Campaign: Kerbinai Program

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Over Kerbin, Kerbal-made stars could be seen gleaming from their orbits upon a treeless world. It didn't matter, because no one on Kerbin had ever seen a tree, so they weren't missed. GeoSat proved the point that there was absolutely no vegetation at all on the planet, except the microscopic green stuff that made the surface what it was. It was also discovered that there were not a whole lot of theme parks to visit, or really anything to do at all on the whole planet of Kerbin, except for which was happening at the Kerbal Space Center.

The Kerbican president announced that he wanted to see a Kerbal on the Mun ahead of the Kerbiets, and to do so before the decade was out. The Kerbal Space Program set its sights on an eventual Mun landing and return, although most scientists doubted the success of such. To get there, much needed to be learned. Volunteers were called up, but most Kerbals were content to be spectators, and viewed the whole space program as a spectator sport. Jebediah Kerbin, a daredevil from Kernicopia, was the only volunteer...for a while. Though after showing off his new spacesuit with jetpack, his very intrigued brothers Bill and Bob would soon join him, and it became apparent to KSP scientists that the whole Jebediah Kerbin family had what it takes to get into space: a pennant for a good bribe, and a lack of education.

This campaign will have you doing you docking with a Kerbin based space station before the day is out. Ok, maybe weekend.


  • Length: 20 hours
  • Difficulty: Just pay attention
  • Skills needed: Navball navigation, Orbital Mechanics 101
  • For version: Every version (tested on 0.20.2)


Koskhod 2: Alexey Kerbinov, First Spacewalker

  • Looks like the Kerbiets beat the Kerbicans again... this time it was the first spacewalk. Go out for an eva once in orbit. Bring him back alive.
  1. While in orbit, your Kerbal will have to go outside, and eventually let go of the spacecraft. And grab it again and get back inside.
  2. Jets optional.
  3. Return mandatory. You don't want to scare off any of the current volunteers waiting in line for the next missions.

Kerbinai 4: Ed Kerban, First Jet Assisted EVA

  • This Kerbican used the first jetpack in space...and returned successfully to his spacecraft.
  1. In orbit, leave your comfy spacecraft and float around the spacecraft. Must complete one circuit.
  2. Returning your Kerbals is required from now on for all missions.

ComSat IV

  • Replace a Defunct Satellite and Designate it as Debris
  1. Launch a new ComSat to replace ComSat I.
  2. The new ComSat must replace ComSat I at ComSat I's originally intended location (directly over KSC).
  3. Designate ComSat I as Debris (so it no longer shows up on your map, or you can choose to end its mission to save cpu resources)
(This mission is a good one to practice your first orbital intercept, assuming your old satellite is where you want your new one to be)

Kerbinai: 6 & 7: Orbital Rendezvous

  • Intercept and Rendezvous a manned ship to within 100m of another manned ship
  1. Both ships must carry at least 2 Kerbals, for a total of 4 Kerbals at the rendezvous.
  2. No docking ports on either ship.
  3. You must take a screenshot from inside the cockpit (use the "c" key) of the other ship through the window, when both ships are less than 100m apart.
(KSC scientists don't think it's possible on the first try, so that's why both ships don't have docking ports. Prove them wrong with a screenshot.)

Kerbinai 8: Neil and the Kerbina Target Vehicle

  • Launch an unmanned Target Vehicle with docking point into orbit.
  1. Must be unmanned.
  2. Must be powered continuously.
  • Launch a manned two-Kerbal vehicle into orbit.
  1. Must be manned with two Kerbals.
  • Intercept, Rendezvous, and Dock the manned vehicle with the waiting unmanned vehicle.
(You are welcome to attempt to deorbit the Target Vehicle or end its mission.)

4 Kerbals, 2 Ships, and a Party

  • Transfer crew with another spaceship in orbit while docked.
  1. Must transfer one Kerbal from one ship with one Kerbal from another. Current game mechanics will require an EVA for both.
  2. Future mechanics will have this mission change to require the Kerbals exchange crew via the docking port, and then go back to the other ship via EVA.
(Tip: Switch between EVAs by using the bracket keys)
(Don't forget to bring four bottles of Fizzy Kerbin Ocean Water with straw caps to celebrate!)

Kylab I

  • Launch a single module station into orbit, and dock a spaceship with it.
  1. Leave at least 1 Kerbal on board.
  2. Return at least 1 Kerbal to Kerbin.
  • Launch a robotic ship to return your station Kerbal(s) back to Kerbin safely.
  1. Ship must dock with the station.
  • Deorbit your station lest the Kerbiets come up later and mess up your room while you're away.
  1. No Kerbals may be harmed in the making of mission.

Finishing word

After the completion of the Kerbinai Program, Robert Kerbin retired to much fanfare, and settled down to write books about the early pioneers of Kerbal Spaceflight who he helped put into space. A new director, Gene Kerbin, arrived to take his place at the Kerbal Space Center.

After the Kerban family reunion which took place in orbit during the program, Gene ordered the Kerbonaught corps to take a well deserved vacation while the space program ramped up its final prepations for a Mun shot. While on vacation, Jebediah took the initiative in his home town of Kernicopia to fund a new start up company: Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts Co. - cobbled together from a number of junkyard parts he had laying around from his daredevil days. Being an insider, her figured he'd be able to score a number of kontracts with the Kerbal Space Program. While he prepared his company, Gene Kerbin stepped up missions to send Probes and Rovers to the Mun.