Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1 v2/liquidEngineLV-1R v2.cfg
From Kerbal Space Program Wiki
PART { name = radialEngineMini_v2 module = Part author = AlexanderM MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-1_v2/Assets/Spider } rescaleFactor = 1.0 node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, 0.00, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0 TechRequired = precisionPropulsion entryCost = 1750 cost = 120 category = Engine subcategory = 0 title = #autoLOC_500430 //#autoLOC_500430 = LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine manufacturer = #autoLOC_501627 //#autoLOC_501627 = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co description = #autoLOC_500431 //#autoLOC_500431 = Adapted to appease engineers who were outraged at the lack of control rocket engines usually provide, the radial mounted LV-1R offers an appealing solution: "Just add more". Point away from face. attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0 mass = 0.02 heatConductivity = 0.06 // half default skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 emissiveConstant = 0.8 // engine nozzles are good at radiating. dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 7 maxTemp = 2000 // = 3600 stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE bulkheadProfiles = srf tags = #autoLOC_500432 //#autoLOC_500432 = probe propuls rocket (spider thruster vernier EFFECTS { running { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_rocket_mini volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 1.0 0.3 pitch = 0.0 0.75 pitch = 1.0 1.5 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small transformName = FXTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.4 0.8 emission = 1.0 1.0 speed = 0.0 0.8 speed = 1.0 1.0 //localOffset = 0, 0, 1 localPosition = 0, 0, 0.08 } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_soft volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } flameout { PREFAB_PARTICLE { prefabName = fx_exhaustSparks_flameout_2 transformName = thrustTransform oneShot = true } AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_explosion_low volume = 1.0 pitch = 2.0 loop = false } } } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = False ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 2 heatProduction = 30 fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.05 EngineType = LiquidFuel exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.05 runningEffectName = running PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 1.1 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 290 key = 1 260 key = 8 0.001 } } MODULE { name = ModuleTestSubject useStaging = True useEvent = True situationMask = 127 CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = ALWAYS prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = BODYANDSITUATION prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = REPEATABILITY value = ONCEPERPART prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 4000 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 8000 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 2000 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 4000 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = GT value = 1000 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDEENV test = LT value = 2000 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDE test = GT value = 0 // this just registers altitude as something to care about situationMask = 8 } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDE test = LT value = 300000 situationMask = 16 body = _NotSun } CONSTRAINT { type = ALTITUDE test = LT value = 600000 situationMask = 32 body = _NotSun } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 0 situationMask = 8 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 600 situationMask = 8 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 300 situationMask = 8 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 1200 situationMask = 8 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = GT value = 600 situationMask = 8 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEED test = LT value = 2500 situationMask = 8 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 200 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 100 prestige = Trivial } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 100 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 50 prestige = Significant } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = LT value = 50 prestige = Exceptional } CONSTRAINT { type = SPEEDENV test = GT value = 20 prestige = Exceptional } } MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = Gimbal gimbalRange = 10 gimbalResponseSpeed = 30 useGimbalResponseSpeed = true } MODULE { name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = HiCyl1 rotatorsName = LowCyl1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = HiCyl2 rotatorsName = LowCyl2 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = LowCyl1 rotatorsName = HiCyl1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = LowCyl2 rotatorsName = HiCyl2 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = LowHose1 rotatorsName = HiHose1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = HiHose1 rotatorsName = LowHose1 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = LowHose2 rotatorsName = HiHose2 } CONSTRAINLOOKFX { targetName = HiHose2 rotatorsName = LowHose2 } } MODULE { name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle animationName = AntNoozleGlow responseSpeed = 0.001 dependOnEngineState = True dependOnThrottle = True } MODULE { name = ModulePartVariants baseVariant = Shroud VARIANT { name = Shroud displayName = #autoLOC_8007114 primaryColor = #ffffff secondaryColor = #999999 GAMEOBJECTS { Shroud = true Case = false Mount= false } } VARIANT { name = Bare displayName = #autoLOC_8007115 primaryColor = #d96200 secondaryColor = #999999 GAMEOBJECTS { Shroud = false Case = true Mount= true } } } MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart stackableQuantity = 2 packedVolume = 20 } }