key = 500 0.1 0 0
key = 1000 1.0 0 0
key = 1250 0.1 0 0
key = 3000 0 0 0
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
EfficiencyBonus = 1
ResourceName = Ore
Ratio = 0.5
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 30
ResourceName = LiquidFuel
Ratio = 0.45
DumpExcess = false
ResourceName = Oxidizer
Ratio = 0.55
DumpExcess = false
=== ModuleResourceHarvester ===
Used to create a part that harvestes resources from the environment.
=== ModuleScienceContainer ===
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| HarvesterType || 
* 0
* 1
* 2
* 3
Defines the type of harvester. 
* 0 = Planetary use
* 1 = Oceanic use
* 2 = Atmospheric use
* 3 = Vacuum use?
Harvester types other then 0 require use of a deploy animation before they can be activated (tested with KSP version 1.1.3).
| reviewActionName ||   ||   
| Efficiency ||
Flavor text for reviewing the data contained in a science container.
* 1
Harvester efficiency. Seems to work differently depending on harvester type.
| storeActionName ||   ||   
| ResourceName ||
Flavor text for placing data into a science container.
* Ore
Resource to harvest.
| collectActionName ||   ||   
| ConverterName ||  
Flavor text for removing data from a science container.
* Surface Harvester
Name displayed when right-clicking the part.
| evaOnlyStorage ||   ||   
| StartActionName ||  
Boolean, True or False
* Start Surface Harvester
Specifies whether or not data storage is restricted to EVA activities.
Text displayed for the start action.
| storageRange ||   ||   
| StopActionName ||  
Distance, expressed in meters, a Kerbal must be within in order to interact with data and this container.
* Stop Surface Harvester
Text displayed for the stop action.
| allowRepeatedSubjects ||   || 
| ToggleActionName ||  
Boolean, True or False
* Toggle Surface Harvester
Text displayed for the toggle action.
name = ModuleScienceContainer
reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
storeActionName = Store Experiments
evaOnlyStorage = True
storageRange = 4.0
| ImpactTransform ||  
=== ModuleScienceExperiment ===
* ImpactTransform
! variable !! example !! definition
Seems to be only relevant for surface harvesters. Resource is only harvested when in contact to the ground. Further details of this parameter are unknown.
| experimentID ||   ||   
| ImpactRange ||  
* atmosphereAnalysis
* 5
* mysteryGoo
* crewReport
Seems to be only relevant for surface harvesters. May be the distance between where the drillhead is when it is deployed and where the actual part is. Further details of this parameter are unknown.
* seismicScan
* barometerScan
| experimentActionName ||   ||   
| AutoShutdown ||  
Flavor text for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data
* true
* false
If set to true the harvester will automatically shut off if it overheats.
| resetActionName ||   ||   
| GeneratesHeat ||  
Flavor text for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data
* true
* false
If set to true the harvester operation will generate heat.
| reviewActionName ||   ||   
| UseSpecialistBonus ||  
Flavor text for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data
* true
* false
If set to true crew members can give a bonus to harvester efficiency.
| useStaging ||   ||   
| SpecialistEfficiencyFactor ||  
Boolean True/False - speficies whether this module can be activated through the normal staging system
* 0.2
Efficieny bonus multiplier based on the number of specialists and their skill.
| useActionGroups ||   ||   
| SpecialistBonusBase ||  
Boolean True/False - specifies whether this module can be activated by an Action Group
* 0.05
Efficieny bonus base amount for each specialist of the given type.
| hideUIwhenUnavailable ||   ||   
| Specialty ||  
Boolean True/False - specifies whether this module will show its activation buttons through the contextual menu, even if it is not available
* Engineer
Type of specialist required to get the efficiency bonus.
| rerunnable ||   ||   
| EfficiencyBonus ||  
Boolean True/False.  Defaults to false.
* 1
Added efficiency for having a specialist.
| xmitDataScalar ||   ||   
* Resource defintion
Defines the resource consumed when the harvester is active. Can have multiple INPUT_RESOURCE definitions.
| FxModules ||   ||   
| TemperatureModifier ||  
0 (gooExperiment)
* Temperature modifier defintion
| dataIsCollectable ||   || 
| ThermalEfficiency ||
Boolean True/False
* Thermal efficiency definition
| collectActionName ||  || 
Efficiency related to part temperature.
Flavor text
| interactionRange ||  ||  
The range, expressed in meters, from which a Kerbal on EVA can interact with this module (for example to reset the experiment)
name = ModuleScienceExperiment
  name = ModuleResourceHarvester
  HarvesterType = 0
experimentID = atmosphereAnalysis
  Efficiency = 1.5
  ResourceName = Ore
experimentActionName = Run Atmosphere Analysis
  ConverterName = Surface Harvester
resetActionName = Discard Data
  StartActionName = Start Surface Harvester
reviewActionName = Review Data
  StopActionName = Stop Surface Harvester
  ToggleActionName = Toggle Surface Harvester
useStaging = False
  ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
useActionGroups = True
  ImpactRange = 5
hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
  AutoShutdown = true
rerunnable = True
  GeneratesHeat = true
   UseSpecialistBonus = true
xmitDataScalar = 0.35
  SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
  SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
dataIsCollectable = True
  Specialty = Engineer
collectActionName = Download Data
  EfficiencyBonus = 1
interactionRange = 1.2
    ResourceName = ElectricCharge
    Ratio = 15
    key = 0 10000
    key = 250 7500
    key = 500 5000
    key = 750 500
    key = 1000 0
    key = 0 0.1
    key = 250 .1
    key = 500 1
    key = 750 .1
    key = 1000 0
=== ModuleScienceLab ===
=== ModuleResourceIntake ===
Used to create a part that produces a resource based on interaction with the environment.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| resourceName || 
defines the type of resource produced by this module.  Any resource may be used for this purpose, including those not defined at all
| containerModuleIndex ||   ||   
| checkForOxygen ||
numerical, 0
* true
* false
An optional method that specifies this module must check to see if oxygen/atmosphere is present whenever attempting to generate the requested resource.
| dataTransmissionBoost ||   ||   
| area ||
numerical, 1.5
* 0.004
area is the amount of space used for determining how much resource to produce.  The larger the number, the more of the resource is produced per second.
| crewsRequired ||   || 
| intakeSpeed ||  
numerical, 2
* 10
| canResetConnectedModules ||  ||   
unknown.  Assumed to be a minimum m/s measure to determine if this module operates or not.
Boolean, True or False
| canResetNearbyModules ||   || 
| intakeTransformName ||
Boolean, True or False
* Intake
| interactRange ||  || 
numerical, possible integers only, 5
| name || ||  
names the resource required, e.g.: ElectricCharge
| amount || ||
specified, numerical, the number of units of the specified resource expended
name = ModuleScienceLab
  name = ModuleResourceIntake
  resourceName = IntakeAir
containerModuleIndex = 0
  checkForOxygen = true
dataTransmissionBoost = 1.15
  area = 0.006
crewsRequired = 2
  intakeSpeed = 10
  intakeTransformName = Intake  
canResetConnectedModules = True
  canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5
  name = ElectricCharge
=== ModuleSAS ===
  amount = 10
Used as a reference to determine whether this part is activated by the SAS function of the interface.  ie. when you turn on SAS, turn on this part. NOTE:  [0.90] added SASServiceLevel (0-3)
! variable !! example !! definition
| SASServiceLevel ||
* 0
* 1
* 2
* 3
|| defines the required level of building development for each different SAS capabilities (markers on the nav ball)
name = ModuleSAS
SASServiceLevel = 1
Line 1,762: Line 2,150:
=== ModuleSteering ===
=== ModuleScienceContainer ===
A place to store the results of a science experiment.
! variable !! example !! definition
! variable !! example !! definition
| controlAxisType || Forward  ||  Unsure.  May have something to do with directional control
| steeringAxis ||  
| reviewActionName || Flavor Text || for reviewing the data contained in a science container.
* 0, 0, 1 
|| specifies the 3-dimensional axis of steering control.  
| steeringTransformName || Steering  || unknown
| storeActionName || Flavor text || for placing data into a science container.
| steeringLocked ||  
| collectActionName || Flavor text || for removing data from a science container.
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the part's steering starts locked
| steeringCurve ||  
| evaOnlyStorage ||  
* True
* False
Specifies whether or not data storage is restricted to EVA activities.
| 0 || 16
| storageRange ||
* 0.5
Distance, expressed in meters, a Kerbal must be within in order to interact with data and this container.
| 10 || 9
| allowRepeatedSubjects ||  
* True
| 30 || 2
* False
|| Uncertain
| 100 || 1
|| multi-array of keys,
  name = ModuleSteering
  name = ModuleScienceContainer
  controlAxisType = Forward
  steeringAxis = 0, 0, 1
  reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
  steeringTransformName = Steering
  storeActionName = Store Experiments
  steeringLocked = true
  evaOnlyStorage = True
  storageRange = 4.0
    key = 0 16
  key = 10 9
    key = 30 2
  key = 100 1
Line 1,815: Line 2,194:
=== ModuleTestSubject ===
=== ModuleScienceExperiment ===
Used for the contract system, determines atmospheric conditions under which this part may be considered for testing.  Also specifies whether the part is able to be tested using the Staging process or must be manually selected and "Perform Test" used to satisfy contract requirements.
A place to conduct a science experiment.
! variable !! example !! definition
| experimentID ||
|| This refers to the Experiment IDs listed in ScienceDefs.cfg under each EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION{}
| experimentActionName || Flavor text  || 
for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data
| resetActionName || Flavor text  || 
for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data
| reviewActionName || Flavor text  || 
for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data
! variable !! example !! definition
| useStaging ||
* True
* False
|| specifies whether this module can be activated through the normal staging system
| environments ||  
| useActionGroups ||  
* 15
* True
* 1
* False
|| specifies whether this module can be activated by an Action Group
A single numerical value, between 0 (nowhere) and 15 (anywhere), that specifies the atmospheric conditions the part may be tested under.  Add numbers together to specify multiple environments
* 0 = nowhere
| hideUIwhenUnavailable || 
* 1 = the surface of; srf
* True
* 2 = the ocean of; ocean
* False
* 3 = the surface or ocean of; srf, ocean
|| specifies whether this module will show its activation buttons through the contextual menu, even if it is not available
* 4 = the atmosphere of; atmo
* 5 = the surface or atmosphere of; srf, atmo
* 6 = the ocean or atmosphere of; ocean, atmo
* 7 = the surface, ocean or atmosphere of; srf, ocean, atmo
* 8 = the space above; space
* 9 = the surface or space above; srf, space
* 10 = the ocean or space of; srf, ocean, space
* 11 = the surface, ocean or space of; srf, ocean, space
* 12 = the space or atmosphere of; atmo, space
* 13 = the surface, space or atmosphere of; srf, atmo, space
* 14 = the ocean, space, or atmosphere of; ocean, atmo, space
* 15 = anywhere; srf, ocean, atmo, space
| useStaging ||
| rerunnable ||  
* True
* True
* False  
* '''False'''
|| specifies whether the part can be tested using the Staging Process
|| specifies whether this experiment can be rerun.
| xmitDataScalar || 
* 0.35
|| Specifies the share of science data that can be recovered via the antenna. In this example 35% can be recovered.
| FxModules || 
* 0
|| The index of the module, starting from 0, playing the animation, if any, for this science instrument. The module must implement IScalarModule so must be ModuleAnimateGeneric or a descendant.
| useEvent ||
| dataIsCollectable ||  
* True
* True
* False  
* False
|| specifies whether the part can be tested using the "Perform Test" action.
|| Uncertain.  Presumed to indicate whether a Kerbal on EVA can retrieve data from this experiment
| collectActionName || Flavor text || If data is collectible, this is the flavor text for collecting that data
| interactionRange ||
* 0.5
|| The range, expressed in meters, from which a Kerbal on EVA can interact with this module (for example to reset the experiment)
| usageReqMaskInternal || (ExperimentUsageReqs) || How the experiment can be triggered by the parent Vessel.
| usageReqMaskExternal || (ExperimentUsageReqs) || How the experiment can be triggered by EVA Kerbals.
name = ModuleTestSubject
// nowhere: 0, srf: 1, ocean: 2, atmo: 4, space: 8
environments = 15
useStaging = False
useEvent = True
! Name !! Value !! Notes
=== ModuleWheel ===
! variable !! example !! definition
| hasMotor ||  
| Never || -1 || Experiment can't be used at all
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the wheel has a powered propulsion system 
| resourceName ||
| Always || 0 || Experiment can always be used
* ElectricCharge
|| specifies the resource(s) used by powered propulsion system
| resourceConsumptionRate ||  
| VesselControl || 1 || Experiment can be used if vessel is  (see ExperimentUsageReqs)under control (probe or crew)
* 1.0
|| specifies the rate of consumption of resources for the powered propulsion system in units/second
| canSteer ||  
| CrewInVessel || 2 || Experiment can only be used if vessel is crewed.
* true
* false
|| specifies whether this wheel is steerable
| controlAxisType ||  
| CrewInPart || 4 || Experiment can only be used if part contains crew.
* Forward
|| If steerable, specifies the axis type
| steeringModeType ||  
| ScientistCrew || 8 || Experiment can only be used if crew is scientist.
* AutomaticSteer
* TankSteer
|| uncertain: may refer to rack-and-pinion versus Track-type steering
name = ModuleScienceExperiment
experimentID = atmosphereAnalysis
experimentActionName = Run Atmosphere Analysis
resetActionName = Discard Data
reviewActionName = Review Data
useStaging = False
useActionGroups = True
hideUIwhenUnavailable = True
rerunnable = True
xmitDataScalar = 0.35
dataIsCollectable = True
collectActionName = Download Data
interactionRange = 1.2
| brakeTorque || 300 || the dV (in m/s) of torque applied when using the breaks 
=== ModuleScienceLab ===
A place to modify a science experiment prior to transmission in order to gain more research points from it.
! variable !! example !! definition
| brakeSpeed || 1.2 || the dV (in m/s) that braking will slow the vehicle under optimum conditions
| impactTolerance || 2000  || dV that this part can withstand before breaking 
| containerModuleIndex ||  
* 0
|| Specifies ModuleScienceContainer location in order in cfg file. 0 is first module listing, 1 is two and so on.
| overSpeedDamage || 60 || uncertain.  possibly reserved for future use, possible that this is the amount of dV of damage applied to this part whenever it exceeds it's rated speed
| dataTransmissionBoost ||  
* 1.5
|| Unknown
| WHEEL ||  ||  
| crewsRequired ||   
* 2
|| Minimum number of Kerbals in the part needed to operate this module
| wheelName || ||  
| canResetConnectedModules ||  
* True
* False
|| Unknown.  Presumed to indicate whether modules attached to this part can be reset from this module
| wheelColliderName || ||  
| canResetNearbyModules ||  
* True
* False
||   Presumed to indicate whether modules attached to this vessel can be reset from this module
| suspensionTransformName || ||  
| interactRange ||
* 1.2
|| Limit of range (in meters) that modules attached to this vessel can be reset.  Uncertain.
| suspensionNeutralPointName || ||  
| REOURCE_PROCESS || {} ||  
| damagedObjectName || ||  
| name ||  
* ElectricCharge
|| names the resource required, e.g.: ElectricCharge
| rotateX || ||  
| amount ||  
* 10
| rotateY || ||  
specified, numerical, the number of units of the specified resource expended
| rotateZ || ||
| steeringCurve ||  || 
keys, 0 16
10 9
30 2
| torqueCurve ||  || 
0 250 0 0
20 100 0 0
30 14 0 0
34 0 0 0
name = ModuleWheel
name = ModuleScienceLab
hasMotor = true
resourceName = ElectricCharge
containerModuleIndex = 0
        resourceConsumptionRate = 0.5
dataTransmissionBoost = 1.15
canSteer = true
crewsRequired = 2
controlAxisType = Forward
steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer
canResetConnectedModules = True
brakeTorque = 180
canResetNearbyModules = True
brakeSpeed = 1.0
interactionRange = 5
impactTolerance = 65
overSpeedDamage = 20
  name = ElectricCharge
  amount = 10
=== ModuleSteering ===
Specifies that this part is steerable and provides the axis and animation information for steering the part.
    wheelName = wheel
    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
! variable !! example !! definition
    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
| controlAxisType ||
    damagedObjectName = bustedwheel
* Forward 
    rotateX = 0
||  Unsure. May have something to do with directional control
    rotateY = 1
    rotateZ = 0
  key = 0 18
key = 15 6
  key = 0 170 0 0
  key = 2.5 100 0 0
  key = 12 0 0 0
| steeringAxis ||  
* 0, 0, 1 
=== RetractableLadder ===
|| specifies the 3-dimensional axis of steering control. 
! variable !! example !! definition
| steeringTransformName ||
* Steering 
||  unknown
| ladderAnimationRootName ||  
| steeringLocked ||  
* TelusBay
* true
* Telescopic ladder
* false
|| name of the beginning animation for this module
|| specifies whether the part's steering starts locked
| steeringCurve ||
| 0 || 16
| 10 || 9
| ladderColliderName ||  
| 30 || 2
* ladderCollider
|| name of the collider mesh for this module
| ladderRetractAnimationName ||
| 100 || 1
|| multi-array of keys,
name = ModuleSteering
controlAxisType = Forward
steeringAxis = 0, 0, 1
steeringTransformName = Steering
steeringLocked = true
    key = 0 16
  key = 10 9
    key = 30 2
  key = 100 1
=== ModuleTestSubject ===
Used for the contract system, determines atmospheric conditions under which this part may be considered for testing.  Also specifies whether the part is able to be tested using the Staging process or must be manually selected and "Perform Test" used to satisfy contract requirements.
! variable !! example !! definition
| environments (Deprecated. Use situationMask instead) ||
* 15
* 1
A single numerical value, between 0 (nowhere) and 15 (anywhere), that specifies the atmospheric conditions the part may be tested under.  Add numbers together to specify multiple environments
* 0 = nowhere
* 1 = the surface of; srf
* 2 = the ocean of; ocean
* 3 = the surface or ocean of; srf, ocean
* 4 = the atmosphere of; atmo
* 5 = the surface or atmosphere of; srf, atmo
* 6 = the ocean or atmosphere of; ocean, atmo
* 7 = the surface, ocean or atmosphere of; srf, ocean, atmo
* 8 = the space above; space
* 9 = the surface or space above; srf, space
* 10 = the ocean or space of; srf, ocean, space
* 11 = the surface, ocean or space of; srf, ocean, space
* 12 = the space or atmosphere of; atmo, space
* 13 = the surface, space or atmosphere of; srf, atmo, space
* 14 = the ocean, space, or atmosphere of; ocean, atmo, space
* 15 = anywhere; srf, ocean, atmo, space
| useStaging ||
* True
* False
|| specifies whether the part can be tested using the Staging Process
| useEvent ||
* True
* False
|| specifies whether the part can be tested using the "Perform Test" action.
| situationMask ||
* 16
* 63
A binary mask for defining the situation.
* SrfLanded = 1,
* SrfSplashed = 2,
* FlyingLow = 4,
* FlyingHigh = 8,
* InSpaceLow = 16,
* InSpaceHigh = 32
* Hidden Flag (not sure what this does, but several engine cfgs have a 7th flag tripped, value equaling 127) = 64
{<br />
type = REPEATABILITY<br />
value = ALWAYS<br />
prestige = Trivial<br />
}<br />
<br />
<br />
{<br />
type = ALTITUDEENV<br />
test = LT<br />
value = 1000<br />
situationMask = 8<br />
prestige = Trivial<br />
}<br />
Constraints define different attributes of a test.
<br /><br />
type - The type of constraint. Can have values such as :<br />
<br />
test -  An optional parameter. Relevant when type ''isn't'' set to 'REPEATABILITY'. Can have values such as:<br />
* GT
* LT
* EQ
<br />
value -  Defines whether or not this test can be repeated. Can have values such as:<br />
<br />
prestige -  Defines the prestige level for the test. Can have values such as:<br />
* Trivial
* Significant
* Exceptional
<br />
body -  Defines what celestial body can be used for the test . Can have values such as:<br />
* _NotHome (disables every flag but Kerbin)
* _NotSun (unclear what this does, but might disable every celestial body but Kerbol?)
<br />
situationMask -  Overrides the situationMask value for this constraint only:<br />
* SrfLanded = 1,
* SrfSplashed = 2,
* FlyingLow = 4,
* FlyingHigh = 8,
* InSpaceLow = 16,
* InSpaceHigh = 32
name = ModuleTestSubject
useStaging = True
useEvent = True
situationMask = 60
// disable all but home
value = 0
body = _NotHome
prestige = Trivial
// disable all but home
value = 0
body = _NotHome
prestige = Significant
value = ALWAYS
prestige = Trivial
prestige = Significant
prestige = Exceptional
test = GT
value = 4000
prestige = Trivial
test = LT
value = 8000
prestige = Trivial
test = GT
value = 2000
prestige = Significant
test = LT
value = 4000
prestige = Significant
test = GT
value = 1000
prestige = Exceptional
test = LT
value = 2000
prestige = Exceptional
test = GT
value = 0 // this just registers altitude as something to care about
situationMask = 8
test = LT
value = 300000
situationMask = 16
body = _NotSun
test = LT
value = 600000
situationMask = 32
body = _NotSun
type = SPEED
test = GT
value = 0
situationMask = 8
prestige = Trivial
type = SPEED
test = LT
value = 600
situationMask = 8
prestige = Trivial
type = SPEED
test = GT
value = 0
situationMask = 8
prestige = Significant
type = SPEED
test = LT
value = 900
situationMask = 8
prestige = Significant
type = SPEED
test = GT
value = 300
situationMask = 8
prestige = Exceptional
type = SPEED
test = LT
value = 1200
situationMask = 8
prestige = Exceptional
test = LT
value = 200
prestige = Trivial
=== ModuleWheel ===
The better version of landingGear, with lots more options for the operation of wheels, including adding power, steering, and damage information.
! variable !! example !! definition
| hasMotor ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether the wheel has a powered propulsion system 
| resourceName ||
* ElectricCharge
|| specifies the resource(s) used by powered propulsion system
| resourceConsumptionRate ||
* 1.0
|| specifies the rate of consumption of resources for the powered propulsion system in units/second
| canSteer ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether this wheel is steerable
| controlAxisType ||
* Forward
|| If steerable, specifies the axis type
| steeringModeType || 
* AutomaticSteer
* TankSteer
|| uncertain: may refer to rack-and-pinion versus Track-type steering
| brakeTorque ||
* 300
|| the dV (in m/s) of torque applied when using the breaks 
| brakeSpeed ||
* 1.2
|| the dV (in m/s) that braking will slow the vehicle under optimum conditions
| impactTolerance ||
* 2000 
|| dV that this part can withstand before breaking 
| overSpeedDamage ||
* 60
|| uncertain.  possibly reserved for future use, possible that this is the amount of dV of damage applied to this part whenever it exceeds it's rated speed
| WHEEL || {}  || 
| wheelName ||
* wheel
|| Internal name of the wheel
| wheelColliderName ||
* wheelCollider
|| Internal name of the collider mesh for the wheel
| suspensionTransformName ||
* suspensionTraverse
|| Animation for suspension usage
| suspensionNeutralPointName ||
* suspensionNeutralPoint
|| Animation for the neutral point of the suspension
| damagedObjectName ||
* bustedwheel
|| If you break it, you bought, and this is what you'll call it
| rotateX ||
* 0
| rotateY ||
* 1
| rotateZ ||
* 0
| steeringCurve || {}  || 
keys, 0 16
10 9
30 2
| torqueCurve || {} || 
0 250 0 0
20 100 0 0
30 14 0 0
34 0 0 0
name = ModuleWheel
hasMotor = true
resourceName = ElectricCharge
        resourceConsumptionRate = 0.5
canSteer = true
controlAxisType = Forward
steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer
brakeTorque = 180
brakeSpeed = 1.0
impactTolerance = 65
overSpeedDamage = 20
    wheelName = wheel
    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
    damagedObjectName = bustedwheel
    rotateX = 0
    rotateY = 1
    rotateZ = 0
  key = 0 18
key = 15 6
  key = 0 170 0 0
  key = 2.5 100 0 0
  key = 12 0 0 0
=== MultiModeEngine ===
Specifies that this part is an engine with multiple modes.  Added in [0.90], it allows for engines that use different types of resources and provides different flight characteristics depending on which mode it is operating in.  This module defines the different modes and passes them to moduleEnginesFX.
! variable !! example !! definition
| primaryEngineID ||   
* AirBreathing
* ClosedCycle
|| this is passed to ModuleEnginesFX to determine the properties for this mode
| secondaryEngineID ||   
* AirBreathing
* ClosedCycle
|| this is passed to ModuleEnginesFX to determine the properties for this mode
name = MultiModeEngine
primaryEngineID = AirBreathing
secondaryEngineID = ClosedCycle
=== RetractableLadder ===
Just like the name implies, this module is attached to parts that are or contain a retractable or collapsible ladder.
! variable !! example !! definition
| ladderAnimationRootName ||   
* TelusBay
* Telescopic ladder
|| name of the beginning animation for this module
| ladderColliderName ||
* ladderCollider
|| name of the collider mesh for this module
| ladderRetractAnimationName ||
* Retract
* Retract
|| name of the retraction animation for this module
|| name of the retraction animation for this module
name = RetractableLadder
ladderAnimationRootName = TelusBay
ladderColliderName = ladderCollider
ladderRetractAnimationName = Retract
Defining a module is a task in and of itself and one that I'm sure has already been covered in other places.  Many modules defined by mods are duplicating effects that could be created with stock modules, but for one reason or another, the mod owner has decided to create their own modules (possibly for degree of control, possibly because the stock module didn't quite do everything they needed).  In any event, I've looked at some of the Mod modules, and detailed them below.  By mod, they are:
=== Kerbal Assembly System ===
Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals.  It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.
for the module
! !!
==== KASModuleContainer ====
Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has.  Also included is an interaction distance.  Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container.  Lots of sounds.
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize || 
* 5
* 20
* 80
|| specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||
* 1
* 5
|| Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
| sndStorePath || 
* KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
|| sound stuff
| sndOpenPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
|| sound stuff for opening the container 
| sndClosePath ||
* KAS/Sounds/containerClose
|| sound stuff for closing the container
| bipWrongSndPath || 
* KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
|| sound stuff
name = KASModuleContainer
maxSize = 80
==== ModuleConnectedLivingSpace ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| passable ||
* true
* false
|| specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
| passableWhenSurfaceAttached ||
* true
* false
|| can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
passable = true
passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true
==== KASModulePartBay ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| BAY || {} ||
| attachNode ||
* top
* bottom
|| attachment placement
| type ||
* containerA
* container
* hookBay
name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB
==== KASModulePort ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| attachNode ||
* top
|| unsure
| nodeType ||
* kasplug
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 30
|| unknown
| nodeTransformName ||
* plugNode
|| unknown
name = KASModulePort
attachNode = top
nodeType = kasplug
breakForce = 30
nodeTransformName = plugNode
==== KASModuleAnchor ====
! variable !! example !! definition
This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.
| groundDrag ||
* 500
|| Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
| bounciness ||
* 0
|| Bounciness of the anchor
| dynamicFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
| staticFriction ||
* 0.8
|| Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
name = KASModuleAnchor
groundDrag = 500
bounciness = 0
dynamicFriction = 0.8
staticFriction = 0.8
==== KASModuleMagnet ====
This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
| attachToEva ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attraction of eva
| minFwdDot ||
* 0.998
|| Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
| powerDrain ||
* 4
|| Power consumption when the magnet is used
name = KASModuleMagnet
breakForce = 10
attachToEva = False
minFwdDot = 0.998
powerDrain = 4
==== KASModuleStrut ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| nodeTransform ||
* pipeNode
* strutNode
|| unknown
| type ||
* PipeSize1
* StrutSize1
|| Unkown
| maxLength ||
* 20
* 8
|| unknown
| maxAngle ||
* 100
|| unknown
| breakForce ||
* 10
|| unknown
| allowDock ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| allowPumpFuel ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| hasCollider ||
* true
* false
|| unknown
| tubeScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| jointScale ||
* 0.15
|| unknown
| textureTiling ||
* 1
* 4
|| unknown
| tubeSrcType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| Unknown
| tubeTgtType ||
* Joined
* Rounded
|| unknown
| evaStrutPos ||
* (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
|| unknown
| evaStrutRot ||
* (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
|| unknown
| tubeTexPath ||
* KAS/Textures/pipe
|| unknown
name = KASModuleStrut
nodeTransform = pipeNode
type = PipeSize1
maxLenght = 20
maxAngle = 100
breakForce = 10
allowDock = true
allowPumpFuel = true
hasCollider = false
tubeScale = 0.15
jointScale = 0.15
textureTiling = 1
tubeSrcType = Joined
tubeTgtType = Joined
evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe
==== KASModuleGrapplingHook ====
This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.
! variable !! example !! definition
| partBreakForce ||
* 6
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
| staticBreakForce ||
* 15
|| The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
| aboveDist ||
* 0.05
|| Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
| forceNeeded ||
* 4
|| Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
| attachToPart ||
* true
* false
|| Disable/enable attachment on parts.
| rayDir  ||
* (0,-1,0)
|| Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
| rayLenght ||
* 0.8
|| Attach ray lenght.
name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
partBreakForce = 6
staticBreakForce = 15
aboveDist = 0.05
forceNeeded = 4
attachToPart = true
rayDir = (0,-1,0)
rayLenght = 0.8
==== KASModuleWinch ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxLenght ||
* 50
* 80
|| unknown
| cableSpring ||
* 1000
| cableDamper ||
* 0.1
| cableWidth ||
* 0.04
| motorMaxSpeed ||
* 2
| motorAcceleration ||
* 0.05
| powerDrain ||
* 0.5
* 0.3
| headTransformName ||
* head
| headPortNodeName ||
* portNode
| connectedPortNodeName ||
* bottom
* front
| anchorNodeName ||
* anchorNode
| evaGrabHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
| evaGrabHeadDir ||
* (0,0,1)
| evaDropHeadPos ||
* (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
| evaDropHeadRot ||
* (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| ejectEnabled ||
* true
* false
| ejectForce ||
* 20
| lockMinDist ||
* 0.12
| lockMinFwdDot ||
* 0.90
name = KASModuleWinch
maxLenght = 50
cableSpring = 1000
cableDamper = 0.1
cableWidth = 0.04
motorMaxSpeed = 2
motorAcceleration = 0.05
powerDrain = 0.5
headTransformName = head
headPortNodeName = portNode
connectedPortNodeName = bottom
anchorNodeName = anchorNode
evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
ejectEnabled = true
ejectForce = 20
lockMinDist = 0.12
lockMinFwdDot = 0.90
=== Universal Storage ===
Universal Storage.  By the by:  Excellently documented!
! !!
==== ModuleAnimator ====
Animation module.
! variable !! example !! definition
| animationName || 
* Take 001
|| Name of the animation from the model.
| guiEnableName ||
* Wedge Locks Off
|| Part tooltip name to display for deployment
| guiDisableName || 
* Wedge Locks Off
|| Part tooltip name to display for retraction
| actionEnableName || 
* Wedge Locks Off
|| Action group name for deployment 
| actionDisableName ||
* Wedge Locks On
|| Action group name for retraction
| animationSpeed || 
* 100000
|| Speed of the animation
| oneShot || 
* true
* false
|| If the animation can only be played once
| activeEditor || 
* true
* false
|| If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
| activeFlight || 
* true
* false
|| If the part tooltip is visible in flight
| activeUnfocused || 
* true
* false
|| If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
| unfocusedRange || 
* 5
|| EVA visible range
  name = ModuleAnimator
  animationName = Take 001
  guiEnableName = Wedge Locks Off
  guiDisableName = Wedge Locks On
  actionEnableName = Wedge Locks Off
  actionDisableName = Wedge Locks On
  animationSpeed = 100000
  oneShot = false
  activeEditor = true
  activeFlight = false
  activeUnfocused = false
  unfocusedRange = 5
=== Umbra Space Industries:Regolith ===
Note: DEPRECATED (use stock resource converter's)
==== REGO_ModuleResourceConverter ====
! variable !! example !! definition
| ConverterName ||
* Water Electrolizer
|| Flavor Text
| StartActioName ||
* Start Water Electrolizer
|| Flavor Text
| StopActioName ||
* Stop Water Electrolizer
|| Flavor Text
| RecipeInputs ||
* ElectricCharge, 14, Water, 0.0000176697
| RecipeOutputs ||
* Hydrogen, 0.0219907427, True, Oxygen, 0.0109953713, False
  name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter
  ConverterName = Water Electrolizer
  StartActionName = Start Water Electrolizer
  StopActionName = Stop Water Electrolizer
  RecipeInputs = ElectricCharge, 14, Water, 0.0000176697
  RecipeOutputs = Hydrogen, 0.0219907427, True, Oxygen, 0.0109953713, False
=== Umbra Space Industries: ExpPack ===
USI is widely known for building an entire add-on family of interconnected and cross-supported parts and extensions.  Here we detail mods added by the ExpPack.
! !!
==== USI_ClearIVA ====
No calls.
Line 2,015: Line 3,582:
  name = RetractableLadder
  name = USI_ClearIVA
ladderAnimationRootName = TelusBay
ladderColliderName = ladderCollider
ladderRetractAnimationName = Retract
defining a module has it's own problems, of course, and I'm no expert, but I did find this along the way:
=== ModuleLiftingSurface ===
! variable !! example !! definition
| deflectionLiftCoeff ||  || 
0.3 (BSLmk2ScienceFuselage)
| dragAtMaxAoA ||  || 
0.15 (BSLmk2ScienceFuselage)
| dragAtMinAoA ||  || 
0.1 (BSLmk2ScienceFuselage)
for the module
=== KASModuleContainer ===
! variable !! example !! definition
| maxSize ||  || 
specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
| maxOpenDistance ||  || 
| sndStorePath ||  || 
| sndOpenPath ||  || 
| sndClosePath ||  || 
| bipWrongSndPath ||  || 

Latest revision as of 05:48, 5 July 2021


Modules define what specific parts can do. They are generally calls to C-coded or hard-coded functions that define what functionality these parts have in-game. If you are a new part designer, modder, engineer, or someone else who makes parts, please check the STOCK modules list before designing a new module. Each additional module increases the CPU workload and reduces FPS and Physics. All 0.90 stock modules are now included.

name names define the module in use and are a general indication of what the module subtype does. Specific variables are associated with each [module].[name]. For example, the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr. has the MODULE.name ModuleDockingNode and its' associates variables are [referenceAttachNode] and [nodeType]. Some [MODULE]s share variables with other modules, which can make deciphering their purpose difficult.
explanation code examples


No known arguments or variables at this time. This module is used by fuelLine, presumably to specify that it is fuel Transfer enabled. More research is clearly called for. This module is new in 0.90.

 name = CModuleFuelLine


This module is new in 0.90 and is used by fuelLine and strutConnector, presumably to created the variable length connectors between two parts (and add end caps on both sides).

variable example definition
  • obj_line
  • obj_strut
specifies whether there is a flag displayed on the exterior surface of the object.
  • obj_targetAnchor
  • obj_AnchorCap
name of the part on the source part that this part attaches from
  • obj_targetCap
name of the part on the target part to which this mesh attaches
 name = CModuleLinkedMesh
 lineObjName = obj_line
    targetAnchorName = obj_targetAnchor
    anchorCapName = obj_anchorCap
    targetCapName = obj_targetCap 


This module is new in 0.90 and is used by strutConnector, presumably to indicate that it is a structural support part.

variable example definition
  • 100
  • 150
the push/pull strength of the strut
  • 100
  • 150
the sheering strength of the strut
 name = CModuleStrut
 linearStrength = 150
 angularStrength = 150


Parts with this module have a place for a flag on their sides. You don't have to turn it on, but this is how it gets there.

variable example definition
  • flagTransform
specifies whether there is a flag displayed on the exterior surface of the object.
      name = FlagDecal
      textureQuadName = flagTransform


Animation for engines and engine bells showing them as they fire up and operate, based on the amount of throttle applied. See ion Engines for a good example.

variable example definition
  • colorAnimation
specifies the animation to be used
  • True
  • False
specifies whether the animation is dependent on the throttle
  • 0.5
specifies the rate at which the animation reacts to the change in engine state
      name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
      animationName = colorAnimation
      dependOnEngineState = True
      responseSpeed = 0.5


Copies the rotation and/or position (matchRotation/matchPosition) from targetName to moversName. Used by for example wheels to copy the rotation of the steering part to the wheel collider.

variable example definition
  • true
  • false
Should targetNames rotation be applied to moversName?
  • true
  • false
Should targetName's position be applied to moversName?
CONSTRAINFX {} unknown
  • Steering
  • steering
gameObject to copy targetName's world position/rotation of.
  • wheelCollider
  • steering
gameObject to apply targetName's world position/rotation to.
	name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
	matchRotation = true
	matchPosition = false
		targetName = steering
		moversName = lateral


Makes two gameObject "look" at each other, for example in suspensions where the piston must "look" at the cylinder. The gameObjects must be aligned so it rotates around it's local X axis and looks down it's local Z axis.

variable example definition
  • susp2-1
gameObject to target rotatorsName at.
  • susp2-2
gameObject to rotate so that it looks at targetName
 name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
  targetName = susp2-1
  rotatorsName = susp2-2
  targetName = susp2-2
  rotatorsName = susp2-1
  targetName = susp1-2
  rotatorsName = susp1-1
  targetName = susp1-1
  rotatorsName = susp1-2


This module makes the part have an EXTERIOR seat.

variable example definition
  • seatPivot
  • 0, 1, 0.2
specifies the direction from which your Kerbal will exit the vehicle. Try to line up with a hatch!
 name = KerbalSeat
 seatPivotName = seatPivot  
 ejectDirection = 0, 1, 0.2


This module enables the part to hold a vessel in suspension on the launch pad.

variable example definition
  • obj_girdercap
specifies the model used for the pivot point
  • obj_girder
specifies the model for the ground to pivot girder
  • obj_ground
specifies the model for the ground mount point
  • launchclamp
specifies the base animation
  • launchclamp
specifies the animation for the release of the clamp
    name = LaunchClamp
 trf_towerPivot_name = obj_girdercap
 trf_towerStretch_name = obj_girder
 trf_anchor_name = obj_ground
 trf_animationRoot_name = launchclamp
 anim_decouple_name = launchclamp


Specifies that this part produced a resource, based on the percentage of thrust produced by the engine.

variable example
variable example definition
name ElectricCharge name of the resource produced
rate 1.0 rate at which the resource is produced at 100% thrust, expressed in units/second
 name = ModuleAlternator 
  name = ElectricCharge
  rate = 5.0


This module specifies that the part is attached (anchored) to another part, and will decouple from yet a third part, forcing the third part away from it.

variable example definition
  • anchor
specifies the name of the anchored part
  • 450
dV applied to part upon separation
  • srf
  • top
specifies the location of the explosion.
    name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler
    anchorName = anchor
    ejectionForce = 450
 explosiveNodeID = srf


Generic Animations will be applied to parts with this module. This module is slowly replacing other animation modules as progression is made towards the release version of KSP.

variable example definition
  • Deploy
  • CrewCabinLight
  • dish
  • dockingring
  • dockingporthull
specifies the name of the animation to be used
  • false
specifies whether the animation can occur only once
startEventGUIName Flavor text

to describe turning the animation to its 'On' State

endEventGUIName Flavor text

to describe turning the animation to its 'Off' State

actionGUIName Flavor text

to describe switching the animation between it's 'on' and 'off' states

  • true
  • false
specifies whether the part can be manually animated
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
specifies whether the animation can be toggled in the VAB/SPH scene
  • true
  • false
specifies whether the animation can be toggled in the flight scene
  • true
  • false
specifies whether the animation can be toggled by a Kerbal on EVA near the vessel or part containing the animation
  • 5
  • 10
specifies the maximum distance (in meters) from which a Kerbal on EVA can toggle an animation on the part
   name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
   animationName = dish
   isOneShot = false
 startEventGUIName = Extend
 endEventGUIName = Retract
 actionGUIName = Toggle Antenna


This module specifies that heating animation will be applied to this part.

variable example definition
  • HeatAnimationEmissiveLiquidEngine3
  • HeatAnimationEmissiveTurbofan
  • HeatAnimationEmissiveJet
  • overheat
animation for applying heat to an object
      name = ModuleAnimateHeat
      ThermalAnim = HeatAnimatioEmissiveLiquidEngine3


Because it has no procedures or calls, is new in [0.90] and only appears on a part that you must hack to have available, it is impossible to say for certain what this module does, but it has something to do with being an asteroid. no procedures or calls

 name = ModuleAsteroid 


Allows a cargo bay to shield its contents from airflow and heat.

variable example definition
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
Specifies the index (starting with zero) of the MODULE which controls whether the bay is open or closed. Said MODULE must implement IScalarModule (e.g. ModuleAnimateGeneric and its descendents, or ModuleAnimatedDecoupler from AnimatedDecouplers).
  • 0
  • 1
Specifies whether the cargo bay is closed by default (0) or open by default (1).
  • 1.25
Radius within which the part should search for parts to be shielded.
  • 0,0.5,0
  • 1,0,0
Optional (default is 0,0,0). Specifies the point from which the search is centered. Rays are cast from here; any parts that are struck are shielded, while the rays stop when the part's own colliders are hit.
  • nodeOuterForeID
  • nodeOuterAftID
  • nodeInnerForeID
  • nodeInnerAftID
  • top
  • bottom
  • top2
  • bottom2
Optional. For hollow cargo bay parts without end walls (e.g. Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04), node IDs are given to determine where the cargo bay ends.
    name = ModuleCargoBay
    DeployModuleIndex = 1
    closedPosition = 1
    lookupRadius = 1

    nodeOuterForeID = top
    nodeOuterAftID = bottom
    nodeInnerForeID = top2
    nodeInnerAftID = bottom2


Applies Command to vessels

variable example definition
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
Specifies the minimum number of crew needed to operate this module.
name ElectricCharge This is the name of that resource
rate 15.0 and the rate in units/second of resource consumed
If this Module requires a resource
 name = ModuleCommand
 minimumCrew = 1


This module gives the part the ability to respond to inputs, generally used for aerodynamic parts to expose more or less effective surface to lift and braking forces in atmospheres.

variable example definition
dragCoeff * 0.5

this value overrides the maximum_drag value

deflectionLiftCoeff * 0.7 specifies the Coefficient of lift for the part
ctrlSurfaceRange * 20 specifies the degrees of operation for the part
ctrlSurfaceArea * 0.95 specifies how much of the part affects lift
 name = ModuleControlSurface
 dragCoeff = 0.5
 deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.7
 ctrlSurfaceRange = 20
 ctrlSurfaceArea = 0.95


This module specifies that the part acts as a transmitter of data, typically an antenna of some sort, for broadcasting science data back to the KSC.

variable example definition
whether the antenna is capable of acting as a relay
  • 0.18
  • 0.4
  • 0.3
Mits per second
  • 2
Mits per packet
  • 20
  • 10
  • 12.5
Resource per packet
  • ElectricCharge
Required resource (usually ElectricCharge)
  • 0
  • 1
Animations that play while transmitting
 name = ModuleDataTransmitter

 antennaType = DIRECT
 packetInterval = 0.18
 packetSize = 2
 packetResourceCost = 20.0
 requiredResource = ElectricCharge
 DeployFxModules = 0


ModuleDecouple is a slightly upgraded version of ModuleAnchoredDecoupler, and may replace it in the future. Allows for decouplers that separate from both parts to which it is attached.

variable sample definition
  • true
  • false
Specifies whether this decoupler separates on both ends or not. Defaults to false.
  • 100
specifies the DeltaV with which the part separates
  • top
  • srf
for non-OmniDecouplers, specifics the Node of separation
 name = ModuleDecouple
 ejectionForce = 250
 explosiveNodeID = srf


Solar panels cannot deploy without this module. May be possible to use for other modules which unfold. Optionally specifies whether the part will automatically turn to face the sun. This is one place where you can say how a part breaks.

variable example definition
  • solarpanels
  • solarpanels2
  • solarpanels4
  • altsolarpanelbase
  • bigsolarpanel

unknown for sure. Assumed to refer to an animation describing part transformation from its closed state to its open state. known parameters are:

  • true
  • false
Indicates whether the animation will turn the panel towards the sun.
  • suncatcher
Specifies the GameObject in Unity with Z+ forward facing the sun that will act as the solar panel.
  • suncatcher
Specifies the object in Unity which will act as the rotation point for the solar panel sun tracking function.
  • true
  • false
Indicates whether the part will break on high-dynamic stress.
  • ElectricCharge
The resource provided by this module. Any resource may be used, including resources not defined.
  • 10
Amount of resource provided per second at 100% output. Positive values only, please.

powerCurve is a special call consisting of subtypes called [key]. Each [key] uses four numbers to define what it will do at a specific distance from a source. In the case of solar panels, where powerCurve is typically used, there are typically 4 [key]s. [powerCurve] defines the rate at which resources are provided relative to the [chargeRate] and distance from the specified source (ie. Kerbol)

  • 206000000000 0.00 0 0
  • 013599840256 1.00 0 0
  • 068773560320 0.50 0 0
  • 000000000000 10.0 0 0
 name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
 animationName = solarpanels2
 resourceName = ElectricCharge
 chargeRate = 2
  key = 206000000000 0 0 0
  key = 13599840256 1 0 0
  key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
  key = 0 10 0 0


A module for docking ports

variable example definition
  • top
  • bottom
  • dockingNode

Specifies the node on the part that is used for the docking port, generally top or bottom. dockingNode is the name of the GameObject transform in Unity with Z+ forward.

  • 1
  • 0
  • size1
  • size2
  • size0
Specifies the type of node for attachment. When perform docking operations, nodes must have the same value for nodeType in order to dock with one another.
  • dockingNode
  • controlNode
apparently only used for docking nodes that have related animations, see dockingPortInline
  • 0.25
Force in d/v applied on undock
  • 3.5
Docking Nodes must separate by this many meters before being able to reengage
  • 3.5
magnetic grip, in d/v
  • 3.5
rotational magnetic grip, in d/v
  • 3
maximum distance to begin applying magnetic grip
  • 1.5
maximum range to begin docking
  • True
  • False
specifies whether to enforce docking at multiple rotational offsets rather than a single allowable angle
  • 45
  • 90
  • 120
specifies what rotational offsets (in degrees) docking is allowed
  • 0.95
  • 0.99999
specifies the minimum angular accuracy between docking ports for applying magnetic grip; higher values imply better accuracy
  • 0.95
  • 0.99999
specifies the minimum angular accuracy between docking ports to begin docking; higher values imply better accuracy
  • True
  • False
specifies whether to enforce gendered docking; defaults to false (androgynous)
  • True
  • False
if gendered (see above) is true, this specifies whether the docking port can only docking with another port of the same type but different gender; defaults to true, which means it can only dock with another port with genderFemale=false
 name = ModuleDockingNode
 referenceAttachNode = top
 nodeType = size2
 undockEjectionForce = 0.25
 minDistanceToReEngage = 3.5
 acquireForce = 3.5
 acquireTorque = 3.5
 acquireRange = 3.0
 captureRange = 1.5
 snapRotation = false


Everything about your engine, all in one module!

variable example definition
  • thrustTransform
specifies gameObject to be used as point of applied thrust, force is applied in local +Z. standard name is thrustTransform, but it can be anything as long as gameObject in the MU matches thrustVectorTransformName value in module config
  • True
  • False
Used to create engines without controllable thrust.
  • True
  • False
assumed to indicate whether the exhaust from this engine will damage other parts.
  • 0.1
minimum required resource(s) for engine to start. If engine has less than specified value in resource(s), it will not start. Think of it as if your car needs at least half full tank to start.
  • 0
  • 10
  • 100
Minimum thrust value. Engines will be considered 'off' at or below this value.
  • 200
  • 215
  • 80
Just like the name implies, this is the maximum thrust a single unit of this module can produce. In order to create a more powerful engine, set this value higher.
  • 400
  • 900
a measure of the amount of heat energy produced per second. measured in degrees Kerbius (degrees Celsius)
  • 0,0,0
  • 0,0,1
3-dimensional vector coordinates specifying the location of thrust effects
  • True
  • False
  • 0.2
  • 0.12
  • 0.35
  • 0.21
  • True
  • False
Specifies engines that cannot be turned off, regardless of whether their thrust can be controlled.
  • True
  • False
PROPELLANT {} resource utilized in the operation of this part, generally a fuel or other propellant. Engines may use multiple propellant types.
  • LiquidFuel
  • Oxidizer
name of the resource consumed while this part is in operation
  • 0.9
  • 1.1
rate at which this resource is consumed, per second. Not to be confused with ratio relative to other propellants.
  • true
  • false
Boolean value that indicates whether or not the 'fuel remaining' indicator in the staging selection is displayed or not.
atmosphereCurve {} specifies variances in operational efficiency

uses two values to specify engine efficiency relative to the depth of the atmosphere (based on Kerbin sea-level!) First number indicates the relative pressure (0 = vacuum, 1 Kerbin sea-level), second numer indicates ISP value). Translates directly to ISP. In order to make a more efficient engine, set the second number of this array higher.

velocityCurve {}

Control the degree of acceleration of an engine at specified speeds. It uses keys to generate a curve of the amount of thrust generated by the engine according to the speed of the craft. First part of the key is speed in m/s and then comes the thrust multiplier ( the effective thrust will be : maxThrust * multiplier). Used stock by jet engines.

name = ModuleEngines	
Name = thrustTransform	
throttleLocked = True	
exhaustDamage = True	
allowShutdown = False	
ignitionThreshold = 0.1	
minThrust = 0	
maxThrust = 18	
heatProduction = 550	
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.02	
name = SolidFuel        
ratio = 1.0		
DrawGauge = True	
key = 0 100  	 
key = 1 100 	


An updated and more customizable version of ModuleEngines. Required for and allows implementation of multi-modal engines and engines with custom exhaust FX.

variable example definition
  • LES
  • KS25
Hidden name of the engine
  • running_closed
effect used for when the engine is running
  • thrustTransform
  • obj_gimbal

specifies gameObject to be used as point of applied thrust, force is applied in local +Z. standard name is thrustTransform, but it can be anything as long as gameObject in the MU matches thrustVectorTransformName value in module config

  • True
  • False

Indicates whether the exhaust from this engine will damage other parts.

  • True
  • False

Assumed to specify that solid Rocket Boosters cannot have their throttle adjusted while in flight.

  • 0.1
  • 0.05
minimum required resource(s) for engine to start. If engine has less than specified value in resource(s), it will not start. Think of it as if your car needs at least half full tank to start.
  • 0
  • 10

Minimum thrust value. Engines will be considered 'off' at or below this value.

  • 200
  • 215

Just like the name implies, this is the maximum thrust a single unit of this module can produce.

  • 400
  • 600
a measure of the amount of heat energy produced per second. measured in degrees Kerbius (degrees Celsius)
  • 0,0,-1
  • 0,0,-0.5

3-dimensional vector coordinates specifying the location of thrust effects

PROPELLANT {} resource utilized in the operation of this part, generally a fuel or other propellant.
  • LiquidFuel
  • Oxidizer
  • XenonGas

name of the resource consumed while this part is in operation

  • 0.9
  • 1.1

rate at which this resource is consumed, per second. Not to be confused with ratio relative to other propellants.

  • True
  • False

Boolean value that indicates whether or not the 'fuel remaining' indicator in the staging selection is displayed or not.

atmosphereCurve {} specifies variances in operational efficiency
  • 0 360
  • 0.5 320
  • 1 260

uses two values to specify engine efficiency relative to the depth of the atmosphere (based on Kerbin sea-level!) First number indicates the relative pressure (0 = vacuum, 1 Kerbin sea-level), second numer indicates ISP value).

 name = ModuleEnginesFX
 thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
 exhaustDamage = True
 ignitionThreshold = 0.1
 minThrust = 0
 maxThrust = 30
 heatProduction = 150
 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.125
   name = LiquidFuel
  ratio = 0.9
  DrawGauge = True
  name = Oxidizer
  ratio = 1.1
  key = 0 350
  key = 1 300


Environmental sensor definitions. Specifies that this part is one of these types of sensors.

variable example definition
  • ACC
  • PRES
  • GRAV
  • TEMP
Type of experiment / sensor. Not sure of the utility of this definition, could be used in Science modules to determine what type of experiment was conducted. Could be used in contracts for determining contract requirements.
 name = ModuleEnviroSensor
 sensorType = ACC


Generators and Alternators serve must the same purpose, but generators are not linked to the percentage of thrust output of an engine, they simply produce. Some cannot be shut off. A generator may produce any available resource.

variable example definition
  • true
  • false

specifies whether this module is always active or not. true/false

  • ElectricCharge
  • LiquidFuel
  • XenonGas

specifies the name of the produced resource.

  • 1
  • 5

specifies the rate of resource produced, expressed in units per second.

 name = ModuleGenerator
 isAlwaysActive = true
    name = ElectricCharge
    rate = 0.75


Gimballing represents an engine-bells ability to move around in relation to the engine body, provided a degree of ability to steer the vessel. Higher numbers indicate a higher range, but don't set it too high. Strange things will happen. Recommend limiting range to .90 at the absolute maximum.

variable example definition
  • thrustTransform


  • .20
  • .15
  • .10
  • .5
represents the maximum angle, in degrees, that gimballing is supported. Recommend keeping this number relatively low (under 20 for sure), as setting the number too high can have catastrophic effects on ship design.
 name = ModuleGimbal
 gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
 gimbalRange = 0.5


Added in [0.90], specifically for the KASA asteroid capture missions, this part functions much like a dockingNode, however, it does not require a matching docking node on the capture-side. Grapplers can attach to anything (as far as we know).

variable sample definition
  • ArticulatedCap
Uncertain. Assumed to relate to animations used.
  • 1
  • size1
Size of the connection. Relates to Docking port sizes.
  • 0.05
Maximum distance between grappler and target at which grappling can occur
  • 0.866
  • 1
Maximum speed, relative to target, at which target can be grappled
 name = ModuleGrappleNode
 nodeTransformName = ArticulatedCap
 deployAnimationController = 1 
 nodeType = size1
 captureRange = 0.05 
 captureMinFwdDot = 0.866
 captureMaxRvel = 1


specifies that pieces of this craft are able to be jettisoned, what they are and how to jettison them

variable example definition
  • node_fairing_collider
  • fairingL
  • fairingR
  • fairing

Name of the part to be jettisoned

  • bottom

Name of the node from which the part will be jettisoned

  • True
  • False

Specifies whether the ejected part is a fairing. Uncertain as to why this important. May have to do with debris tracking.

  • 0.1

Specifies the mass of the jettisoned object. It is uncertain, yet, if this mass is removed from the total mass of the vehicle. It is also uncertain if, when a fairing is added in vehicle assembly, this mass is added to the parent object.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 5

DeltaV with which the object is jettisoned from its parent object. Typically very low values, such as 1, 2 or 5

  • 0 0 1
  • 0 1 0

Three-dimensional array which specifies the direction of the jettisonForce relative to the original part, laterally is 0 0 1 and 0 0 -1, for example.

       name = ModuleJettison
       jettisonName = fairing
       bottomNodeName = bottom
       isFairing = True
       jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
       jettisonForce = 5
       jettisonDirection = 0 0 1


Specifies that the part is a landing gear, implying a wheel, and the traits of that wheel. Hopefully being deprecated in favor of moduleWheel below.

variable example definition
  • 12
Amount of torque applied during breaking
  • 3
Reduction in speed over time, expressed in m/s
 name = ModuleLandingGear
 BrakeTorque = 12
 BrakeSpeed = 3


Specifies that this part is a landing leg and describes compression and resistance factors for the part.

variable example definition
  • Deploy
  • newlandingleg
  • probeleg
specifies the animation to use
  • wheelCollider
  • Piston
  • piston
  • leg
  • true
  • false
  • foot
  • true
  • false
Aligns to up Axis instead of forward axis if true
  • 0.60
  • 0.47
  • 0.65
  • 300
  • 450
  • 150
specifies the dV in m/s before the part breaks
  • 1.25
  • 5
  • 1
specifies the maximum degree of compression in the part
  • 1
  • 2
  • 0
  • 0.02
 name = ModuleLandingLeg
 animationName = Deploy
 wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
 suspensionTransformName = Piston
 orientFootToGround = true
 landingFootName = foot
 // Foot is aligned to up Axis instead of forward
 alignFootUp = true
 suspensionUpperLimit = 0.60
 impactTolerance = 300
 suspensionSpring = 1.25
 suspensionDamper = 1
 suspensionOffset = 0, 0.02,0


Specifies that this part is a light source, and how that light is produced and directed.

variable example definition
  • spotlight
  • landinglight

Name of the light source

  • true
  • false
Uncertain. Assumed to specify an animation to dim the light
  • 2.5
When you turn it off, how long it takes to turn off
  • 2.5
Speed at which the light dims
  • 0.4
rate of consumption (in units/second) of the needed resource
  • LightAnimation
  • true
  • false

specifies whether this light source requires resources

  • true
  • false

Sets the autodim

 name = ModuleLight
        lightName = spotlight
 useAnimationDim = true
 lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
 lightDimSpeed = 2.5
 animationName = LightAnimation
 resourceAmount = 0.02
 useResources = true


specifies that this part is a parachute and describes the operational parameters for parachute operations. Includes default settings for opening height and deployment atmospheric conditions.

variable example definition
  • semiDeploySmall
specifies the animation to use in the semi-deployed state
  • fullyDeploySmall
specifies the animation to use in the fully deployed state
  • true
  • false
unknown purpose.
  • 0.5
specifies the speed at which the parachute will be automatically cut, rendering it ineffective.
  • cap
  • canopy
  • 0.22
specifies the drag effect while the parachute is still stowed
  • 1
specifies the drag effect while the parachute is in its semi-deployed state
  • 500
specifies the drag effect while the parachute is in its fully deployed state
  • 0.01
specifies the minimum Air pressure (or atmosphere) required for the parachute to enter its semi-deployed state
  • 500
configurable, sets the altitude above the planetary collision mesh at which the parachute will enter its fully deployed state
  • 1
specifies the speed at which the parachute will enter its fully deployed state
  • 1
specifies the speed at which the parachute will enter its semi-deployed state
 name = ModuleParachute
 semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall
 fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall
 invertCanopy = true
 autoCutSpeed = 0.5
 capName = cap
 canopyName = canopy
 stowedDrag = 0.22
 semiDeployedDrag = 1
 fullyDeployedDrag = 500
 minAirPressureToOpen = 0.01
 deployAltitude = 500
 deploymentSpeed = 1
 semiDeploymentSpeed = 1 


Specifies that this is a Reaction Control System part. Uses variable resources to control directionality of the spacecraft. Unlike engines, RCS parts are generally oriented perpendicular to all directions of a spacecraft in order to provide steering, rather than thrust. Typically, monopropellant is decompressively expelled from an RCS port to push the spacecraft in one direction. Note: ModuleRCS can use either a single resource, or a series of PROPELLANT calls.

variable example definition
  • RCSthruster
  • 10
  • 5
  • 20

This is the power that the RCS thrusters provide. To make stronger RCS, use a higher numer

resourceName -------- interchangeable with PROPELLANT calls

The name of the resource used by the RCS thruster, typically MonoPropellant

resourceFlowMode -- for resourceName only --
  • NONE

Specifies the manner in which the resource is requested from the vessel


Introduced with the inclusion of the Vernor RCS, it is recommended to use PROPELLANT calls only when using multiple resources. It is expected that older RCS will be updated to the new convention prior to final release.

  • MonoPropellant
  • LiquidFuel
  • Oxidizer

name of the resource consumed

  • 1
  • 1.1
  • 0.9

ratio of the resource consumed

  • NONE
using the same pull method as a single resource, specifies how to pull the resource from the rest of the vessel
  • 0 350
  • 1 250

Specifies the efficiency of the RCS thruster using 2-part keys 0 specifies the ISP in atmosphere 1 specifies the ISP at Kerbin Sea Level entries in between specify the ISP at specific percentages of Kerbin Sea Level (e.g: 0.5 = 1/2 Kerbin Atmosphere)

 name = ModuleRCS
 thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster
 thrusterPower = 12
 resourceName = LiquidFuel
 resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
  name = LiquidFuel
        ratio = 0.9
  DrawGauge = True
  resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
  name = Oxidizer
  ratio = 1.1
  resourceFlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
     key = 0 260
    key = 1 140


Specifies that this part contains reaction wheels, used to stabilize the directionality of a spacecraft. Typically used for stability, rather than producing change, both are possible. If you're thinking that this does the same thing as RCS, you wouldn't be far off.

variable example definition
  • 20

numerical value, denotes amount of change can be applied to pitch using reaction wheel power

  • 20

numerical value, denotes amount of change can be applied to yaw using reaction wheel power

  • 20

numerical value, denotes amount of change can be applied to roll using reaction wheel power


The resource used by reaction wheels in order to affect the changes they can produce

  • ElectricCharge

name of the relevant resource, typically ElectricCharge

  • 0.45

Rate of consumption, expressed in units/second at full usage.

 name = ModuleReactionWheel
 PitchTorque = 30
 YawTorque = 30
 RollTorque = 30
  name = ElectricCharge
  rate = 0.6


Used to create a part that convertes resources.

variable example definition
  • Lf+Ox

Name displayed when right-clicking the part.

  • Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]

Text displayed for the start action.

  • Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]

Text displayed for the stop action.

  • true
  • false

Automatically shut the converter down if part is overheating?

  • Temperature modifier defintion

Unknown. Floatpoint curve.

  • true
  • false

If set to true the converter operation will generate heat.

  • .8

Unknown. Related to AutoShutdown. Assumed to be unrelated to Core Temp.

  • Thermal efficiency definition

Efficiency related to part temperature. Floatpoint curve.

  • true
  • false

If set to true the converter will use specialist bonus. Efficiency = EB * [SBB + (SEF * EE)]. EE = 0-6

  • 0.2

SEF. Sets the amount each specialist-level adds to the efficiency.

  • 0.05

SBB. Base efficiency a converter can reach without any specialist if EB = 1.

  • ConverterSkill

EE. NoSpecialist=0; ZeroStarSpecialist=1; OneStarSpecialist=2; FiveStarSpecialist=6

  • 1

EB. Final multiplier for efficiency. Tipp: start with EB = 1 and adjust if required.

  • Resource defintion

Defines the resource consumed when the converter is active. Can have multiple INPUT_RESOURCE definitions.

  • Resource defintion

Defines the resource produced when the converter is active. Can have multiple OUTPUT_RESOURCE definitions.

 name = ModuleResourceConverter
 ConverterName = Lf+Ox
 StartActionName = Start ISRU [Lf+Ox]
 StopActionName = Stop ISRU [Lf+Ox]	 
 AutoShutdown = true
 	key = 0 100000
 	key = 750 50000
 	key = 1000 10000
 	key = 1250 500	
 	key = 2000 50	
 	key = 4000 0
 GeneratesHeat = true
 DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
 	key = 0 0 0 0
 	key = 500 0.1 0 0
 	key = 1000 1.0 0 0
 	key = 1250 0.1 0 0
 	key = 3000 0 0 0 
 UseSpecialistBonus = true
 SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
 ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
 EfficiencyBonus = 1
 	ResourceName = Ore
 	Ratio = 0.5
 	ResourceName = ElectricCharge
 	Ratio = 30
 	ResourceName = LiquidFuel
 	Ratio = 0.45
 	DumpExcess = false
 	ResourceName = Oxidizer
 	Ratio = 0.55
 	DumpExcess = false


Used to create a part that harvestes resources from the environment.

variable example definition
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Defines the type of harvester.

  • 0 = Planetary use
  • 1 = Oceanic use
  • 2 = Atmospheric use
  • 3 = Vacuum use?

Harvester types other then 0 require use of a deploy animation before they can be activated (tested with KSP version 1.1.3).

  • 1

Harvester efficiency. Seems to work differently depending on harvester type.

  • Ore

Resource to harvest.

  • Surface Harvester

Name displayed when right-clicking the part.

  • Start Surface Harvester

Text displayed for the start action.

  • Stop Surface Harvester

Text displayed for the stop action.

  • Toggle Surface Harvester

Text displayed for the toggle action.

  • ImpactTransform

Seems to be only relevant for surface harvesters. Resource is only harvested when in contact to the ground. Further details of this parameter are unknown.

  • 5

Seems to be only relevant for surface harvesters. May be the distance between where the drillhead is when it is deployed and where the actual part is. Further details of this parameter are unknown.

  • true
  • false

If set to true the harvester will automatically shut off if it overheats.

  • true
  • false

If set to true the harvester operation will generate heat.

  • true
  • false

If set to true crew members can give a bonus to harvester efficiency.

  • 0.2

Efficieny bonus multiplier based on the number of specialists and their skill.

  • 0.05

Efficieny bonus base amount for each specialist of the given type.

  • Engineer

Type of specialist required to get the efficiency bonus.

  • 1

Added efficiency for having a specialist.

  • Resource defintion

Defines the resource consumed when the harvester is active. Can have multiple INPUT_RESOURCE definitions.

  • Temperature modifier defintion


  • Thermal efficiency definition

Efficiency related to part temperature.

  name = ModuleResourceHarvester
  HarvesterType = 0
  Efficiency = 1.5
  ResourceName = Ore
  ConverterName = Surface Harvester
  StartActionName = Start Surface Harvester
  StopActionName = Stop Surface Harvester
  ToggleActionName = Toggle Surface Harvester
  ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
  ImpactRange = 5
  AutoShutdown = true
  GeneratesHeat = true
  UseSpecialistBonus = true
  SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
  SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
  Specialty = Engineer
  EfficiencyBonus = 1
    ResourceName = ElectricCharge
    Ratio = 15
    key = 0 10000
    key = 250 7500
    key = 500 5000
    key = 750 500
    key = 1000 0
    key = 0 0.1
    key = 250 .1
    key = 500 1
    key = 750 .1
    key = 1000 0


Used to create a part that produces a resource based on interaction with the environment.

variable example definition
  • IntakeAir

defines the type of resource produced by this module. Any resource may be used for this purpose, including those not defined at all

  • true
  • false

An optional method that specifies this module must check to see if oxygen/atmosphere is present whenever attempting to generate the requested resource.

  • 0.004

area is the amount of space used for determining how much resource to produce. The larger the number, the more of the resource is produced per second.

  • 10

unknown. Assumed to be a minimum m/s measure to determine if this module operates or not.

  • Intake


  name = ModuleResourceIntake
  resourceName = IntakeAir
  checkForOxygen = true
  area = 0.006
  intakeSpeed = 10
  intakeTransformName = Intake  


Used as a reference to determine whether this part is activated by the SAS function of the interface. ie. when you turn on SAS, turn on this part. NOTE: [0.90] added SASServiceLevel (0-3)

variable example definition
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
defines the required level of building development for each different SAS capabilities (markers on the nav ball)
 name = ModuleSAS
 SASServiceLevel = 1


A place to store the results of a science experiment.

variable example definition
reviewActionName Flavor Text for reviewing the data contained in a science container.
storeActionName Flavor text for placing data into a science container.
collectActionName Flavor text for removing data from a science container.
  • True
  • False

Specifies whether or not data storage is restricted to EVA activities.

  • 0.5

Distance, expressed in meters, a Kerbal must be within in order to interact with data and this container.

  • True
  • False
 name = ModuleScienceContainer
 reviewActionName = Review Stored Data
 storeActionName = Store Experiments
 evaOnlyStorage = True
 storageRange = 4.0


A place to conduct a science experiment.

variable example definition
  • evaReport
  • mysteryGoo
  • surfaceSample
  • mobileMaterialsLab
  • temperatureScan
  • barometerScan
  • seismicScan
  • gravityScan
  • atmosphereAnalysis
  • asteroidSample
This refers to the Experiment IDs listed in ScienceDefs.cfg under each EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION{}
experimentActionName Flavor text

for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data

resetActionName Flavor text

for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data

reviewActionName Flavor text

for contextual menu to describe to the player what the part does when collecting data

  • True
  • False
specifies whether this module can be activated through the normal staging system
  • True
  • False
specifies whether this module can be activated by an Action Group
  • True
  • False
specifies whether this module will show its activation buttons through the contextual menu, even if it is not available
  • True
  • False
specifies whether this experiment can be rerun.
  • 0.35
Specifies the share of science data that can be recovered via the antenna. In this example 35% can be recovered.
  • 0
The index of the module, starting from 0, playing the animation, if any, for this science instrument. The module must implement IScalarModule so must be ModuleAnimateGeneric or a descendant.
  • True
  • False
Uncertain. Presumed to indicate whether a Kerbal on EVA can retrieve data from this experiment
collectActionName Flavor text If data is collectible, this is the flavor text for collecting that data
  • 0.5
The range, expressed in meters, from which a Kerbal on EVA can interact with this module (for example to reset the experiment)
usageReqMaskInternal (ExperimentUsageReqs) How the experiment can be triggered by the parent Vessel.
usageReqMaskExternal (ExperimentUsageReqs) How the experiment can be triggered by EVA Kerbals.


Name Value Notes
Never -1 Experiment can't be used at all
Always 0 Experiment can always be used
VesselControl 1 Experiment can be used if vessel is (see ExperimentUsageReqs)under control (probe or crew)
CrewInVessel 2 Experiment can only be used if vessel is crewed.
CrewInPart 4 Experiment can only be used if part contains crew.
ScientistCrew 8 Experiment can only be used if crew is scientist.
 name = ModuleScienceExperiment 
 experimentID = atmosphereAnalysis
 experimentActionName = Run Atmosphere Analysis
 resetActionName = Discard Data
 reviewActionName = Review Data
 useStaging = False 
 useActionGroups = True
 hideUIwhenUnavailable = True 
 rerunnable = True
 xmitDataScalar = 0.35
 dataIsCollectable = True
 collectActionName = Download Data
 interactionRange = 1.2


A place to modify a science experiment prior to transmission in order to gain more research points from it.

variable example definition
  • 0
Specifies ModuleScienceContainer location in order in cfg file. 0 is first module listing, 1 is two and so on.
  • 1.5
  • 2
Minimum number of Kerbals in the part needed to operate this module
  • True
  • False
Unknown. Presumed to indicate whether modules attached to this part can be reset from this module
  • True
  • False
Presumed to indicate whether modules attached to this vessel can be reset from this module
  • 1.2
Limit of range (in meters) that modules attached to this vessel can be reset. Uncertain.
  • ElectricCharge
names the resource required, e.g.: ElectricCharge
  • 10

specified, numerical, the number of units of the specified resource expended

 name = ModuleScienceLab
 containerModuleIndex = 0 
 dataTransmissionBoost = 1.15 
 crewsRequired = 2
 canResetConnectedModules = True
 canResetNearbyModules = True
 interactionRange = 5
  name = ElectricCharge
  amount = 10


Specifies that this part is steerable and provides the axis and animation information for steering the part.

variable example definition
  • Forward
Unsure. May have something to do with directional control
  • 0, 0, 1
specifies the 3-dimensional axis of steering control.
  • Steering
  • true
  • false
specifies whether the part's steering starts locked
0 16
10 9
30 2
100 1
multi-array of keys,
 name = ModuleSteering
 controlAxisType = Forward
 steeringAxis = 0, 0, 1
 steeringTransformName = Steering
 steeringLocked = true
     key = 0 16
  key = 10 9
    key = 30 2
  key = 100 1


Used for the contract system, determines atmospheric conditions under which this part may be considered for testing. Also specifies whether the part is able to be tested using the Staging process or must be manually selected and "Perform Test" used to satisfy contract requirements.

variable example definition
environments (Deprecated. Use situationMask instead)
  • 15
  • 1

A single numerical value, between 0 (nowhere) and 15 (anywhere), that specifies the atmospheric conditions the part may be tested under. Add numbers together to specify multiple environments

  • 0 = nowhere
  • 1 = the surface of; srf
  • 2 = the ocean of; ocean
  • 3 = the surface or ocean of; srf, ocean
  • 4 = the atmosphere of; atmo
  • 5 = the surface or atmosphere of; srf, atmo
  • 6 = the ocean or atmosphere of; ocean, atmo
  • 7 = the surface, ocean or atmosphere of; srf, ocean, atmo
  • 8 = the space above; space
  • 9 = the surface or space above; srf, space
  • 10 = the ocean or space of; srf, ocean, space
  • 11 = the surface, ocean or space of; srf, ocean, space
  • 12 = the space or atmosphere of; atmo, space
  • 13 = the surface, space or atmosphere of; srf, atmo, space
  • 14 = the ocean, space, or atmosphere of; ocean, atmo, space
  • 15 = anywhere; srf, ocean, atmo, space
  • True
  • False
specifies whether the part can be tested using the Staging Process
  • True
  • False
specifies whether the part can be tested using the "Perform Test" action.
  • 16
  • 63

A binary mask for defining the situation.

  • SrfLanded = 1,
  • SrfSplashed = 2,
  • FlyingLow = 4,
  • FlyingHigh = 8,
  • InSpaceLow = 16,
  • InSpaceHigh = 32
  • Hidden Flag (not sure what this does, but several engine cfgs have a 7th flag tripped, value equaling 127) = 64


value = ALWAYS

prestige = Trivial



test = LT

value = 1000

situationMask = 8

prestige = Trivial


Constraints define different attributes of a test.

type - The type of constraint. Can have values such as :


test - An optional parameter. Relevant when type isn't set to 'REPEATABILITY'. Can have values such as:

  • GT
  • LT
  • EQ
  • NEQ

value - Defines whether or not this test can be repeated. Can have values such as:


prestige - Defines the prestige level for the test. Can have values such as:

  • Trivial
  • Significant
  • Exceptional

body - Defines what celestial body can be used for the test . Can have values such as:

  • _NotHome (disables every flag but Kerbin)
  • _NotSun (unclear what this does, but might disable every celestial body but Kerbol?)

situationMask - Overrides the situationMask value for this constraint only:

  • SrfLanded = 1,
  • SrfSplashed = 2,
  • FlyingLow = 4,
  • FlyingHigh = 8,
  • InSpaceLow = 16,
  • InSpaceHigh = 32
		name = ModuleTestSubject
		useStaging = True
		useEvent = True
		situationMask = 60
			// disable all but home
			type = SITUATION
			value = 0
			body = _NotHome
			prestige = Trivial
			// disable all but home
			type = SITUATION
			value = 0
			body = _NotHome
			prestige = Significant
			value = ALWAYS
			prestige = Trivial
			prestige = Significant
			value = ONCEPERPART
			prestige = Exceptional
			test = GT
			value = 4000
			prestige = Trivial
			test = LT
			value = 8000
			prestige = Trivial
			test = GT
			value = 2000
			prestige = Significant
			test = LT
			value = 4000
			prestige = Significant
			test = GT
			value = 1000
			prestige = Exceptional
			test = LT
			value = 2000
			prestige = Exceptional
			type = ALTITUDE
			test = GT
			value = 0 // this just registers altitude as something to care about
			situationMask = 8
			type = ALTITUDE
			test = LT
			value = 300000
			situationMask = 16
			body = _NotSun
			type = ALTITUDE
			test = LT
			value = 600000
			situationMask = 32
			body = _NotSun
			type = SPEED
			test = GT
			value = 0
			situationMask = 8
			prestige = Trivial
			type = SPEED
			test = LT
			value = 600
			situationMask = 8
			prestige = Trivial
			type = SPEED
			test = GT
			value = 0
			situationMask = 8
			prestige = Significant
			type = SPEED
			test = LT
			value = 900
			situationMask = 8
			prestige = Significant
			type = SPEED
			test = GT
			value = 300
			situationMask = 8
			prestige = Exceptional
			type = SPEED
			test = LT
			value = 1200
			situationMask = 8
			prestige = Exceptional
			type = SPEEDENV
			test = LT
			value = 200
			prestige = Trivial


The better version of landingGear, with lots more options for the operation of wheels, including adding power, steering, and damage information.

variable example definition
  • true
  • false
specifies whether the wheel has a powered propulsion system
  • ElectricCharge
specifies the resource(s) used by powered propulsion system
  • 1.0
specifies the rate of consumption of resources for the powered propulsion system in units/second
  • true
  • false
specifies whether this wheel is steerable
  • Forward
If steerable, specifies the axis type
  • AutomaticSteer
  • TankSteer
uncertain: may refer to rack-and-pinion versus Track-type steering
  • 300
the dV (in m/s) of torque applied when using the breaks
  • 1.2
the dV (in m/s) that braking will slow the vehicle under optimum conditions
  • 2000
dV that this part can withstand before breaking
  • 60
uncertain. possibly reserved for future use, possible that this is the amount of dV of damage applied to this part whenever it exceeds it's rated speed
  • wheel
Internal name of the wheel
  • wheelCollider
Internal name of the collider mesh for the wheel
  • suspensionTraverse
Animation for suspension usage
  • suspensionNeutralPoint
Animation for the neutral point of the suspension
  • bustedwheel
If you break it, you bought, and this is what you'll call it
  • 0
  • 1
  • 0
steeringCurve {}

keys, 0 16 10 9 30 2

torqueCurve {}

keys 0 250 0 0 20 100 0 0 30 14 0 0 34 0 0 0

	name = ModuleWheel
	hasMotor = true
	resourceName = ElectricCharge
        resourceConsumptionRate = 0.5
	canSteer = true
	controlAxisType = Forward
	steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer
	brakeTorque = 180
	brakeSpeed = 1.0
	impactTolerance = 65
	overSpeedDamage = 20

	    wheelName = wheel
	    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
	    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
	    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
	    damagedObjectName = bustedwheel
	    rotateX = 0
	    rotateY = 1
	    rotateZ = 0

   	 key = 0 18
	 key = 15 6

	  key = 0 170 0 0 
	  key = 2.5 100 0 0
	  key = 12 0 0 0



Specifies that this part is an engine with multiple modes. Added in [0.90], it allows for engines that use different types of resources and provides different flight characteristics depending on which mode it is operating in. This module defines the different modes and passes them to moduleEnginesFX.

variable example definition
  • AirBreathing
  • ClosedCycle
this is passed to ModuleEnginesFX to determine the properties for this mode
  • AirBreathing
  • ClosedCycle
this is passed to ModuleEnginesFX to determine the properties for this mode
 name = MultiModeEngine
 primaryEngineID = AirBreathing
 secondaryEngineID = ClosedCycle


Just like the name implies, this module is attached to parts that are or contain a retractable or collapsible ladder.

variable example definition
  • TelusBay
  • Telescopic ladder
name of the beginning animation for this module
  • ladderCollider
name of the collider mesh for this module
  • Retract
name of the retraction animation for this module
 name = RetractableLadder
 ladderAnimationRootName = TelusBay
 ladderColliderName = ladderCollider
 ladderRetractAnimationName = Retract


Defining a module is a task in and of itself and one that I'm sure has already been covered in other places. Many modules defined by mods are duplicating effects that could be created with stock modules, but for one reason or another, the mod owner has decided to create their own modules (possibly for degree of control, possibly because the stock module didn't quite do everything they needed). In any event, I've looked at some of the Mod modules, and detailed them below. By mod, they are:

Kerbal Assembly System

Kerbal Assembly System is most noted for adding the option to grab and move parts using Kerbals. It also allows for storage of certain parts in containers.

MODULE:NEEDS[KAS] for the module


Specifies that this part can serve as a container for other parts, and how much storage space the part has. Also included is an interaction distance. Kerbals must be this close or closer to open the container. Lots of sounds.

variable example definition
  • 5
  • 20
  • 80
specifies the size of the container relative to Kerbal Attachment System parts.
  • 1
  • 5
Kerbals must be at least this close (in meters) in order to open the container
  • KAS/Sounds/hookBayStore
sound stuff
  • KAS/Sounds/containerOpen
sound stuff for opening the container
  • KAS/Sounds/containerClose
sound stuff for closing the container
  • KAS/Sounds/bipwrong
sound stuff
 name = KASModuleContainer
 maxSize = 80


variable example definition
  • true
  • false
specifies whether Kerbals can commute to parts connected to this part
  • true
  • false
can be passed through even when connected to the ground?
 name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace
 passable = true
 passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true 


variable example definition
BAY {}
  • top
  • bottom
attachment placement
  • containerA
  • container
  • hookBay
 name = KASModulePartBay
  attachNode = top
  type = containerA
  type = containerB


variable example definition
  • top
  • kasplug
  • 30
  • plugNode
 name = KASModulePort
 attachNode = top
 nodeType = kasplug
 breakForce = 30
 nodeTransformName = plugNode


variable example definition

This module will set a custom drag value when the part touch the ground.

  • 500
Drag value of the anchor when it touch the ground
  • 0
Bounciness of the anchor
  • 0.8
Dynamic friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
  • 0.8
Static friction of the anchor when it touch the ground
 name = KASModuleAnchor
 groundDrag = 500
 bounciness = 0
 dynamicFriction = 0.8 
 staticFriction = 0.8


This module will make the part acting like a magnet, collided part will be automatically attached. Only work when attached on a winch.

variable example definition
  • 10
The force that needs to be applied on the magnet joint to break.
  • true
  • false
Disable/enable attraction of eva
  • 0.998
Minimum magnet alignement needed to attach (1 is perfectly aligned)
  • 4
Power consumption when the magnet is used
 name = KASModuleMagnet
 breakForce = 10
 attachToEva = False
 minFwdDot = 0.998
 powerDrain = 4


variable example definition
  • pipeNode
  • strutNode
  • PipeSize1
  • StrutSize1
  • 20
  • 8
  • 100
  • 10
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • true
  • false
  • 0.15
  • 0.15
  • 1
  • 4
  • Joined
  • Rounded
  • Joined
  • Rounded
  • (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
  • (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • KAS/Textures/pipe
 name = KASModuleStrut 
 nodeTransform = pipeNode
 type = PipeSize1 
 maxLenght = 20
 maxAngle = 100
 breakForce = 10
 allowDock = true
 allowPumpFuel = true
 hasCollider = false
 tubeScale = 0.15
 jointScale = 0.15
 textureTiling = 1
 tubeSrcType = Joined
 tubeTgtType = Joined
 evaStrutPos = (0.05, 0.059, -0.21)
 evaStrutRot = (190.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        tubeTexPath = KAS/Textures/pipe


This module will make the part acting like a grappling-hook, any collided part in front of the grapple will be automatically attached if the inpact is strong enough. Only work when attached on a winch.

variable example definition
  • 6
The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/part joint to break.
  • 15
The force that needs to be applied on the grapple/static joint to break.
  • 0.05
Distance from the attach point to the center of the part
  • 4
Collision force needed to attach the grapple.
  • true
  • false
Disable/enable attachment on parts.
  • (0,-1,0)
Direction of the attach raycast. Attachment will be done only with objects in that direction.
  • 0.8
Attach ray lenght.
 name = KASModuleGrapplingHook
 partBreakForce = 6
 staticBreakForce = 15
 aboveDist = 0.05
 forceNeeded = 4
 attachToPart = true
 rayDir = (0,-1,0) 
 rayLenght = 0.8


variable example definition
  • 50
  • 80
  • 1000
  • 0.1
  • 0.04
  • 2
  • 0.05
  • 0.5
  • 0.3
  • head
  • portNode
  • bottom
  • front
  • anchorNode
  • (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
  • (0,0,1)
  • (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
  • (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  • true
  • false
  • 20
  • 0.12
  • 0.90
 name = KASModuleWinch
 maxLenght = 50
 cableSpring = 1000
 cableDamper = 0.1
 cableWidth = 0.04
 motorMaxSpeed = 2
 motorAcceleration = 0.05
 powerDrain = 0.5
 headTransformName = head
 headPortNodeName = portNode
 connectedPortNodeName = bottom
 anchorNodeName = anchorNode
 evaGrabHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.11)
 evaGrabHeadDir = (0,0,1)
 evaDropHeadPos = (0.05, 0.01, -0.16)
 evaDropHeadRot = (180.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 ejectEnabled = true
 ejectForce = 20
 lockMinDist = 0.12
 lockMinFwdDot = 0.90

Universal Storage

Universal Storage. By the by: Excellently documented!


Animation module.

variable example definition
  • Take 001
Name of the animation from the model.
  • Wedge Locks Off
Part tooltip name to display for deployment
  • Wedge Locks Off
Part tooltip name to display for retraction
  • Wedge Locks Off
Action group name for deployment
  • Wedge Locks On
Action group name for retraction
  • 100000
Speed of the animation
  • true
  • false
If the animation can only be played once
  • true
  • false
If the part toolitp is visible in the editor
  • true
  • false
If the part tooltip is visible in flight
  • true
  • false
If the part tooltip is visible from EVA
  • 5
EVA visible range
  name = ModuleAnimator
  animationName = Take 001
  guiEnableName = Wedge Locks Off
  guiDisableName = Wedge Locks On
  actionEnableName = Wedge Locks Off 
  actionDisableName = Wedge Locks On 
  animationSpeed = 100000
  oneShot = false
  activeEditor = true
  activeFlight = false
  activeUnfocused = false
  unfocusedRange = 5

Umbra Space Industries:Regolith

Note: DEPRECATED (use stock resource converter's)


variable example definition
  • Water Electrolizer
Flavor Text
  • Start Water Electrolizer
Flavor Text
  • Stop Water Electrolizer
Flavor Text
  • ElectricCharge, 14, Water, 0.0000176697
  • Hydrogen, 0.0219907427, True, Oxygen, 0.0109953713, False
  name = REGO_ModuleResourceConverter
  ConverterName = Water Electrolizer
  StartActionName = Start Water Electrolizer
  StopActionName = Stop Water Electrolizer
  RecipeInputs = ElectricCharge, 14, Water, 0.0000176697
  RecipeOutputs = Hydrogen, 0.0219907427, True, Oxygen, 0.0109953713, False

Umbra Space Industries: ExpPack

USI is widely known for building an entire add-on family of interconnected and cross-supported parts and extensions. Here we detail mods added by the ExpPack.


No calls.

 name = USI_ClearIVA