
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
Revision as of 15:09, 26 January 2019 by Goufalite (talk | contribs) (specialization pilots manoever nodes)
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A specialization or skill is an attribute assigned to Kerbals that indicates what abilities they can provide. Kerbals, with the exception of those with the Tourist specialization, can level up by earning experience, which may give them additional abilities specific to their skill.

List of specializations

  • Pilots can provide SAS stabilization while aboard a vessel, with more direction selectors available at higher experience levels. They can also use maneuver nodes without a connection to Kerbin. Here are the available direction selectors depending on the pilot's level :
Level Effects provided G Tolerance
☆☆☆☆☆ SAS and Stability 1.15x
★☆☆☆☆ Lock towards prograde and retrograde 1.3x
★★☆☆☆ Lock towards normal and anti-normal, radial and anti-radial 1.45x
★★★☆☆ Lock towards target, away from target, and towards maneuver 1.6x
★★★★☆ None 1.85x
★★★★★ None 2x
  • Engineers can have the ability to repack parachutes and repair broken rover wheels. They also greatly boost the production rate of Resource Harvesters and Converters. Here are the repairable parts depending on the engineer's level :
Level Effects provided Harvesting/Conversion Multiplier G Tolerance
☆☆☆☆☆ None 25% 1x
★☆☆☆☆ Repack parachutes 45% 1.1x
★★☆☆☆ Repair lander legs 65% 1.2x
★★★☆☆ Repair wheels 85% 1.3x
★★★★☆ None 105% 1.4x
★★★★★ None 125% 1.5x

Game mode specialization override

When playing in sandbox or science mode, some specializations are given to everyone and don't need a specialized kerbal[1] :

Use case Career Science Sandbox
SAS and direction selectors Pilot ( selectors are level dependant ) Everyone has SAS and all selectors Everyone has SAS and all selectors
Manoever nodes Pilot or Kerbin connection Pilot or Kerbin connection Pilot or Kerbin connection
Parachute repack ★☆☆☆☆Engineer Everyone Everyone
Lander leg repair ★★☆☆☆Engineer Everyone Everyone
Wheel repair ★★★☆☆Engineer Everyone Everyone
EVA science measure Scientist Scientist Scientist
Science restore Scientist Scientist Scientist
Mining Engineer ( efficiency is level dependant ) Engineer ( always ★★★★★ ) Engineer ( always ★★★★★ )


  • Tourist Kerbals implemented
  • Initial release