Gas planet 3

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Gas planet 3
Gas planet 3
Orbit Outside of Jool
Equatorial radius Estimated 2000 km
Moons Unknown
Surface gravity Estimated 6.0 g
Atmospheric pressure Estimated 30 atm
These information are from a concept and the information about the object may change.
This planet never will be implemented in the game, as 1.12 has been confirmed to be the last major update.

The gas planet 3 (abbreviated GP3) is a proposed planet outside the orbit of Jool. Even though it is referenced as "gas planet", it might not be one after all. Instead, this planet might be a giant rocky planet, withan approximately 2000 kilometers radius and an extremely thick atmosphere. It also might have a moon with faint rings.

See Also


  1. Post in the forum by NovaSilisko