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버전 '''0.90.0'''는 2014년 12월 15일(월요일)에 배포되었습니다. 이 업데이트는 "Beta Than Ever"라는 부제(副題)로 알려져 있으며, 그 의미는 "가장 베타버전 같은" 내지 "일찍이 없었던 최고의 베타 버전" 정도가 되겠군요. 말마따나 0.90.0은 현재까지 최초의 베타 배포판인 것은 틀림없습니다.
== 신규사항 ==
=== 기체 조립화면 개편 (편집기) ===
* 접합기준점(offset)과 회전 도구 추가 (키보드의 {{Key press|2}}와 {{Key press|3}} 단축키 사용).
* 사령선 변경(re-[[root part|root]]) 도구 추가 ({{Key press|4}} 단축키 사용).
* 편집 좌표계(Gizmo coordinate system)를 절대좌표(absolute)와 구역좌표(local)로 변경 가능 ({{Key press|F}} 단축키 사용).
* 회전과 접합기준점 도구 역시 걸쇠 격자 방식(snap grid)이나 3차원 격자 방식(3D grid)으로 변경 가능.
* 편집기의 걸쇠(Gizmo snap)는 좌표계(coordinate frame)를 어떤 것으로 선택하느냐에 따라 절대 격자 방식(absolute grid)과 구역 격자 방식(local grid)으로 선택하여 지정할 수 있습니다.
* 마우스 커서를 해당 부품에 위치시키거나 편집도구를 선택하고 시프트 키를 누르면, 각도 걸쇠(앵글 스냅 혹은 angle snap)를 5°(15°부터)씩 줄일 수 있으며, 접합기준점 편집도구(offset gizmo)의 격자 걸쇠(grid snap) 간격도 마찬가지 입니다.
* 90°나 5° 씩({{Key press|Shift}}) 회전시키는 {{Key press|W}}{{Key press|A}}{{Key press|S}}{{Key press|D}}{{Key press|Q}}{{Key press|E}}  단축키는 여전히 작동하며, 피치, 요와 롤 회전에 좀 더 긴밀하게 작동되도록 개선 되었습니다.
=== 기체 조립화면 개편 (부품 목록)===
* 부품 목록 화면 전면 수정.
* 목록 분류기능 추가 : 부품 검색시 기존의 분류 목차 외에 새로운 방법을 추가하여 검색 할 수 있음.
* 기존의 분류는 '기능별'<sub>''By Function''</sub> 분류기능으로 개편됨.
* 추진체 종류(Propulsion category)는 엔진([[Engine]])과 연료통([[Fuel tank|Fuel Tank]])으로 세분화.
* Added part filters which list them based on the resources they contain/use, their manufacturers, the modules (functionalities) they implement or their corresponding tier on the [[technology tree]].
* Custom filters and subcategories can be created and edited for user-made collections of parts.
* Parts list can be sorted by size, cost, mass and name (default)
* Subassemblies can be sorted and arranged into custom categories.
=== 기체 조립화면 개편 (기타) ===
* [[VAB/ko|조립동]]([[VAB]])과 [[SPH/ko|격납고]]([[SPH]])는 동일한 배경화면을 사용.
* Editor Logic fully overhauled and rewritten using the very reliable KerbalFSM framework used for character animation and many other systems in the game.
* Most editor Keyboard inputs are now remappable.
* All Craft files can now be cross-loaded in the VAB and SPH.
* Crew assignment is now fully persistent during construction, including detached parts.
* Vastly improved placement logic for angle-snapped parts.
* Symmetry methods can be toggled between Radial (VAB) or Mirror (SPH) using the {{Key press|R}} Key
* Radial Symmetry coordinate frame can also be toggled with {{Key press|F}} key.
=== 우주단지의 건물 개량기능 추가 ===
* All KSC Facilities can now be upgraded through levels (currently 3 levels implemented for all facilities).
* Added new models for KSC facilities at each level.
* KSC Facilities now start at level 1 (in Career Mode), and can be upgraded to top level separately.
* Upgrading Facilities costs Funds, lots of Funds.
* Repair Cost of destroyed structures varies depending on facility level. (Higher-Level Facilities are more expensive to repair)
==== 우주단지의 건물 개량 효과 ====
* [[VAB/ko|조립동]]([[VAB]])/[[SPH/ko|격납고]]([[SPH]])
** 사용 가능한 부품 수 증가
** 기초 및 사용자 지정 액션그룹 사용 가능
* [[Launch_Pad/ko|발사대]]([[Launchpad]]) / [[Runway/ko|활주로]]([[Runway]]):
** Increase Mass Limit for launched vessels
** Increase Size Limit for launched vessels
* [[Tracking Station]]
**Unlock Patched Conics in Map View
**Unlock Unowned Object Tracking
* [[Astronaut Complex]]:
**Unlock EVAs off of Kerbin's surface.
**Increase Active Crew Limit
**Unlock Flag-Planting during EVA
* [[Administration Facility]]:
**Increase Active Strategy Limit
**Increase Strategy Commitment Limit
* [[Research and Development]]:
**Increase Max Science Cost Limit
**Unlock part-to-part Fuel Transfer
**Unlock EVA Surface Sample experiment (requires EVA on Astronaut Complex)
* [[Mission Control]]:
**Increase Max Active Contract Limit
**Unlock Flight Planning (Requires Patched Conics in Tracking Station)
=== 우주단지 (기타) ===
* All KSC Facilities in all levels are destructible (except level 1 runway and level 1 launchpad, which are indestructible).
* Hold {{Key press|Ctrl}} while Right-Clicking over KSC Facilities to display 'extra' options concerning upgrade levels.
* Expanded Context Menu for KSC Facilities, to allow upgrading and viewing the current (and next) level stats.
* Hovering over the Upgrade button on the Facility Context Menu will display stats for the next level.
* Space Center ground sections and Crawlerway change levels based on level of neighboring facilities.
* The Flag Pole in front of the Astronaut Complex will change levels based on the average level of all KSC Structures.
=== 건물 내장 ===
* Editor scenery now loads independently of the editor scene.
* Exterior Scenery (out-the-door view) loads based on current editor Facility (VAB or SPH)
* The KSC as seen from the editor facilities will change to reflect current level and destruction state of visible facilities outside.
* Interior Scenery loads based on current editor Facility and Facility Level.
* Added new 3D interior scenery for Level 1 and 2 Vehicle Assembly Building and Space Plane Hangar
* Added new 2D interior backdrops for Level 1 and 2 UT of the [[Astronaut Complex]], archives tab in the [[Research and Development]], [[Mission Control]] and [[Administration Facility]]
Inside_VABTier1.png|[[VAB]] interior (Level 1)
Inside_VABTier2.png|[[VAB]] interior (Level 2)
Inside_SPHTier1.png|[[SPH]] interior (Level 1)
Inside_SPHTier2.png|[[SPH]] interior (Level 2)
Inside_AstronautComplexTier1.png|[[Astronaut Complex]] UI (Level 1)
Inside_AstronautComplexTier2.png|[[Astronaut Complex]] UI (Level 2)
Inside_MissionControlTier1.png|[[Mission Control]] UI (Level 1)
Inside_MissionControlTier2.png|[[Mission Control]] UI (Level 2)
Inside_AdministrationBuildingTier1.png|[[Administration Facility|Administration Building]] UI (Level 1)
Inside_AdministrationBuildingTier2.png|[[Administration Facility|Administration Building]] UI (Level 2)
=== 부품 (Mk3 Spaceplane Set) ===
* Added 15 new 'Mk3' parts:
** [[Mk3 Cockpit]] (IVA is blank)
** 3 Mk3 Rocket Fuel Tanks (2.5m, 5m, 10m versions)
** 3 Mk3 Liquid Fuel Tanks (2.5m, 5m, 10m versions)
** [[Mk3 Monopropellant Tank]]
** [[Mk3 Passenger Module]] holding 16 Kerbals (There's no IVA at all)
** [[Mk3 to Mk2 Adapter]]
** Mk3 - 1.25m Adapter{{cn}}
** [[Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter]] and [[Mk3 to 2.5m Adapter Slanted]]
** [[Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter]]
** [[C7 Brand Adapter - 2.5m to 1.25m]] and [[C7 Brand Adapter Slanted - 2.5m to 1.25m]]
** [[Mk3 to 3.75m Adapter]]
** Mk3 cargo bays: [[Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-100]], [[Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-50]], [[Mk3 Cargo Bay CRG-25]]
* Old Mk3 cockpit, fuselage and adapter removed.
=== 부품 (기타) ===
* [[EAS-4 Strut Connector|Struts]] and [[FTX-2 External Fuel Duct|Fuel Lines]] now use a common base system called CompoundPart.
* New CompoundPartModule base class added to provide functionality for parts based on CompoundPart.
* Added CModuleLinkedMesh CompoundPartModule, handles the mesh objects connecting between both ends of a CompoundPart.
* Added CModuleStrut, creates a physical Joint between both ends of a CompoundPart
* Added CModuleFuelLine, creates a fuel re-routing between both ends of a CompoundPart.
* LandingGear and Rover Wheels 'Invert Steering' option now changes to 'Uninvert Steering' when inverted.
* Part-to-Part Resource Transfer now possible between more than 2 parts. (In/Out options will push/pull from all other selected parts evenly)
=== [[Kerbal/ko|커발인]]([[Kerbal]]s) ===
* Kerbals now have Skills they can develop.
* Kerbals now gain [[experience]] after returning from missions.
* Kerbal Experience is needed to level up crew skills.
* Added Scientist Skill. Scientists increase recovery value of collected data, transmission value of uploaded data and the lab boost factor (when manning a lab).
* Added Engineer Skill. Engineers are able to repair broken parts like Rover Wheels and repack parachutes.
* Added Pilot Skill. Pilots provide SAS features at various levels. Basic SAS is available as long as at least one pilot is aboard.
* Crews in the Astronaut Complex can now be sacked (if available) or given up for dead (if missing).
=== [[SAS/ko|자동평형장치]]([[SAS]]) 개편 ===
* SAS is no longer available in any vessel for free. A pilot or an operational SAS-cabable probe core are needed for SAS to be available.
* Level 0 pilots and basic probes provide basic SAS functionality (kill rotation)
* Higher level pilots and more advanced probes provide new Autopilot Functions.
* Added new Autopilot System featuring 8 modes:
**Stability Assist (Basic SAS)
** Prograde/Retrograde Hold (Level 1 Required: Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards prograde or retrograde vectors.
** Radial In/Out, Normal/Antinormal Hold (Level 2 Required): Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards R+, R-, N and AN vectors.
** Target/Anti-Target Hold (Level 3 Required): Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards the selected target.
**Maneuver Hold (Level 3 Required): Automatically orient and maintain attitude towards the first upcoming maneuver's burn vector.
* AP modes respect the current reference frame on the navball (surface, orbit or target).
* Overhauled the existing ModuleSAS part module so it acts as a SAS provider in any level.
* Removed ModuleSAS from all parts except probe cores.
* Tweaked the R&D tech tree progression for all probe cores.
* Tweaked costs and descriptions for all probe cores.
* Probe cores set up with progressing levels of SAS service.
=== 새로운 계약 (Arsonide의 ''Fine Print'' 모드) ===
* Added [[asteroid]] redirection contracts.
* Added surface outpost construction contracts.
* Added orbital station construction contracts.
* Added satellite deployment contracts.
* Added survey contracts at specified locations on the map.
* Fine Print contracts revised and overhauled with new graphics and to follow Career progression.
* Fine Print contracts unlock based on KSC Facility level when applicable.
* Existing contracts also revised to better follow progression of KSC facilities.
* Existing and new contracts revised to be configurable.
=== 새로운 [[Biome/ko|지형]]([[Biome]]) ===
* Added new Biome Maps to all celestial bodies.
* Over a hundred new biomes available in total.
* Added cheat menu option to visualize biomes in map view.
=== 기타 ===
* Added a one-page 'Welcome Intro' tutorial module to all newly-started games.
* Added new Edge Highlight visual effect when hovering over part icons on the staging UI, or when selecting a new root part or choosing a part to transfer crew to.
* Added new Tooltips for several UI controls in the Editor, R&D, Flight and many other areas.
* Added new ESA flags.
* Improved some of the Loading Screen images.
* Added new Craft Stats app to Editor toolbar, to display ship information like part count, total mass and size.
* Craft Stats app icon will turn orange if any limit is exceeded for the current editor facility level.
* Added new sound fx for gizmos and re-root in editors.
* Added new destruction FX for all new facility models.
* Added EditorBounds system to define part spawn point, construction boundaries, camera starting position and bounds for each editor interior.
== 오류 수정 및 조정 ==
* KSPScenario 'Remove' creation options now work.
* Added new PreSAS and PostSAS callbacks to vessel API.
* Revised VAB and SPH camera behaviour so they stay within scenery bounds as best they can.
* Overhauled time-of-day system for KSC emissive textures. All facilities light up at night. (except ones without lights, like lvl1 runway)
* Fixed several issues with destructible building persistence.
* KSC grounds grass shader now uses worldspace UV coords for consistent tiling.
* KSC grounds grass shader now enforces vertex normals to smooth out the transition between PQS and KSC terrain.
* Linux version now forces thread locale to 'en'. Solves most issues with installs in foreign locales.
* Fixed several issues with Undo/Redo (ctrl+Z, ctrl+Y) in the editors.
* Tweaked sideslip factor in landing gear (was much too strong).
* Increased Mk55 Engine's ISP and gimbal range.
* Fixed an issue with part rotation and placement using Mirror symmetry.
* Fixed issues with symmetrical 'subgroups' after attaching a parent part using symmetry.
* Re-saved all stock craft so they are fully compatible with this version.
* Existing craft files from previous versions will require re-saving in the editor before they are allowed to launch in Career Mode, to calculate size data.
* Crew auto-hire will respect Astronaut Complex crew limit.

Revision as of 17:41, 17 March 2017