
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Revision as of 19:04, 15 May 2015 by VariousMetals (talk | contribs) (test edit)
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I tend to play video games in an unusual manner. Specifically, I dedicate considerable time to researching and reverse-engineering the mechanics of a game, either through individual experimentation or online research, mainly for the purpose of finding ways to abuse said mechanics. I figure this is a helpful quality for adding info to a wiki.

As an example, a fun fact from Team Fortress 2, which I discovered during that sort of obsessive online research: The critical-hit likelihood for melee weapons is 15%, but increases based on damage done recently up to a maximum of 60%. That's right, 60%. How to abuse this: go on ctf_sawmill, play demoman, and select the BASE Jumper, Sticky Jumper, and Scotsman's Skullcutter. A crit from the Skullcutter (which will happen more than half the time once you get a killstreak going) kills 8 out of 9 classes in one hit.

test edit