Gas planet 3

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Gas planet 3
Gas planet 3
Orbit Outside of Jool
Equatorial radius Estimated 2000 km
Moons Unknown
Surface gravity Estimated 6.0 g
Atmospheric pressure Estimated 30 atm
These information are from a concept and the information about the object may change.
NOTICE: This will never be implemented in the game, as 1.12 has been confirmed to be the last major update.

The gas planet 3 (abbreviated GP3) is a proposed planet outside the orbit of Jool. Even though it is referenced as "gas planet", it might not be one after all. Instead, this planet might be a giant rocky planet, withan approximately 2000 kilometers radius and an extremely thick atmosphere. It also might have a moon with faint rings.

See Also


  1. Post in the forum by NovaSilisko